Melanie & Theresa

Yeah... whatever chance they might have had of being friends is pretty much gone, especially now with Melanie being heavily involved with Brady. I just don't see how a friendship can work between them anyway. And I tend to like Theresa a lot more than Melanie anyways. In my opinion Theresa is a lot more interesting than Melanie. She just keeps you guessing and you don't know which side of her you're going to get.
I agree that any chance they had of becoming friends is gone, but it would definitely be entertaining. Honestly I'm here for anything other than what we're seeing right now. I want them to become friends and then destroy Brady. And that, my friends, is called a pipe dream. :rotfl:
Melanie and Theresa are basically Sami and Nicole 2.0. In the beginning Sami and Nicole got along and were friends, until Nicole married Lucas over Eric which started the rivalry. Nice replacement so to speak. Theresa being more like Sami and Melanie more like Nicole.
You know Daysdegrassi, I have to agree. I really only compared Theresa to Sami because they are blood related which you know maybe there's a crazy spoiled brat gene in the Brady bloodline. But in the actions yeah, it is opposite. Theresa is similar to Nicole and Melanie to Sami.
I've always had a feeling, even before she left in 2012, that Melanie would be the new Sami if Sami ever left the show.
You know, I have to agree too now that I think about. The most funny thing is that I thought at first Theresa was a lot like Sami but now I think she's more like Nicole. I guess Melanie is a bit like Sami now that I think about it but that just sounds terrible. How can Melanie possibly measure up to Sami?
Tis funny, because BEFORE Melanie returned, and Sami was still on the show, I had read somewhere that Melanie is being brought on to be Sami 2.0, which meant front and center, involved in everything, most stories about her, etc. And I rather scoffed at that idea, and Melanie came back, and voila! She was on everyday, stupidly clutching a purseful of money, blah, blah. Hopefully new writers MAY change that, but...for the next several months, she will be up front.
I used to love Sami, but when they put the crown on her head after that grief boink, she fell by the wayside for me. However, she was much better than Melanie when it came to handling things, in my opinion. and yes, I think Theresa has some of Nicole's characteristics, but Nicole is still a better character.
Yeah, I agree--although I find Melanie more tolerable than Sami (especially post-hate boink), I like Nicole WAY better than Theresa.
Really, Jason? :confused: I don't mean any disrespect, but I thought you hated Theresa. Although I will also admit I find Theresa more tolerable than Melanie in general.
I don't hate Jeannie T despite the writers' best efforts. I feel her story is forced, her backstory makes no sense, and the fetus-theft is ridiculous beyond belief. I don't like that she's having these "baby flashes" and I don't like that she's constantly mean to people who are trying to help her. But it's not the character's fault, it's the lousy writers. The character has some promise, but these bozos' way of making us "like" her is (I am assuming here) having her "magic baby" return. Add to that the fact that she's now the "3rd" in the beloved Melanie/Brady affair, and I cringe when she's on screen. (I'm doing the same for Nicole lately, too. Because I know when she's on, someone will yell at her, or accuse her of something, or bring up something she did 10 years ago.)
Jason, I don't believe Theresa even has a backstory; it's practically nonexistent. I don't like Theresa being mean to people that try to help her either, but I'm just so used to her behavior it really doesn't surprise me anymore. I do concur though that she does show some promise still despite of being thrown through the ringer again and again and that's one of the main reasons why I haven't given up on her entirely. In fact, if I may be so bold, it's a frickin' miracle she's still on canvas at all.

If there is anyone to blame for the butchered characterization of Theresa, it's definitely more so the writers than the actress herself. I believe that Jen Lilley (Theresa) has been carrying her for all of this time and that's why I believe a lot of people are still very much invested in her, myself included.

And personally, even though the fetus theft storyline leaves a lot to be desired, it really doesn't bother me nearly as much as the J.J./Eve affair and Brady/Melanie. And on the plus side, we actually get to see a lot more vulnerability from Theresa than we've ever gotten since she's arrived on the show. Honestly, sometimes I really wonder if the writers want us to feel sorry for Theresa, hate her guts or both. I can't pick heads or tails over it.
The writers screwed up with Jeannie T and Eve for that matter by not better integrating them to the Brady family from the get go. Yes we see Jeannie T with Eric or Caroline occasionally but then we see her sister flirting with Eric. NO! So it kind of negates the good stuff. Same goes for Kim and Kayla. Eve and Paige treat Kayla like a stranger even though she is their step-aunt. Yet Kim is "Grandma". The writing is just not consistent. And I also think both of these characters would have been more rootable had they been better integrated with the family. Bring Kim and Shane back on a recurring basis to make this happen. Bring brother Andrew to Salem--there are plenty of women for him to date.

Instead we get one note characters who have not developed one iota in their time onscreen. Sad.
Yeah, it's very sad Heather. And I have a feeling that it's probably not going to get better under Higley. I believe either Eve and Theresa are most likely going to get canned or backburned heavily. Or both. I just don't see a good future for the Donovan girls.
Jeannie T's backstory is that Shane was gone all the time and Kimberly interfered in her life too much. Not only is it paper-thin, it's also complete baloney because we're talking about KIM and SHANE.

Heather, hear-hear! on the lack of integration into the Brady clan, at least tangentially. I am still of the thought that Paige was a floating character without connections when conceived, and some lamebrain thought to make her Eve's daughter several months in, without really planning the story out.