Is there no end to the haggery?

There have been huge arguments in front of that nurses' station, with nurses, aides, doctors, etc, all standing around, listening to every word.
Personally, there are employees who are "working" at the nurses' station all the time, and who, in my opinion, do not belong there at all. Ever.
And that includes Jennifer, Anne, Theresa, Abby, and a few others. Also, there are people who have all this access around the nurses' station, and one wonders how they got past guards, etc. They are not visitors to the sick, hospital personnel, candy stripers, or hospital employees/volunteers of any kind.
It wasn't just the smarmy way that Jenn agreed she demanded the files. Her actions spoke loudly as well. When done with Anne she should have went about her business but she stayed at the nurses station fiddling with stuff while she watched and listened to Anne and Serena like some jr high school girl who couldn't get enough. All the while reacting with bugged out eyes, poop eating grins, and silently jiggling like a giggling girl in the bathroom stall overhearing something salacious.

Which is the same thing Theresa and Anne have done in the past. Theresa did it the other day when Anne told Melanie that she would be hired the 12th of NEVER. At the hospital where I once worked, nurses were hired by the Director of Nursing. It would not have been Anne's call. Anne is one of the queens of un-professionalism.

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Which is the same thing Theresa and Anne have done in the past. Theresa did it the other day when Anne told Melanie that she would be hired the 12th of NEVER. At the hospital where I once worked, nurses were hired by the Director of Nursing. It would not have been Anne's call. Anne is one of the queens of un-professionalism.

edited to enlarge font....JS
That is my point. If you read the original post what I am saying is that Jenn doesn't rise above and do her job professionally. Instead she sinks right down to Anne and Theresa's level which makes her just as bad. Jenn's attitude is that of a person of privilege who is better than everyone else because her last name is Horton. Jenn has Anne beaten by miles in unprofessionalism with her shrieking at Daniel about their private lives at the nurses station in front of several hospital employees and her always either leaving early, going in late or not being there at all.

Another example is how Jenn got away with her behavior yet Brady went after Theresa, physically grabbed her and threatened her. Jenn gets away with being the snotty mean girl because her grampy is much loved and rightfully remembered with complete respect.
Jen's actions and words are the result of foolish writers and directors, and while I have abhored her antics against Daniel, her jumping to conclusions, putting words in his mouth, etc. Jennifer is not alone in neglecting her job, so many Salemites do so, it is a wonder they actually make any money.
Even Sonny, with Club TBD is rarely there, or if he is, he is not working.

Jen said nothing to Anne except that she was returning the files. Anne was insulting, Jen did not take the bait. She smiled, gave the files, and walked away. I really don't see that scene as "sinking to their level" , but that is just me. To each their own.
That is what I think......about Anne. While I truly love the character, I do.....she should/would have been fired long ago. insubordination, failure to relate to others in an acceptable manner.......and so much more. I really want her to get taken down a peg by Seth Burns.

Yes, anywhere else, Anne would have been fired.

So would Abigail.

And Jennifer.

And Jeannie T.

And Daniel.

And Lexie. And Nathan. And Melanie. And...
I'd agree that Ms. Perfect is the new Queen Hag. Other women who earned the title of hag are by now largely part of the over-the-hill gang. Carly the Bo-stealing hag has permanently decamped to Europe; Carrie "Princess Hag" Reed, who panted with lust over Rafe, resigned herself to marriage with dopey Austin and fled back to Zurich; and Jenny, the Archduchess of Haggery, has apparently struck out with Dr. McScruffy and has no prospects in sight. In contrast, Abigail has made moves on Austin and Cameron, and then shared lustful moments with the DiMera brothers before moving on to hot-tempered Ben. Who's next -- Rory, T, Justin, Jeremiah, or John Black?? In fact, no man in Salem is safe from the seductive wiles of Jen Jen's daughter.