Is there no end to the haggery?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Once again..... It does not matter if the person you are talking to is rotten. When you lower yourself to the level of the rotten person and are rude, smug, snobby and catty, then you are a rotten person as well.

Alice would have some choice words for Jennifer Stinkweed Horton and her superior attitude. Good grief, our sweet Alice would tell Jenn to stop it with the attitude. And she would have a few words for Serena as well. Will the writers ever realize that the good guy in the story needs to be a nice person who rises above and can handle situations without acting like a rotten and bitter witch as Jenn, The Archduchess of Haggery does.

And my other gripe is the way Melanie (and everyone) blames Theresa for Brady's drug and alcohol abuse. Brady is a big boy and he made all of his decisions for himself. Addicts have to accept sole responsibility for their own bad decisions. If Theresa wouldn't have been the one Brady partied with, he would have found someone else to get loaded with and boink.
While I have disliked and complained about Jennifer's shrewish behavior and conversation, I cannot agree that she is at fault here. First off, she overheard all the disparaging comments made by both Anne & Theresa. Next, she was being very nice and sweet while Anne was being the shrew, and making the nasty comments.
Anne was being even worse to Serena, whom she had never met. What would her gripe agains Serena be? She did not know her at all, and if Anne wanted to be upset over not being notified, why would she aim it at Serena? Why not call whoever ordered the office, explain she had no idea about this, only has the basement office available, what do they suggest.
So, o.k. I think Anne was being very unreasonable......and I do like Anne.
Back to Jen.......she did not cause a scene...she corrected herself when Anne snarkily said "you did not borrow these files, you demanded them". A few months ago there would have been a nasty shouting match, but not this time.
I am surprised Anne has not been reported to the bosses.
A.Guy.......I really hope not. There is not a spark of anything to be seen between Jen & Dan. Just because she was being civil doesn't mean a thing. Sorry, I did not care for them from Day 1, and they have never ever been able to make me even slightly smile when together.
I agree SarahBeth, and to answer the thread-title question, NO. Jennifer is our "hero" and no matter how wrong she is, she is right.

Anne is being written as a petty villainess, like a low-level lackey. Her characterisation makes The Three Stooges look 3-dimensional. (That said, I do love Anne, but I hate how she is being used to make other characters look shiny. Silly.)
That is what I think......about Anne. While I truly love the character, I do.....she should/would have been fired long ago. insubordination, failure to relate to others in an acceptable manner.......and so much more. I really want her to get taken down a peg by Seth Burns.
I agree SarahBeth, and to answer the thread-title question, NO. Jennifer is our "hero" and no matter how wrong she is, she is right. Anne is being written as a petty villainess, like a low-level lackey. Her characterisation makes The Three Stooges look 3-dimensional. (That said, I do love Anne, but I hate how she is being used to make other characters look shiny. Silly.)
Good point. Anne is being sacrificed on the altar of Daniel and Jennifer worship. The Serena-Anne scene would have been so much better if Anne had graciously fixed her up with a great office, causing Serena to tell Ms. Priss what a nice woman Anne is. The sight of Prissy Jenny gagging on that remark would have been worth the price of admission.
I don't think Jennifer did anything wrong today. I agree with everything Poirot said. Anne has been awful to Jennifer and those close to her, including Daniel, since Day 1. Anne is lucky that Jennifer hasn't rightfully gotten her fired. In my opinion, Jeannie stealing the money should have been grounds for immediate dismissal from the hospital. Once Anne rehired her, Jennifer should have reported that to the Board and to Anne's boss immediately.
It wasn't just the smarmy way that Jenn agreed she demanded the files. Her actions spoke loudly as well. When done with Anne she should have went about her business but she stayed at the nurses station fiddling with stuff while she watched and listened to Anne and Serena like some jr high school girl who couldn't get enough. All the while reacting with bugged out eyes, poop eating grins, and silently jiggling like a giggling girl in the bathroom stall overhearing something salacious.

Then as soon as Anne is gone, going up to Serena and patting her on the back for returning unprofessional snottiness and telling her they will be great friends due to mutual hate for someone. I'm gonna root for Jenn to be the interloper in Eric and Serena's relationship.
Gee, SarahBeth, one would think you really dislike the character of Jennifer a lot, lol. :wink:

Don't agree at all, but we all don't always see events the same way. Good for Jennifer for NOT causing any kind of scene, & maintaining her cool. Shame on Anne for treating a new person so badly, AND for creating a scene. And good for Serena for showing she has a backbone, and not letting anyone take advantage of her.
I agree 100%, SarahBeth. This was my take on these interactions as well. And as far as Eric and Serena...well...meh. Eric could vanish tomorrow and it would take me a while to notice, and I wouldn't miss him afterward. It will be interesting to see if Serena makes him any more interesting. If nothing else, I hope her presence makes Nicole realize how 'over' Eric she is when the dust settles.
Gee, SarahBeth, one would think you really dislike the character of Jennifer a lot, lol. :wink:

Don't agree at all, but we all don't always see events the same way. Good for Jennifer for NOT causing any kind of scene, & maintaining her cool. Shame on Anne for treating a new person so badly, AND for creating a scene. And good for Serena for showing she has a backbone, and not letting anyone take advantage of her.

Yep I can't stand Jenn. :wink: I used to love her but she is not even a shell of who she once was. Causing a scene isn't required to show that someone is being a snot. Yesterday's episode could have been called "The Snots of Salem". Except Nicole, of course.
I do agree about that, SarahBeth. The scenes, while kind of fun for a soap (for a soap only) reflect a very disturbing and somewhat sexist image of women in the workplace. As if every woman out there was a shrew. Yes, I'm sure there are women like Anne and Theresa, and like Jennifer (who rarely works and has been given a position strictly because of her name), as there are men who are also back stabbers. But in Days, it appears only women (Kate, Sami before she left, Jennifer, Abigail, who got her job, again, because of her name and now is more preoccupied with sleeping with men than with her work), Anne, Theresa, Melanie, and now, probably Serena... give her time, she'll probably join the shrew team, especially with Nicole, etc.) are total shrews at work (I think the right word would start with a "b", but since I hate that word, I won't use it) . Aside from Chad and Clyde, and the shady businessmen, the guys (Brady, even when high or drunk, Daniel, Sonny, Victor) are being portrayed as either heroes, or shrewd businessmen. Rarely do we seen these men interact with other men in meaningless banter/cat fights. That infuriates me !

Anyway, I went off topic. Sorry. To get back on the subject of Jennifer, I'm kind of in-between you and Poirot, Sarah Beth. Though as far as hating Jennifer, I'm pretty much with you.

The thing is, all these women yesterday acted like brats. Anne, of course, who keeps throwing around her imaginary power, going on these fake power trips that only make her look like a fool. Theresa, for making snide comments about everyone, and for making everyone's life a misery. And yes, Jennifer, for not keeping her relations with these harpies at their minimum. She should just avoid them, period, and not answer anything back. Either that, or take it up to higher instances (though this Seth Burns seems to be one of the few incompetent men in Salem, aside from the officers of the Salem PD). But of course, that would not be worthy of a soap, would it ? :rolleyes: And, while yesterday's Jennifer wasn't nearly as bad as the Jen Jen we've been seeing for a while, it's true that she should have left, and not stick around for the show. It really was not any of her business. Then again, since everyone in the hospital seems to conduct their business at the nurses' station, no wonder everyone has their nose in everyone's business. :rolleyes:

All this to say, aside from Nicole, who's the town pariah, and who gets treated really bad, especially by other women like Marlena, Hope, Jennifer, etc., yesterday's seemed to focus around, not women, but school girls à la "mean girls" or all these teenagers movies portraying girls as... again, think of the "b" word.