John Black

Well I have walked away for now. I just can't give it my attention at all. And after reading a little about today's show I can see that I am missing absolutely nothing. I'd rather watch reunions of The Waltons. LOL!!
Actually, I think the shows this week were really very good.

@ KathyLu....well, I don't know. Probably coupled with a lot of other folks.....hey, new writers are coming aboard!!! In fact, are already working. Jordan is leaving. And I am betting some others will be departing Salem as well over the next several months. (Hey, one wish at a time, lol)
I have tried to watch it but I finally gave up. I just think the storylines are boring and mundane. I can't stand Eve or JJ or Paige, Nicole, Daniel, the gay guys, etc., etc., etc. So I am waiting for the new writers and hopefully some enjoyable storylines. I miss being excited about Days coming on.
They did the same thing last year with EJ and Abigail. Their best scenes aired right before and right after sweeps.

I think every episode is going to have some degree of filler or "light" stuff which is fine. The issue is too many vets on this show are filler or "light" stuff. The former writers seemed to only write and poorly at that, for a small subset of the cast. I hope that changes.