Letters to Salemites, Part 3

Dear Samanther,

By now you may have heard from the local busybodies that I spent the night with Rafael’s horrid little sister, Gabi. Please be assured that this meant nothing. It was just a ploy to mess with the minds of my foolish brother, Stefan, and the upstart Gabi with whom I am engaged in a deadly struggle for control of DiMera Enterprises. When it comes to luv action, you are still my one and only, and I surely miss our exciting trysts.

Your Loving Smoochy Moochy EJ
Dear Chad,

Enclosed is a new version of your will, which reflects the reappearance of your formerly late wife, Abigail. Your bequests are listed below.

Abigail DiMera — one-third of your estate;
Salem Symphony Orchestra Fund — $50,000;
Smith Island Raccoon Beneficial Trust — $35,000;
Cat Ladies Club of Salem —$10,000;
Mia McCormick (high school girlfriend) — $5,000;
Charles Woods (ex-father) — 50 cents;
Thomas and Charlotte DiMera — the remainder of your estate.

Please contact me with any questions. I’ll get back to you as quickly as the Brady, Xander, and Sarah mess allows.

Justin Kiriakis
Justin.....(Dr. B.!!)...I am still laughing.........PERFECT, especially the bequest to Charlie Woods. LOLOL

Admittedly, am curious about the Cat Ladies Club & the Orchestra........but guess he has his own reasons.
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