In a Salem custody battle who should get Baby Donovan-Black?

in a Salem Custody Battle who should get Baby Donovan-Black

  • Brady, the Dad

    Votes: 16 61.5%
  • Theresa, the Mom

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Victor, the Great Grandfather

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John, the Grandfather

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Nicole just because...

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • other, who and why

    Votes: 5 19.2%

  • Total voters
I think they should get shared custody, with equal 50/50 split time.

I have to totally disagree. That baby should not be passed back and forth at such a young age. And if Brady plays the "at the mansion" he will get this, this and that then Little Lord Dumbutt and his bankroll can provide that wherever the baby is. The irony will be that Brady and his mansion groupies will all say that Theresa only wants Brady for the things he can give her and the baby but they will totally use the things he can give her and the baby as weapons to control her and get what they want for Brady. Brady will sit there being a dumbutt and not see any of that.
While Theresa did say to Eve right now was all about the baby, you can clearly see the wheels turning in her head when it comes to Brady. And she flat-out admitted her whole gushing-over-Melanie at the hospital was all an act.

The wheels in Theresa's head haven't had more than a mere moment to turn. She just found out she has a baby. Sure Melanie was the one to figure it out but it sure as heck wasn't for Theresa. Melanie has been every bit as vile to Theresa and Theresa was to her. So I get that the gush wasn't wholehearted.

Theresa has real feelings for Brady even though he's a dumbutt. And like she said to Eve, they were robbed of the pregnancy time to try work things out. Why wouldn't she want what they could have had or at least the chance to have tried. Instead Brady was all up Melanie's butt when he could have at least tried to work out a good relationship with the mother of his child while being involved in the pregnancy.

Again nobody in the K-Mansion crew is going to recognize or care about that. I would love it if tptb gave Eric the story of being the family member who truly listened to Theresa and gave good counsel.
In one breath, you're saying Theresa hasn't had but a "mere moment" for the wheels to turn in her head. But then you say that Brady was immediately up "Melanie's butt" instead of trying to work out a good relationship with Theresa. They both had the same amount of time (or lack thereof) to digest this whole situation. If Theresa only had a "mere moment" for the wheels to turn, then Brady also had only a "mere moment" and he went to his girlfriend (instead of working on a good relationship with Theresa, as you suggested).

Theresa is clearly thinking ahead in regard to her, Brady and Melanie. You can see it in her face.
No that's not what I said at all. I was saying if Theresa had carried the baby then she and Brady could have spent that time trying to work out their relationship. But since Brady felt she at the worst lied about being pregnant or was at least fooling herself that she was then the pregnancy time they could have spent working things out was spent with Brady sticking his nose up Melanie's butt.
Theresa has listened to no one, including Eric, all this time. I will say that Theresa did not seem hooked on drugs or alcohol the same way Brady was. But she was always eager to supply him with whatever it was he wanted at the moment, including marrying her. I don't know how much Theresa was "using" back in L.A. but she got in enough trouble there to get arrested and before a judge. She was supposed to be jailed, so it was pretty serious. The first thing she did upon arriving in Salem....not seeing Uncle Roman or Aunt Kayla who sponsored her, got her a job, etc. Nope, she was out in the square, looking for a hook up for pot. Sex, too.Brady had already been deep in drug trouble in Europe, spent his time in rehab, and has fallen off the wagon, eagerly aided by Theresa.
"Robbed of pregnancy time".??? Is this what is a woman who cannot have children would say? Is this what she would say to a surrogate who perhaps carried her baby for her?

I really was very grateful for the "help" from family. They cleaned my house, made a few meals, cooed over the baby. And I was even more grateful when I had more babies, rather quickly. Theresa has one baby to care for, and if Ari is any indication on this show. lots and lots of nap time is in the future.
But according to you, they only had a "mere moment", so when was Brady supposed to have had the time to "work things out" with Theresa?
Once again I was talking about the 9 months of pregnancy that Theresa should have had. That was the time they were robbed of that could have been spent working things out. But since Theresa didn't have a 9 month pregnancy so everyone thought there was no baby and Brady was off pursuing Melanie. Instead Brady is in a relationship with someone else whom he may not have even pursued had he known he had a baby on the way which would have been a bigger priority.
Everyone was duped (thanks to Kristen) about the pregnancy, so I don't see why Brady should be blamed, for some reason, for dating Melanie? I don't care for their relationship, but he had every right to move on since he didn't know he had a child AND was tired of Theresa's lies. He might have pursued Melanie anyways even if he DID know he had a child: why should he stay with the woman who almost killed his father and made Brady think he was responsible for it?
Once again I was talking about the 9 months of pregnancy that Theresa should have had. That was the time they were robbed of that could have been spent working things out. But since Theresa didn't have a 9 month pregnancy so everyone thought there was no baby and Brady was off pursuing Melanie. Instead Brady is in a relationship with someone else whom he may not have even pursued had he known he had a baby on the way which would have been a bigger priority.
You're giving me whiplash the way you keep bouncing back and forth on what you're saying!

Either way, the baby is here, they are dealing with his arrival and his upcoming procedure. I predict in the future, we will see Theresa using the baby to try to drive a wedge between Brady and Melanie.
Absolutely, and it is already happening. And I definitely agree that Brady & Theresa were over, completely. Brady had moved on, and would have even if Theresa had carried the pregnancy herself for entire time. I think he would have been responsible about it, but he would not have left Melanie to be with Theresa. Just does not work.
You're giving me whiplash the way you keep bouncing back and forth on what you're saying!

Either way, the baby is here, they are dealing with his arrival and his upcoming procedure. I predict in the future, we will see Theresa using the baby to try to drive a wedge between Brady and Melanie.

Ugh. I had a clarified post typed out and the frigging power went out. I'm not bouncing anywhere. The "mere moment" I mentioned was since they found the baby Theresa hadn't had time for her wheels to spin just as Brady hasn't had time to think about anything either. So it was two separate topics that I separated in different paragraphs so they wouldn't get confusing.

Also when I say "work things out" I don't mean repair themselves as a couple only. I mean to come to an understanding that whether together or apart as a couple they parent in a united way.
Theresa and Brady are pretty even. Yea, Brady has influence with being a Kirakis, but Theresa would have Eve's help who brought down the Deveraux clan in a sense. They both have drug history on their raps. Theresa is basically Chloe 2.0 in 2008 when she was living with Kmansion after Brady was out on drug binge still married to him.
I wouldn't put Jeannie Theresa and Chloe in the same sentence ever. Incomparable! Chloe was the only one who was the true love of Brady's life and TPTB messed that up big time when Kyle Lowder (ex-Brady) left the role.

I voted for John only because I want to see him and Marlena have more screen time. But I agree with JS and Poirot that what will likely happen is Jeannie T will move into the KMansion at Brady's request. That will also open up her apartment for another character to live in. Perhaps Abigail or Lucas.

And the wheels were spinning in Jeannie T's head as soon as she saw Brady and Melanie hugging at the hospital. She knows exactly what she is doing.

I also think we are going to get a parallel storyline with Arianna's custody because TIIC like to do two-fers.
And then, we have John getting to know his new found son, who is an adult.

Just an aside, I know it is typical soap stuff, but I do truly dislike all the previously unknown, grown children who suddenly appear in Salemites' lives. Chelsea, Rex, Cassie, Melanie, Paul, Chad, Lexie, Bo (to Victor), Jack & Patch (to Adrienne & Jo) is just so overdone.
I dislike it more when it's contrived as I feel it is with John and Paul right now. At least with Bo/Victor, Chelsea/Bo, etc. there was a history in place that made sense. Well sort of. Some of these appearances are just way out of left field (Cassie/Rex).

I'd much rather Nicole figure out Stefano and EJ had been holding Daniel Rafael captive all this time.
I think as of right now, Theresa and Brady should share legal custody. Aside from their sordid pasts, as of right now, none of them has done anything definitive to have them be declared unfit parents. And in case anyone is concerned about Theresa using drugs/alcohol, I don't think that would be a big problem.

That day in the park Theresa told Brady that she could take it or leave it when it came to drugs, and of course with Mandrake pumping drugs into her we could honestly see she has an unusually high tolerance to drugs. Of course she has a big love for alcohol but that's another story. And even though she's definitely a witch on wheels, I think it's not relevant to her mothering skills. I think her biggest issues other than her belligerent personality are lack of family support and her irresponsible and impulsive behavior, (that could apply to Brady too but whatever). But so far she has shown nothing but concern and love for her child and she has acted within the reasonable line of competency of being a parent. If scheming to win back Brady makes her a horrible parent, then I guess that logic should apply to Sami, Kate and pretty much every woman who was either a schemer or has schemed to win back their love interest in the history of soaps.

I guess it's a good sign that at least Theresa wants Brady, Caroline and to an extent, Eve, around her kid. For some reason it kind of bugs me about how she doesn't want people around her kid because she's going to need all the help she can possibly get and she has no idea on how to be a good parent. On the other hand she has only had the kid for like two days or something so I guess it's reasonable she needs to spend as much time as possible with her son without any excessive hovering.

Frankly I would be more worried about Brady falling back on drugs and alcohol than anything else because he has a proven history of tending to crack under pressure and using again when things get too tough, and fatherhood is a huge life-changing experience. If Brady relapses again, he will risk the chance of him losing custody of his son to either Theresa or to the foster care system. And of course there's Victor who's already deemed Theresa an unfit parent and judging by what has transpired with Philip/Belle/Shawn D. it's safe to say that he's not above using his own means to make Theresa look bad in court just so Brady can have the kid.

That aside, I definitely agree too that there needs to be a legal third party involved to assist Theresa and Brady when it comes to the welfare of the child.
If I'm honest I don't want Theresa to change too much. I can see her being all mama bear about her baby and still not giving a toss what anyone else in Salem thinks of her.