Kate's over-the-top reaction over Nick

She got on my nerves more than anyone today. "Is he dead", "Is he dead yet", Is it time to celebrate Geez working on being Queen Evil lol. " What about his contract" etc.
LOL I know I wanted him gone too but geez.

I agree. She was awful. Gloating over a death, no matter who. I'm glad Nick is gone, but I don't think she should have said the things she did with such glee.
LOL, the Kate we know and love.....ha......

Let's be honest....Maggie, Allie and Julie are the only ones who are truly saddened. Possibly Hope, but part of me thinks she was saddened by guilt not as much on the loss itself. Then there are those that were there but weren't wishing him dead - just to go away, don't go away mad, just go away! (Abigail, Ben, Rafe, Will, Lucas, Jordan). JMO.
I felt the way only a couple of you have felt.
Yes everyone wanted Nick gone, but I just found her rudeness a little to over the top, even for Kate.. I guess I would have felt a little bit better about it if they would have written it with her being further away from everyone. (Maybe she and Lucas could have been in that extra hospital waiting room where we've seen so many other scenes.) I've watched Days for almost it's entire run, so I do understand Kate is like that. I understand why she said and felt like that. I just thought they (tptb) went a little to far.

But then again, this is a personal pet peeve of mine.. I think that too many times now people feel free to say or do things that are rude or harmful and don't care who it hurts. We always tell our 3 Kids, "You don't have to like everyone, but you don't need to be rude."