Melanie and Brady - major snoozefest

Right now, I have no interest in Melanie or Brady separately. Brady is a twit, who can't seem to get his act together for more than a second. Melanie is a giant annoying toddler. Put them together, it's even worse. It's boring, disturbing, not at all entertaining. I wish they both would leave, and take Theresa with them on an endless investigation on Mandrake, I don't care, as long as they're all gone and this baby stealing storyline is gone too.
I agree with TheWriter. First, yes, disturbing because Melanie is several years younger than Brady and described him as a big brother-type figure before. And the dude is BFFS with her daddy! Also, their "lovemaking" scenes were too graphic, and strange, considering they pretty much had grief sex while Sonny was in the hospital, although they didn't seem that sad over him being in there and more or less took the opportunity to "do the do".

It would've made more sense if Brady was paired up again with Nicole, temporarily, or for that matter, Jordan. He hasn't been in an age-appropriate relationship for years, and it makes NO sense.
When they're not making me roll my eyes, they're making my ears bleed with their babbling about nothing, or they're making my stomach turn with their nose-licking and grief boinking. ICK

Also, like TheWriter, I dislike them each individually as well. I say give them "Happily Ever After" and they move to Europe and are never mentioned again.
This couple is awful. I have not been a Brady fan since they recast the character because similar to Eve, it may as well have just been a new character. I'd rather see Brady with Chloe or be single. Chloe doesn't have the chemistry with this Brady that she had with the former one but it's still better than him being with Melanie or Jeannie T.
Melanie is acting even more immature than she did when she found out who her birth parents are. She did mature some during her marriage to Philip and after losing the baby she matured some more. She never acted this way when she was alone with Philip. Those scenes of just the two of them alone together were some of Melanie's best scenes on the show. She hasn't been given anything that good since her return.
Salem couples have no dates. It is either sex.....or a planned date that never happens because of an emergency, argument, or the discovery that one half of the couple has done something of which the other does not approve. Even when they have tickets to a play, concert, etc., never gets used. Dates are "let's go back to, or stay at your place. Of course, having coffee in the Square....and running into each other accidentally, so sipping it at same time.....maybe THAT is a date??

I wonder how the actors feel when they see the dumb babble dialogue. Or do they put the babbling in themselves.
Just an aside.....but we never really had much of an opportunity to see if Chloe and this Brady would jell, have a few sparks. They really never had scenes together....maybe just one. I remember at the time Brady returned to Salem, it was so weird that he did not first go see Chloe, even if they were just divorced. But, writers then evidently did not want to have one.
The writers seem to fail to grasp the fact that to have an interesting couple, you need interesting people. Brady is a dull dolt who has made so many bad choices in life, that if he wasn't related to Victor, he'd be living under a bridge. Former premier party girl and card-counter Melanie is a total airhead whose chief talents are acting like a three-year-old and making snarky remarks to those the in-crowd doesn't like (this means you Jeannie T. and Nicole). Trying to pair these two up is like a chemist trying to combine two inert elements -- there are no sparks, no heat, no nothing.
Brady is never dull and Melanie makes me laugh. These two are meant to be together.:love: ShaSha
I want Brady /Theresa. I prefer it. Melanie McGiggles is not for Brady. They have messed up their friendship forcing them together. :sick:

They seem to want to "Saintify" certain characters like Daniel and Melanie and "vilify" characters like Nicole SO wrong. Just my opinion. Getting off soap box.
Brady is an addict. He trades one for another, whether it is drugs, alcohol, sex, maybe even work. At one time, he & Melanie had a wonderful friendship, the big/brother bestie friend to Mel's lil sis. That is now ruined, just as these writers have purposely, intentionally, ruined every single relationship in Salem, whether it was romantic, friend, or family.
I suppose everyone noted the complete lack of any mention of Valentines, or dates, etc. in Fri. episode. Not a single person.
Brady, in MY opinion, doesn't belong with a babbling 3 yr. old, who turns him into a babbling 10 yr. old.
Sorry, but I've always like the idea of Brady and Melanie being together. I do wish she'd have more of her biting wit like she did a while back (not when she was mean, but after that). The age gap is not a huge deal in my book. We know the writers just don't know how to create storylines that involve happiness, dating, and FUN. I'll take what I can get in this instance, because I will probably be waiting a LONG time if I wait for what I really want to see on the screen.
Yeah, I hear you. But, I try to look past that behavior, because Melanie has been a favorite of mine for a long time. Too many of my other favorites have been ruined as of late...