No sense being shocked!!! (Jenn/JJ/Eve)


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2011
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boynton beach, fl
Jennifer just got what she deserved!! And, of course, do did Eve & JJ!!! So now what happens next??

I wonder if angry sex ever really goes this far? I know that I sound naive, but, I've lived more years that I usually admit to (while hoping for many more) and I have never heard of the relationship Eve & JJ have together. I understand what they're up to, but to keep coming back for more? And it's not that he is showing up at her door because he's truly "enamored" with her...he hates her!! (Or does he?) And, Eve?? She's still the "adult" on board. (or one would have thought so) Poor Paige, she's still a very unworldly girl who happens to have found herself caring for a "nice young guy" and it's like a whirlpool, or should I say a sewer? Can we all wake up now and see that this was just a terrible nightmare?
I'd be rather surprised if Roxanne ever speaks to JJ again after the whirlwind in Hell day spent in Salem with him. :rotfl:
For sure. In fact, after Roxanne tells people at about her bizarre adventures in Salem, it's highly unlikely that any of her fellow students would ever venture there. The campus priests will also be warning students that a trip to Salem is an "occasion of sin." And the athletic department will make sure that one place the Loyola Ramblers sports teams don't ramble to for away games is dear old Salem U.
Well it serves Jenn right for sticking her nose way to far into JJ's private life. She just waltzed right in the room while her son was boinking her enemy. She needs to understand the concept of butting out of her son's sex life. She really doesn't get that it doesn't matter whether she gets why JJ and Paige broke up and her input is not needed or wanted.

edited to replace phrase...JS
Eve was pathetic today but this story seems to have changed a bit because we've now gone from angry sex to Eve has feelings for JJ. Which sadly seem to be mutual.

I stand by my earlier theory that TPTB are writing for this "couple" what fans hoped for EJ and Abigail a year ago.
Eve was pathetic today but this story seems to have changed a bit because we've now gone from angry sex to Eve has feelings for JJ. Which sadly seem to be mutual.

I stand by my earlier theory that TPTB are writing for this "couple" what fans hoped for EJ and Abigail a year ago.

I may be crazy...but I don't believe that this is anything more interest to me and I really wish they'd stop already!! Maybe Eve and Jennifer can fight over JJ in the Town Square? Fair & even wrestling match?? Winner gets the "prize"....JJ! I have followed it so long that it has become "hurry up and get it over with AGAIN!!!!!!" Eve and JJ could also give "lessons". (as you may realize, I am just tired of this ridiculous scenario and still find it difficult to believe that all this crap is going on so long. Must be my Old Bostonian upbringing??"
I've been wondering why Jen was so insistant that JJ and Roxanne would never be in a relationship.

I think Paige and Roxanne are both attractive young women.

Jennifer did not seem as intrusive into her daughter's love life. In the case of JJ, Eve has a history with Jen, and the latter smells a rat. Many people would go the extra mile in defense of their children, but perhaps Jen should dial it down just a little. A plus side to the Eve/JJ love affair should be Eve's permanent departure from Salem. I hope the door doesn't hit her on the way out.
JJ and Eve was disgusting yesterday. JJ needs therapy. You go Jen. Have this sicko mom, tarred and feathered. Hopefully Eve gets the boot, but not before her daughter completely disowns her.:sick: ShaSha
I know I am in the minority, but I don't think it's completely horrible that JJ and Eve are having sex. It is horrible that JJ cheated on his girlfriend with anyone - worse of all someone that Paige trusted. It is also horrible that JJ is having sex with one of his mother's worst enemies and his father's ex-wife. The whole age thing though doesn't matter so much to me. They are both consenting adults. JJ has already stated that he was sexually active prior to being with Eve. So why does it matter if she is 20 or 50? They are both over the age of consent.

So many times I see negative comments on people's age differences for a lot of the couples on Days, but if they are both consenting adults then I don't think it is that terrible. If they were in a real relationship with that kind of age difference it would cause all kinds of problems - such as future children; JJ hasn't even gotten to the age of planning a family and Eve is past the point of being able to have more children. But it doesn't matter in Salem because if they were an actual couple, the writers would break them up in a few months anyway. There are no happy couples allowed on Days of Our Lives.

Also, it's none of Jen's business who her son is seeing. It's crazy that she is stalking JJ. That call to Roxanne and her parents was completely insane.