I'm confused (about Daniel & Jennifer)??

I hope that the only way Jack comes back is with fangs or looking like the Walking Dead.

That being said, Jennifer is the one who never had any faith in Daniel; but let them get back together so I don't have to ff almost the whole show.
I'm sorry, but the reason that Dan/Jenn broke up was soooooooooo stupid!!! It was obviously bad writing here.

I guess TPTB couldn't think of any other reason to have them break up so they had Dan get mad at Jenn for telling Eric and for her not believing in him to make the right choice or whatever other garbage they are spewing out this week.

Give me a break already! At least break up for a good reason!!
As annoying as the merry go round is, I take these 2 over Sami and EJ ANY day! I also think they would be a lot more interesting married and dealing with blended family issues. Let Anne be the occasional interloper and focus on other couples on the show.
I have to agree. While they get boring, at least Daniel and Jennifer have tasteful love scenes and no atrocities between them. EJ and Sami are like animals.
:) Can we just take a moment and appreciate... Anne saying she didn't like Dan's hair on yesterday's show? :rotfl::clap: I don't normally like Anne, but I sure liked her yesterday haha.

Not sure that was worth a thread of it's own...so I just clicked the first Daniel thread I saw... haha :back:
HM has it right. First Daniel needed to really think about the fact that Jenn just told him she didn't trust or believe he could or would do the right thing and it was her confrontation over seeing him with Eve that cemented the break into a break up.

But also Daniel had several instances where Jenn demanded they talk things out, completely disregarding his feelings or needs and when that didn't work she tried the route of seduction.

So Daniel not only learned she didn't trust in his ability to do the right thing, he also learned that she has no respect for how he feels or what he needs. I just wish that this was the final break up.
I'm really confused by the number of people who think your partner not trusting you or having a clue about who you are is not a good reason to break up. :confused: I agree with SarahBeth--if only this was the last time, and the writers would stop punching this hole in Daniel's otherwise solid self-esteem.
I'm really confused by the number of people who think your partner not trusting you or having a clue about who you are is not a good reason to break up. :confused: I agree with SarahBeth--if only this was the last time, and the writers would stop punching this hole in Daniel's otherwise solid self-esteem.
For me, the reasoning is this: it was ONLY about the Nicole incident. It would have made more sense if he explained that it was a buildup from that as well as Jennifer thinking he and Theresa made love. Or heck, even if he rejected her after she learned the truth from JJ because she thought he slept with Theresa to hurt her. Now, it just comes across as him holding a pitiful grudge over something small. If they explained it was a combo of her thinking he slept with Theresa, the Nicole situation, AND her not telling him about Eve but expecting him to know, it would make sense.