No sense being shocked!!! (Jenn/JJ/Eve)

I just can't watch this horrible show right now. I took it off my DVR several months ago and it will stay off until the new writer's shows start showing. So sad what they have done to Days.:sick:
Several of you say Jen can't tell JJ what to's none of her business......he's an adult. Really?? Doesn't he still live under her roof? Doesn't she still feed and support him? I'm not a fan of JenJen, but in her shoes I would demand some answers too. Just sayin......
I guess it shows how we all look at things differently. I do think the writers went overboard in writing the concern Jen felt for whatever was bothering her son. She knew he loved Paige, so could not fathom why he was calling it off.
But just remember that Paige was out in CA, told him she was never coming back, and then Eve came back to "pack up a few things", and made her move on JJ. EVE went after JJ. Mrs. Robinson had her way with him. And now he was consumed with guilt over it.
I have sons, have never interfered in any way in their romantic relationships, even in high school. When they broke up, usually did not want to talk about it, never pressed. So.....that part of Jen's obsessing is over the top, to me.
And while JJ is an adult, ...........sorry......he is a very young adult, and definitely has lousy judgement.
Poirot said:
[Eve] made her move on JJ. EVE went after JJ. Mrs. Robinson had her way with him. And now he was consumed with guilt over it.
That move was mutual, as I saw it. JJ stayed there and crabbed Eve because he wanted to. If he has any guilt, it's only that he hurt Paige, and that his mom put the kibosh on his latest romp with Eve. If he was actually "consumed with guilt," he wouldn't have gone back for seconds, and thirds, and....

He was consumed, alright, but not with guilt.
It's not the age at all that bothers me about JJ and Eve. It's the people and their relationship prior to the sex. They hated each other. Eve thought JJ was the lowest and not good enough for her daughter. But this has now developed into almost a relationship.

They have spent the night together, Eve was obviously jealous, JJ went to her before when he was feeling down. I don't know where they are going with it. They didn't have a good start and still don't seem to really like each other so I don't know. I feel so bad for Paige when she finds out. But I guess Liza Colby survived on All My Children. :)

edited to write out text-speak phrase....JS