Nov. sweeps - the half way point

Boy, this Sweeps month has been boring. Here's what I want to see:

Nicole and Daniel become much closer, making Eric jealous. He lashes out at them, and in revenge, he tells Maggie and the entire town that Daniel almost slept with Kristen (which he learns from Brady), causing Nicole and Daniel to see his inner ugliness, and reject him--and Daniel becomes the town pariah. However, he and Nicole work their way back together, but she also begins having feelings for Brady.

Kristen comes back, pregnant with Brady's baby, claiming he slept with her when crossfaded...but Theresa begins having memories, puts two-and-two together, the two have a fight, and Kristen miscarries the child. She is arrested for this murder, and Theresa and Brady no longer have ties to each other, but begin to mourn their loss. She seeks comfort in Chad, and the two feel a draw between them. Theresa tries to scheme to break up him and Jordan...who also starts getting close to Brady.

Rafe starts investigation Clyde more, and learns that he and Jeremiah had a hand in EJ's death, and also that Kate brought them to town. He confronts Kate, and she confesses. He tells her to stay away from them, and Kate seeks comfort in Clyde's arms, despite learning that he was behind EJ's death.

The truth about Jill comes out, making Paige ostracize her mother and get closer to JJ. It also makes JJ feel even more guilty that he and Eve made love. But he continues hiding the secret. Eventually, he comes forward to Paige about what happened, angering her, and she breaks up with JJ and disowns her mother, leaving town to go to Stanford. Eve is upset, but eventually meets a newly-returned Stefano. Wanting money and power, she befriends him, and ultimately they develop an unlikely friendship that starts to lead to something more, making Kate jealous.

Melanie comes back, her big secret is that Carly actually ended up hooking up with Bo in Europe. The news spreads to Hope, making her upset, but she continues her relationship with Aiden, realizing they're meant to be together.
Melanie comes back, her big secret is that Carly actually ended up hooking up with Bo in Europe. The news spreads to Hope, making her upset, but she continues her relationship with Aiden, realizing they're meant to be together.

That would give Hope some closure, but it would also make Bo look like an even bigger jerk! If he hasn't been deep undercover, he could have contacted Hope.