In a Salem custody battle who should get Baby Donovan-Black?

in a Salem Custody Battle who should get Baby Donovan-Black

  • Brady, the Dad

    Votes: 16 61.5%
  • Theresa, the Mom

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Victor, the Great Grandfather

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John, the Grandfather

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Nicole just because...

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • other, who and why

    Votes: 5 19.2%

  • Total voters
I do think there will be shared custody, and because it is Victor, Theresa will move into the Kmansion, different quarters, near the baby.

If someone wants to claim "unfit" to raise, they would have to have "now" evidence. And though Theresa has done things in the past, currently, there would not be anything to say she would not be fit.
So....if she begins to miss her night life, drinks on the job, etc. etc. then someone else might get custody.
And currently, same goes for Brady. He is clean, sober, resists temptation, lives in an environment with plenty of caring relatives.
Brady. A lot of you have been very critical of him, and I admit he has been a hot mess, but I feel that the reality of having a son, his own flesh and blood to care for love and be responsible for is exactly what has been missing in his tumultuous young life. It should be extremely apparent to all that Theresa's agenda is to use the child to either snag Brady or make his life miserable with custody battles and bartering for what ever she wants from suckers that falls for her crap

She has a job and should not be judged for her past mistakes. She deserves an opportunity to be a mother unless she is deemed unfit by the courts.

I also think that she should immediately lawyer up and let the legal system decide what amount of custody and rights each parent should have instead of her being bullied by the Kiriakis or Black family.

She deserves a chance just as much as Brady might but I think her trouble with the legal system is much less of a problem than Brady constantly falling off the wagon. She is not in trouble for the drugs and drinking she does/did now but Brady has a known history and seems much less stable in my opinion.
Theresa has turned her life around in the same amount of time of learning she had a baby. I have seen her do nothing but care for and about the baby. So she does not really like Melanie. At least she is being grateful instead of hateful.

Give the woman a chance please.

(This post is not directed at anyone directly, I am just fighting for Theresa)
Daysdegrassi said:
[Brady] really tuned his life around, especially after learning about having a son.
And that's been, how long, about five minutes? Brady has turned his life around so often that he has to be dizzy. I agree with Barb that Theresa will move into the Kiriakis home and will share custody with Brady. That way, she will be able to come between Brady and Melanie.
Failing acceptable loving foster/adoptive parents, who don't seem to exist in Salem (or, sadly, soaps in general), I'd say Nicole, just because she NEEDS more screentime away from that scruffy fool, and the only reason these hacks killed her last baby at the 11th hour was to keep her from EJ's orbit so they could focus on the wretched "golden" couple.
Theresa has turned her life around in the same amount of time of learning she had a baby. I have seen her do nothing but care for and about the baby. So she does not really like Melanie. At least she is being grateful instead of hateful.

Give the woman a chance please.

(This post is not directed at anyone directly, I am just fighting for Theresa)
I agree with this.

Plus Brady is an equally messed up human being. Victor is an 80+ year old man, why would a judge give him a newborn baby? Are you suggesting Nicole as a foster parent? That would be interesting but she's got issues too.

The baby is a Brady (as well as being Brady's) and I just can't see the extended Brady family letting Victor waltz in and start demanding that the baby get handed over to nannies at the K-mansion.
She's only had the baby like 48 hours? The day she got the baby they got on the plane, the next day they got to the hospital, and its the morning of the next day. So she's had him 2 and a half days, and so far she's been pretty attentive to him, picking him up, cooing at him etc. She left the hospital once to get food at the insistence of the baby's father. I'm willing to give her a bit more time that that before judging... I'd like to see her actually take the baby home from hospital first.

I don't doubt she'll use the baby to drive a wedge between Brady and Melanie, but I don't think that necessarily equals neglect or bad parenting. She may end up being loving, attentive and protective and still want Melanie out of the way.
Yeah, like no other mother on this show before has used her kid to snag a man :sarcasm: . Until Theresa actually does something to harm that baby, I say give her a chance.

I also voted for Brady, because I think Brady and Theresa needs to share custody of the baby. Since both of them have been irresponsible in the past, they both deserve a chance to raise their child together. However, they need to make decisions together. I also think someone impartial should oversee their care of the baby, someone like Aiden as an attorney, as the Blacks and the Kiriakis' would bully Theresa into what they want, and I am not clear if the Bradys on screen would back Theresa up.
I think Theresa and Brady should share custody.

I have a feeling, though, this is going to be a total rehash of Sami with baby Will. I can see Theresa (who legitimately loves the child) using the baby as a way to get Brady or to get back at Brady. Same as Sami used Will to drive a wedge between Austin and Carrie, to snag Austin for herself, and later used him in schemes against Lucas.
Oh, Theresa definitely loves her baby. I doubt anyone would deny that. But Theresa really has not had to care for that baby yet. Heck, had to be a long plane ride, wonder if she had milk or diapers (o.k. yes, she probably did)
But really, turn over a new leaf? What has been Theresa's interaction with other people? Snide, snarky, nasty, running off at the mouth as usual, interjecting into conversations when she doesn't even know what is going on. As to being nice to Melanie, she already indicated to Eve it was all an act. The eavesdropping on Brady & Melanie (when she was supposed to be getting things in order for the procedure) showed exactly that.
Let me just add this. Does Eve love her daughter. Obviously she does, a great deal. Is she a good parent to her?? How about Kate? She supposedly loves her children, and yet, is what she does for them really "good parenting"?
I said 'other'...I'm going to say let Stefano raise him as a consolation for losing Kristen and nearly all of his other kids. He's such a wonderful father! :sarcasm:

Honestly, this story line is so far beyond dumb I just can't. Can't.
Can we change the baby's DNA so that somehow Nicole and Rafe are his parents instead of the town drunks?

Although I don't see how Theresa scheming to get a man makes her an unfit mother compared to Brady "falls of the wagon when things don't go his way" Black.
I'm gonna say Theresa over Brady. We haven't seen her take drugs since the night she clocked John. While both can be forgiven for their prior drug use it's Brady who has been forced into rehab, fallen off the wagon severely, and just like Theresa said she didn't need the AA (she hasn't used drugs for a good amount of time and has been able to do that by her own choice not needing to go to meetings) but Brady clearly needs it to hold on to not backslide.

Theresa told Eve flat out right now was about the baby and not getting back with Brady. Sure that could very well change. But what I see as the thing that will push Theresa over the edge is all the people that will insert themselves into the situation and try and control things which is why she didn't want Kim running there. I totally get that. When I had my babies I wanted the visits from family and friends to be short. Sure, come for an hour or so but then leave. I would have pulled my hair out if anyone wanted to come stay to "help" for any length of time.

If Brady does get Victor to extend the offer of living at the mansion Theresa will probably fail to see that it's the stupidest thing she could do. That will guarantee Victor, Naggie, Brady and Melanie to have to many opportunities to butt in, overwhelm, take over and make demands. Also if they drive her nuts, I'm sure Victor will have some super secret legal thing drawn up saying that because they live at the mansion Brady is considered custodial parent and she can't take the baby.

Now sure Brady feels robbed of being part of prenatal visits or witnessing the birth but Theresa was robbed of much more and nobody related to Brady is going to care enough to understand how deeply that affects her. In fact I doubt that Little Lord Dumbutt Brady (yes that is in fact what I am dubbing his official title to be) is going to realize that and will not be thoughtful or supportive of Theresa's feelings.

And then there's Marlena. I can just see her out to shrink Theresa and only Theresa. Naggie will be the one to listen too, agree with and make all sorts of suggestions to Brady that are just in his interest. And nobody will see that taking Theresa's feelings into consideration and really working with her with respect to the amount of privacy she may need is what will make things work for the baby as well as both his parents.