I'm confused (about Daniel & Jennifer)??


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2011
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boynton beach, fl
So, Daniel is still angry that Jennifer spilled the beans to Eric and believed that he wouldn't do so. (actually, I don't think that Jennifer even thought about it...she was just anxious to let Eric know what had happened.) AND, Jennifer tells him today that she just wants to take him home and make him feel better and is still unhappily in love with Daniel who tells her (today) that he loves her, but go away.

Okay!! So, other than them never being together again, what happens next with these two star-crossed love-birds?

Me and my grandma had a talk last night about the latest inconsistency regarding how this storyline was written. Daniel and Jennifer initially just said this was a brief break. But lately, they've both been saying "it's over" and "we'll never get back together"...huh?:confused: I don't ever recall a conversation they had declaring they never want to be together again?! S-T-U-P-I-D!!! But I shouldn't expect anything more from these writers.

As for Daniel, him STILL being angry at Jennifer for what happened is silly. It's been far too long, and Jennifer's reaction to seeing him back in town today and bringing in Kristen clearly should show him she believes he is a good man.

Furthermore, I'm sure if he would stop interrupting her for just one minute she would tell him this and apologize for the millionth time! So while I was initially glad with Daniel for dumping her after her doubts in him...now I'm more on Jennifer's side, because Daniel is just being ridiculous and wanting his ego to be boosted.
Very true. If the tanned wonder is going to be a super detective and intrepid crime fighter, he needs a younger, more glamorous love interest than the impossible Ms. Priss. Really, would Sherlock Holmes or James Bond ever been interested in Jenny? In fact, 007 would have drunk a martini that's stirred, not shaken, or driven a rusting Yugo instead of an Aston Martin, before he'd have given Jen Jen a second look or the even the time of day.
Daniel DID tell Jen it was over. This last time was not a break. She has tried to get back with him, but he won't have it. She just once too often did not have faith in him KNOWING what to do, and doing the right thing. The last time, she eavesdropped on Daniel & Nicole's conversation, and then went straight to Eric with the info. She said.....she felt he should know, but also felt that Daniel would not tell Eric himself, but would trust Nicole AGAIN to do so. Jen figured she wouldn't, and then Daniel would again give her another chance to do so.

It was not the first time she did not trust his judgement, thus all their break-ups/makeups, so this was, for Daniel, so he says, "last straw".

But, I am thinking that JS has probably got it right in her post above.
Barb, I know this is really off topic, but I feel that you or JS are the only ones who will give me a straight, unbiased answer. Here is my question: Did EJ/Abby end their affair before or after, she was hired at the hospital?

As for Jennifer and Daniel, please, end this merry-go-round and break those two up for good.
Daniel DID tell Jen it was over. This last time was not a break. She has tried to get back with him, but he won't have it. She just once too often did not have faith in him KNOWING what to do, and doing the right thing. The last time, she eavesdropped on Daniel & Nicole's conversation, and then went straight to Eric with the info. She said.....she felt he should know, but also felt that Daniel would not tell Eric himself, but would trust Nicole AGAIN to do so. Jen figured she wouldn't, and then Daniel would again give her another chance to do so.

It was not the first time she did not trust his judgement, thus all their break-ups/makeups, so this was, for Daniel, so he says, "last straw".

But, I am thinking that JS has probably got it right in her post above.

But initially in that episode, when Daniel stopped kissing Jennifer, at the end, he told her they just needed "space" and later told people they were "taking a break". Are you referring to another time when he said it was done for good, before all these recent mentions of it being "the last straw"?

edited to fix quote....JS
Barb, I know this is really off topic, but I feel that you or JS are the only ones who will give me a straight, unbiased answer. Here is my question: Did EJ/Abby end their affair before or after, she was hired at the hospital?

I'm not Barb or JS, but I think the affair was still going on while she was working at the hospital. I believe she was working and went into the supply closet and EJ followed her in. I could be wrong, but that is how I remember it.
Soapie is correct, Abby was working at the hospital as the affair was occurring.

On topic, Daniel and Jennifer will continue to monopolise screen time while I continue to lose weight for some reason. I never much liked Daniel, but I'd take him in scenes with anyone other than Jennifer. Jennifer was one of my favourite characters, and I have found her enjoyable in scenes with JJ, Aiden, even Sami and EJ; but NOT with Daniel (or Eve, but that's another matter).

In summary, my WISH is that Daniel and Jennifer never share even a second of screen time together again. However my belief is that this will end up being a break and we'll be back to another breakup by November sweeps. :(
I may have missed something on the Daniel/Jennifer roundabout, but.... if Jennifer didn't believe that Nicole would tell the truth, wasn't she right? I am not saying that the approach she took with Eric was or wasn't appropriate. But, Nicole wasn't going to tell Eric the truth when she met up with him...she was doing everything she could to get him on the plane to marry him even after Daniel had given her yet another chance to do the right thing.

So, if Jennifer had not told Eric, he would have flown off to Vegas not knowing, gotten married to Nicole, and then what? Again, maybe her tactics weren't the best, but part of me wonders if Daniel somewhere inside knows Jennifer has a good point. Just a thought.
I may have missed something on the Daniel/Jennifer roundabout, but.... if Jennifer didn't believe that Nicole would tell the truth, wasn't she right? I am not saying that the approach she took with Eric was or wasn't appropriate. But, Nicole wasn't going to tell Eric the truth when she met up with him...she was doing everything she could to get him on the plane to marry him even after Daniel had given her yet another chance to do the right thing.

So, if Jennifer had not told Eric, he would have flown off to Vegas not knowing, gotten married to Nicole, and then what? Again, maybe her tactics weren't the best, but part of me wonders if Daniel somewhere inside knows Jennifer has a good point. Just a thought.
As Daniel pointed out, he was capable of going to Vegas too. Or it could have been straightened out after the marriage--Brady is not the only person to ever have heard of an annulment. Though that's all beside the point, which is that Jen did what she did out of believing Daniel is the opposite of who he is. Doesn't matter who was right about Nicole. It DOES matter that Jen claims to be in love with Daniel yet has no idea who he is.
As annoying as the merry go round is, I take these 2 over Sami and EJ ANY day! I also think they would be a lot more interesting married and dealing with blended family issues. Let Anne be the occasional interloper and focus on other couples on the show.
HM is correct. Jennifer did not believe that Daniel would tell Eric if Nicole didn't. She had no knowledge of what had gone on, only what she heard via her eavesdropping. She did not wait and talk to Dan first, nothing. She did not even wait to see if Nicole would tell Eric. She bypassed them both to run and tell Eric.And that amounted to not trusting Daniel,not trusting his judgement, not trusting that he was capable of doing the right thing.