Melanie and Brady - major snoozefest

I wouldn't have minded Melanie & Brady so much if they didn't already have that sibling-type relationship last time she was on...that, along with the fact that he's her daddy's BFF also, makes it really awkward and strange to see. The age gap is also kind of weird, but not as strange as what I've mentioned above. And then, of course, there's the issue with her lack of maturity.
Yeah, I hear you. But, I try to look past that behavior, because Melanie has been a favorite of mine for a long time. Too many of my other favorites have been ruined as of late...
I agree with this. Melanie's the only reason I'm watching certain scenes and, truth be told, if Molly Burnett (Melanie) left again I'd probably walk away from Days one more time. This is why I'm waiting to see what a new writing team does with all the characters. Maybe the "ruined" characters will be salvaged, who knows?

As for the original question, Melanie and Brady have charisma, but part of me also liked them better as best friends. Jury's still out. Again, it'll be interesting to see what Dena Higley and Josh Griffith do with this story and others.
The thing is.....Melanie & Brady really worked well in their previous relationship. Nearly everyone enjoyed it, applauded it, etc. I can understand the writers perhaps wanting to "test the waters", but ......I really would have preferred they tried to date, kiss, maybe kiss passionately, then burst out laughing because "nope, it just isn't there". And I do mean laugh at themselves.
But, no, they have to quickly jump into bed, have sex scenes that were just too graphic for me, at least, and then constantly babble like kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
I loved the big brother - little sister they had before. This new relationship just has a huge ICK factor for me. It moved too fast from "I'm attracted" to moaning, groaning, and slobbering.

Maybe I could like it if the writers had taken it very very slowly over several months like they do with every other story line.
The thing is.....Melanie & Brady really worked well in their previous relationship. Nearly everyone enjoyed it, applauded it, etc. I can understand the writers perhaps wanting to "test the waters", but ......I really would have preferred they tried to date, kiss, maybe kiss passionately, then burst out laughing because "nope, it just isn't there". And I do mean laugh at themselves.
That reminds me of Friends when Joey and Rachel tried to become a romantic couple and it just didn't work. They laughed, acknowledged they loved one another (as friends) but decided that being a couple just wasn't going to work for them (as it had for Monica and Chandler).
Something about Melanie and the writers just go nuts. Remember that great mentor/mentee relationship she had with Maggie? Well they had to make it "blood related" and we got the eggbaby nonsense. Now her great, natural sibling-esque friendship with Brady has been ruined, too.

I really am glad to see that this couple has some support besides on NBC's official show Twitter, LOL.
That reminds me of Friends when Joey and Rachel tried to become a romantic couple and it just didn't work. They laughed, acknowledged they loved one another (as friends) but decided that being a couple just wasn't going to work for them (as it had for Monica and Chandler).

The same thing happened to Nicole and McScruffy the Christmas before last when they kissed and laughed about it. The writers should have left them as is.
I think TPTB are grasping at straws when it comes to Brady. When he first was aged, he had this sudden forced hatred for Marlena but the story was written well and played out well. Then he slowly fell in love with Chloe while also factoring into storylines with Victor, John and Belle.

Since he was recast, we have this never ending cycle of Brady in inappropriate relationships (except Madison and Nicole) and getting addicted to drugs. Things he never did the first go around. As for him and Melanie. I think it's just another relationship in this cycle. I like them better as friends but if Brady is going to be a big brother to someone, why not have it be his actual sister Belle? I say give the character of Brady a rest for 6 months--have him leave Salem with Melanie, Daniel and Parker close behind. Then in 6 months, he can return to Salem played by Kyle Lowder just in time for Chloe to return. Parker can visit them on occasion.
We can wish for certain actors all we want, but the fact is that when actors have prior commitments, they are unable to jell with the filming schedule and so are unable to take on a role. That is what happened with Charlotte Ross, she was asked, had a long talk with the show, but she had prior commitments. Kyle Lowder has been on the road with musicals for some time now. Matt Ashford was on the road doing "I do, I do" the last time they wanted him back, so had to finish that commitment before he could return. So they did want him back sooner, but had to wait, which they were willing to do. Unfortunately, by the time he was able to return, a change in writers, and we all know what happened.
Kyle Lowder (ex-Brady) was actually most recently rumored to be joining another soap. By most recently, I mean within the last 2-3 months. He hasn't been doing musicals for some time now thought he was doing Rock of Ages in Vegas for a while followed by a show in Philly. So that's why I thought he might be available again.