John and Brady

Mr. Continuity

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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Was I the only one uncomfortable with those John/Brady scenes. Has John learned nothing about how do approach this whole Kristen thing when it comes to Brady. It just seems like the writers have made John come off really doofey as of late.
So, good 'ol' squinty-eyed John comes out once again....less than 5 minutes on screen, disappointed by Brady once more, left holding the bag (so to speak) of a trip together...father and out Kristen and make her pay for her crimes to both men...and Brady turns him down... Bye, bye, Dad... don't bother trying again. What a waste of time...TIIC could simply borrow the scene from one of the last few times and simply use that, thereby saving us from even watching (which is what I attept to do, except I'm still hopeful).
I have no idea what the heck is the matter with the writers, having that kind of dialogue. Of course John & Marlena raised Brady & Belle together.
But just to correct something, when Brady was 19 and came home from college he WAS very definitely very angry with Marlena, and it took a while for him to say why. Seems the family photos that adorned the piano in the apartment did not have a framed photo of HIS mother, Isabella. Honestly, it was very stupid reason back then, but he said he felt they did not want to remember her. Of course he never had mentioned it, just was mad. And Marlena put the framed photo of Isabella on the piano, and all was well thereafter.
I guess, Brady spouting off like that at his father, is a result of writers not doing their research properly, and Eric Martsolf being a replacement Brady.

I don't see how Brady can fault John for being in a hospital in Switzerland for a couple of years, Brady was all grown then. Does he mean that it was Victor who rescued him in Vienna and put him in rehab.......not John? Am clueless. Brady was all gung ho with John after those pension funds disappeared and John was starting up Basic Black anew. ????
I also thought it was weird last week when he said Maggie was a 2nd mother to him. I'm sure he was implying that Isabella is his only mother. I get why he may not call Marlena mom but Marlena is just as much his mother as Isabella was in my opinion. Even Carrie considers Marlena to be her mom and her mom is still around. :rolleyes:
Geez, If the writers won't go back and look at the history, could they at least ask the actors who were on the show at that time "who, what, when, where, and why" ? Another thing is even though they got the history wrong, they have the characters speaking in such a way that they never would. John sounds like a cartoon of the John Black that I know and love. Heck, even Robo-John was better than this junk they're writing.
To me it was a waste of a scene except for probably setting up something that will happen shortly (don't want to put it here since it may still be considered a spoiler even though I think most of us know). For me it was excruciatingly painful to see John just show up out of nowhere and tell Brady let's go, I have a plane waiting we are going to get Kristen for what she did to "both of us".

He wants revenge for this but he couldn't see why Marlena would still not trust Kristen, basically telling her to just get over it, it was in the past. I see no future for John and Marlena any more, the couple has been degraded too far now for a return to their heyday status. John's character is like a stick figure who just pops up every now and then to give Brady a reason to go back to drinking and to Theresa. Lazy writing IMO.
the scene between john & brady was horrible!.. poor excuse for john to even show up after being missing the past month and now all of a sudden he wants brady to just take off with him to go after kristen!
its just horrible writing! cant they come up with anything better than this???????????????i guess not!