Nov. sweeps - the half way point


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Sweeps began the lst day with the departure of Sami, her children, plus Will & daughter, Arianna

Since then, a down in the dumps Eve managed to bed a dejected JJ, her daughter's boyfriend, and is insisting now that he break it off with paige
Chad has successfully pushed Ben's buttons, in his attempt to impress Abby, while romancing Jordan, and apparently conspiring with Kate to take down Stefano
Ben accepted Clydes offer to fund his college, enabling him to get his own apartment, so he & Abby can have some alone time. Except Chad wants him to work on the new south side club.
Kristen got a mad scientist doc to remove Theresa's fetus, and implant it within her aging, non functioning womb, then left town
Brady became completely insufferable in all areas.....with his dad, Theresa, Daniel, Eric,
John recovered from his coma, but then immediately left town, but not before letting marlena know that she & he were going to be together again.
Aiden finally told Hope about his wife, and after some hesitation on both their parts, they consumated their relationship.

This IS a huge SWEEPS does this all come across to you. And what are you hoping happens next.
Now, as for what I'd like to about something original?

JJ tells Paige everything...she & Eve have a big fight, and Paige leaves town. (A story moving quickly would definitely be noteworthy on Days, especially under the current hacks.)

Abby walks into Club TBD unexpectedly and just in time to catch Chad pushing Ben's buttons, but not soon enough to stop Ben from decking him again. She realises they're both creeps and dumps them.

Jordan meets secretly with Jeremiah, gives him a big wad of cash, then she shoots Clyde in the head and Jeremiah disposes of the body. (But the following Friday, she is horrified when Clyde - or someone who looks just like him - shows up at the hospital.)

Jeannie Theresa remembers what happened to her, calls Shane, and he and Steve team up, capture Kristen, and toss her in a dungeon (right after another miracle surgery transplants the misplaced foetus back into Jeannie).

OK, I must be feverish - that would be too much...!
Oh, Jason, you are a stitch....and such a dreamer. But I like the premise of JJ telling Paige everything. In my mind. Paige knows exactly what her mother has been doing to break her & JJ up, and this would be the absolute ultimate betrayal by her mother. The rift would be huge, but she would ultimately feel that her adult mom arranged it, did it on purpose, etc. and would partially forgive JJ.

Oh, yes, bring my Patch back, and that would be a great way. Good for you!

I would like to see Kate be very on to what Chad has been up to....wary of him....and have her ducks already in a row to deal with the "in case Chad is scamming her". I really like Billy Flynn's portrayal of this Chad who plays his cards so close to his chest. One never knows what he is going to do, whose side he is on, BUT THINK he is on Chad's side, and Chad's side only.
I would like to see Kate get what she deserves. Stefano returns to Salem and immediately boots her from Dimera Enterprises. At the same time, Clyde admits to Jordan that Kate brought him back to Salem. Jordan goes off on Kate and Rafe overhears. He finally figures out that Kate has been causing trouble for him and Jordan all along and he tells Kate never to come near him again. Clyde's true colors start to come out as well and Kate realizes he killed EJ so he starts to blackmail her. Kate seeks comfort in the familiar arms of ex-husband Roman.

Hope realizes something is off about Aiden's story and asks Rafe to secretly help her investigate it. They team up. Meanwhile, Hope and Aiden's romance continues to progress. Shawn-Douglas, Belle and Claire return to Salem and Shawn-Douglas does not like Aiden nor does he like his mom dating him. Shawn-Douglas also takes over the Brady Pub while Belle goes to work at Basic Black. Ciara does not like her niece Claire.

John returns from Europe faster than expected and he and Marlena begin the reconciliation process. He eventually moves back in to the penthouse which we also get to see.

Allie returns to Salem to live with Lucas. Seems she didn't adjust well to LA. Aunt Jen also lends a helping hand.

Sick of Eve pestering him everyday, JJ admits the truth to Paige who decides to attend Stanford after all. She disowns Eve and heads out of town early. A devastated Eve follows her daughter to California. Jeannie Theresa decides to go too.

Nicole discovers that she is 4 months pregnant with Eric's baby. She tells Eric her happy news but also tells him he has no obligation to her. After some much needed counseling from Marlena, Eric realizes how awful he has been and begs Nicole for forgiveness. It takes them a while but they eventually reconcile. Around the same time, Nicole also gets a tip that her son Daniel Rafael may be alive. She asks Rafe to investigate.

Chad continues to bring out Ben's temper. Abigail finally convinces him to seek counseling from Marlena. We finally learn why he has such a temper.

Jennifer contacts Steve Johnson as JJ is devastated over losing Paige as well as from reconciling Jack's past. He returns to Salem and counsels his nephew. He also reunites with Joey and continues to serve as a surrogate dad to JJ and Abigail. Kayla does not welcome Steve back to Salem with open arms. But Anne Milbauer does...

Daniel Jonas takes a hiatus from Salem for the rest of November sweeps.
What was the question? I fell asleep after the first two points in the original post:rolleyes:. I will say that I've seen most of these stories already (some with different - read better- actors playing the parts) and the original was much better than what they're now showing (kinda like cheesecake vs. stinky molded cheese).
With EJ dead and his other 2 kids offscreen, I really think it's time for the show to investigate the Daniel Rafael thing. Plus it would give Nicole a child and her and Rafe a storyline and then there is a future Dimera link. Stefano will cause angst for her as well since she has his grandchild.
I too would really like to see this JJ/Eve thing be over as quickly as it began. If only they didn't tape six months in advance they could turn this around.

Anyway, what I would like is for JJ to really try hard to tell Paige and not be able to do it. Paige is worried about him because she sees he's falling apart again and she tries to get Jen's attention but to no avail. So she goes to Daniel, who is also worried because of all that money JJ had--which it turns out is money Eve slipped into his coat because she thought it would ensure his silence--and Daniel thinks maybe JJ is dealing, especially when Paige tells him that JJ was drunk the other night. Daniel confronts JJ, JJ breaks down and confesses all to him, Daniel is supportive but convinces JJ to tell Paige. He goes with JJ to Paige's apartment so that JJ can tell Paige while Daniel confronts Eve--who is talking with Eric and trying to make herself look good.

JJ has a hard time but finally makes his confession to Paige. She is hurt and angry and decides she's going to go to Stanford after all, wants to get away from everybody, is threatening to tell Grandpa Shane all about it, Eve makes a last ditch effort to control her, but fails, and off Paige goes.

Eric too wants nothing to do with Eve, she tries to appeal to him as a former priest, swears revenge on JJ and Daniel for ruining everything, but ultimately when she realizes she has lost she too goes to California to try to salvage her relationship with Paige, and Theresa goes as well, as she now believes that her drinking caused a miscarriage and she wants to turn herself around and would rather go back to her parents.

But soon after she leaves, Shane contacts Brady, telling him that he has a lead on where Brady and Theresa's baby vanished to, and that he's coming to Salem and expects Brady to step up and fight for his unborn child. Shane, Brady and Theresa go off on an adventure together to find the child.
Jason's hilarious commentary about capturing Kristen and transferring the fetus back to Theresa got me to thinking. What if Theresa starts to have memories of what was done to her? And Brady believes her - :rotfl: yeah I know. What then? Would they go on a frantic search for Kristen and the stolen embryo/fetus? If they found her, would they just bide their time and allow her to give birth and then try to have take the baby? This story would've been so much more interesting and fun with Kristen still in Salem pregnant with Brady and Theresa's kid. :rotfl::rotfl:

Imagine everyone wondering just who was the father of Kristen's baby to begin with and Daniel swearing to anyone who'd listen he didn't go all the way. :rotfl:
Kristen's "romp" with Daniel would not have her "that" much pregnant so quickly. If Kristen returns, claiming she has Brady's baby, the only way she could say she got pregnant was Brady was drunk/high and doesn't remember.
That said, why would the writers recycle the Vivian/Kate/Victor stolen embryo story? Do they honestly think that because it was already a fetus, already in a woman, they have "changed" the story? I really wish Corday would pay more attention to the show, put his foot down and learn how to say NO!

As to JJ & Paige, yes, I really wish JJ would straighten up his backbone, stand tall, and summon up the courage to tell Paige that he & her mother had sex. And let's not forget that it was EVE who went after JJ in the first place. Yes, it would be hard, and yes, Paige would be appalled, but Nicole told Aiden...secrets have a habit of coming out in the worst possible way at the worst possible time. Better to tell now.
I think that what should happen with J.J./Eve/Paige, is J.J. tells Paige everything (the one-night stand & Jill). Paige wants nothing to do with Eve, who leaves town. Paige moves in with Jennifer/JJ/Abigail and Jennifer becomes the mother figure/mentor that Paige needs.

John returns and presses charges against Theresa who pleads guilty and is sentenced to life in prison with no parole. Kristen returns in mid 2015 with HER and Brady's baby boy.
I don't think Theresa would get life without parole. She did not murder John, and it was not her intention. She just wanted to stop him, get him away from Brady. Yep, she compounded all of that with her subsequent actions and lies.
What I don't get is that Theresa was allowed to go to Salem, avoiding jail time in L.A. if she got a job, straightened out her life, etc. and was supposed to be under the watchful eyes of Aunt Kayla & Uncle Roman.
But since she arrived in Salem, she got fired from one job, embezzled funds from the hospital, or tried to, took drugs, and alcohol, got a man drunk enough to marry her and not remember, has O.D.'d, skipped work, attempted blackmail.......and yet she is still in Salem, her aunt and uncle evidently turn a blind eye, or else just completely ignore her, not even checking on her after her trouble prone half sister breezes into town.
Despite her history, no one is asking for weekly or random drug tests, despite the fact she works in A HOSPITAL! Odd, very odd.
And no, I don't feel sorry for her. I detest the idea that Kristen could even begin to do what was done, or that the writers would even consider such a bizarre plotline, but Theresa has not showed a single redeeming quality since she arrived.