Is Rafe in cahoots with Sami and Kate?

Is Rafe in cahoots with Sami and Kate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • No

    Votes: 31 73.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm leaning no but I'm hoping yes. I'd have voted undecided, but there's no option for it. It would certainly be juicier if they are in cahoots!

I am quick to agree with the idea that it's somewhat laughable that the Phoenix could be brought down by Kate/Sami with an assist from an unwitting EJ...but if it gets the DiMeras gone, I'm for it.
I voted "no," though there are convincing arguments on both sides.

As others have stated, Sami was really over the top with her treatment of Rafe, as if she had to go that far to convince EJ she was totally innocent and in shock.

On the other hand, who knows if Rafe has been secretly gathering evidence against EJ, since we rarely see him, nor anyone else, working in Salem. His mission in life is pretty much to take down the DiMeras, so if he was in on this, I would not be that surprised.

But if I absolutely had to lay down a bet, I'd be more inclined to say he was not in on this.

Okay, so who do I have to pay, in Monopoly money, if I'm wrong? :)
The thing is, I'm sure by now, Rafe cares little about Sami's rants, nor does he take them personally, as was evident when he told Sami when she came stomping into the holding area "Well, just to be clear, I don't give a damn about you, or him, or your special day". :rotfl:

I thought it was a little strange that Sami was being so harsh to Rafe, but Rafe saying this was the exact moment when I wondered if somehow Rafe was in on at least part of the plan. I really didn't expect HIM to say that to HER... thought I can also see if he just had enough in that moment. I really have no idea!
I said no only because I feel like this regime doesn't exactly give two you - know - what's about Rafe. Look at how out of the loop he was re: the Nick river fiasco. Did he ever even find out about Nick attempting to rape Gabi? I don't think he did, and perhaps it doesn't matter anymore since Nick is dead and Gabi is gone, but he still does not know about all that and probably never will. So I say he has no clue what's going on with Sami and her revenge on EJ but is happily going along with things because he wants to nail EJ.
I think the guy's name was Hodge or Hodges...something like that.

I voted no, because I just don't think the writers would have him do anything useful. I'm shocked he arrested EJ at all since the only thing he's done for months is get coffee with Jordan before shagging her in bed. It certainly would be a great twist if they were in cahoots. I could be wrong-never saw the Kate/Sami twist coming.