Is Rafe in cahoots with Sami and Kate?

Is Rafe in cahoots with Sami and Kate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • No

    Votes: 31 73.8%

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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
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When Sami was so mean to Rafe today, I wondered if he was in on "the plan." When Heather (in another thread) wondered the same thing, I knew I wasn't the only one to think that. Wow, that would be a hoot! I know Sami was way over the top with what she said to Rafe, but Sami is always over the top about everything.

Is Rafe in cahoots with Sami and Kate?
Am undecided. I wondered what the heck Sami was doing out and about on her wedding morning, when she should have been getting ready.....but then, heck, Lucas waited until then to buy Allie shoes. LOL
She could have met with Rafe to fill him in. But Rafe seemed genuinely surprised when the agent brought in the files on EJ.

I do agree that Sami has never treated Rafe this way, but she does know how EJ feels about Rafe so may have said all that to avoid any jealous reaction on EJ's part.

Come to think of it, perhaps Sami did not want any of her family at her wedding because they would suspect something amiss when she is so gushingly sweet to others, including EJ, and then so over the top furious at Rafe. Hodges is the agent bringing the charges, but she had nothing for him. LOL
I voted yes because of other's comments about Sami's over the top reaction to rafe, scenes they've recently had, etc. I had actually never even thought about Rafe being in on it, to be honest. And Sami knows just how much Rafe despises EJ.

BUT.....I also agree with the comment that this has been Sami and Kate all along and would actually be nice if it was the two of them bringing down the Dimera's.

30 years of trying to bring down the Dimera's with people like John, Marlena, Patch, Jack, Jennifer, Roman, and the rest of Salem and a twit like Sami is capable of doing this????? Doesn't make sense.

So I guess I'm undecided but voted yes.
I say Yes as Sami was a bit too over the top with Rafe today. She would never call him names like she did.

Yes, Sami would definitely say things like that to Rafe. Flashback to Nick and Gabi's wedding that didn't happen and days afterwards Sami and Rafe meeting up in the church and Sami rubbing it in Rafe's face that she and EJ were back together and how great a lover EJ was.
The thing is, I'm sure by now, Rafe cares little about Sami's rants, nor does he take them personally, as was evident when he told Sami when she came stomping into the holding area "Well, just to be clear, I don't give a damn about you, or him, or your special day". :rotfl:
I say no. Sami only cares about Sami and will hurt or use anyone she needs to. Even if she apologizes later, I hope Rafe tells her he never wants to see her again. She did not need to get so down right vicious to him.

But she had to make it look good to EJ so her plan will work. If she'd have been mild mannered and just said "Rafe's just doing his job, but it'll be OK, honey" to EJ, he'd have definitely known something was up with her.
Yes of course, but she didn't need to say things like "I know you both better than anyone, and you aren't half the man EJ is". Saying things like Rafe was just jealous, that he was an SOB, etc would of been enough. There is a difference between playing the part of the plan and being down right cruel.
Sami had to play the meltdown to the hilt because EJ sees her as one who goes completely ballistic when she has been "wronged". EJ has seen her meltdowns and knows what to expect. It was all part of the ruse. Even Rafe would have expected something was amiss if Sami didn't lose it over her wedding going to the crapper.

Will would have had Sami psychologically evaluated if she didn't go nuts on Rafe. And I think Sami enjoyed destroying the bouquet. I gotta say Alison Sweeney (Sami) is doing a great job with this.
I was wondering also, in the words of Roman Brady, "what the hell?" It will make me feel better about Sami if Rafe is indeed in on all of the current ruse Sami is trying to put over. I was worried for a bit there that she was going to have EJ arrested in front of the children. No matter how mad she may be at EJ, I thought she at least still cared about their children.
I've been thinking this for awhile now....When Sami was yelling at Rafe the look on her face was more I'm sorry for this almost crying, and Rafe also had a strange look on his face, not mad, just let this be over, we have to do this to make it look good. Sami saved Rafe life so she would never treat him this way!
No. Sami would have been mean to anyone stopping her wedding, no matter who it would have been.

As far as the family goes, I think she didn't care if they were there because she herself didn't care about the proceedings; but on the other hand, they all would have known something was off, be it with her, the arrest. Lucas suspected.
To clarify my earlier statement, I think Rafe is in on the whole "arrest EJ" piece but he may or may not know the full extent of Sami and Kate's plans. That would work too. That or he may have just figured out on his own that Sami is behind all of this and not Stefano.

I think we will be treated to another flashback from Roman's office the morning of the wedding where we see Sami and Rafe conspiring together before he walks out.