Nathan's Dilemma

Great job Will!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

What a wonderful ending. I was so glad that Nathan told Cassidy that he is her brother and will remain a part of her life. Thanks for the great story. It makes ya wonder if Nathan had this kind of story on the show if he wouldn't have been let go. :( I wasn't the biggest fan of him but if this story had played out onscreen I would have loved it!

Great story Will. I remembered to wear waterproof mascara in anticipation of your story. I loved every bit of it and look forward to reading more of your stories in the future.
This was an emotional and amazing story...couldnt keep my eyes off of it...Thank you Will1682!
Ok I haven't read the story but when I read the title of the thread.. Nathan's Dilema all I could picture is Nathan sitting there looking puzzled with chocolate in one hand and peanut butter in the other then shoving both in his face.
@SarahBeth: Girl you crack me up sometimes!LOL.I can just picture it,lol.
@Will:Great story!.I really can't wait to read more of your stories.
Thank you so much for the wonderful comments everyone, I truly hope I done the characters justice. Concerning the character of Wes, I worked for a few years at a residential treatment facility for troubled youth and applied alot of what I experienced there to the character in terms of a troubled past. Emotion was my main goal with this story and I hope it showed. My latest semester of college started yesterday, however, I certainly hope to write again in the future. Again, a big thank you to you all for your support.