Melanie & Theresa

And I think you are right, Jason. If Paige had been living in Salem, with a "cousin", surely the Bradys should have known. Kim would have let Caroline/Kayla/Roman know so they could look in on her, check on her, invite her to lunch/dinner, etc. Plus Eve would/should have done the same. Remember when Abe said he "knew Paige's family, they are good people".
And even now.....Eve drags Paige back to CA because Grampa Shane is sick, but doesn't bother about Great-Gramma Caroline at all, right there in Salem, does she?

What has been done to Melanie is a travesty, and right now, it is hard to believe that being back a few months now, no director has advised Melanie to drop the kindergartner persona, the babbling manner of speaking, and act like an adult. Would anyone really want a nurse, who cannot talk coherently, who gets all discombobulated when asked a question, or having to offer an explanation? Bet doctor's love that.
We do know a lot of Theresa's backstory. How many times did her parents split up? When Kim and Shane split and Shane took up with Kayla, didn't Kim leave with Jeannie T? If not, there's still the fact that Kim and Shane divorced at some point while Jeannie T was little and Kim moved to CA.

Kim married a Hollywood type and subsequently got divorced years later. Then her Kim and Shane reunited after Shane and Rafe were imprisoned together. So Theresa (Jeannie T.) has been through her father being gone and feeling abandoned, her parents split and divorce, her mother remarrying and again divorcing and her mother taking back the man who was never there when she was growing up.

So between abandonments and her mother smothering her, there were marriages, divorces and a step-father we know nothing about. I would like them to expand on that. Kim could have been so wrapped up in the Hollywood wife scene she didn't notice Theresa starting to partying out of loneliness.

Kim and the hubby split due to Theresa's wild child ways and Kim smothers Theresa. Then just as things start to normalize, Shane returns and Theresa was a lot less accepting of him than Kim and the antics ticked back up. See, it wouldn't be hard to put that part of her backstory into Theresa's story.
That sounds really great, SarahBeth! I think that's pretty much what might have happened to Theresa. I really believe there are a lot of other issues at play too. I think Kim mentioned once that when Theresa was in high school that she was going out with older men and she didn't approve. I think that could play out into her serious daddy issues since it appears that Theresa was not only abandoned by her father but also by her stepfather.

I also believe that there might be a possibility that she could have been sexually abused too, either by a babysitter or a family friend or maybe by a teacher. Maybe one of the guys she went out with raped her too. Or maybe she could have been bullied too. I think many of those factors could have turned her from a once sweet kid into a bitter, jaded and angry woman. I think the fact that the other day that she said that there was no such thing as true love could be indicative of this too.

Also I think Theresa mentioned that her mother used to warn her that she was going to end up like Eve whenever she got into trouble, and maybe that could have had a huge effect on her to some degree. Maybe she felt that in some capacity that her mother could have been demonizing her by comparing her to her half-sister.

I really wish they would add her parents' history as part of her backstory because it would really help viewers get a good idea on who Theresa is as a person and how she came to be that way.
Well obviously they're doing a good job of having us hate Theresa - but I think for the wrong reasons. I don't really get the comparison with Eve/Theresa. Is it even accurate because I believe that Eve's more messed up than Theresa.
Sadly, we'll never know because that was, at best, a throwaway line the writers chucked at us, and they have clearly demonstrated that they have no interest in fleshing Jeannie T out at all beyond a one-dimensional villainess and roadblock on the true loving path of Brady/Melanie (:sick:). (I guess in that way, Jeannie T and her sister are similar, as Eve was originally a wedge between Shane & Kim.)

OK, I just made myself sick comparing Shane/Kim to Brady/Melanie. I'll be in the shower, then Rew's corner.