If you were the new writers......

Belle, Shawn and Claire come back to Salem after their boat sinks.
On their way home, they find Bo.

One of the missing Marlena clones turns up in Salem. Roman
finally gets a kiss.

Steve returns to Salem, but gets stuck upstairs with Joey.
After reading all of these...I'm panicking...all I can say is "and they lived................ever after"! :cry:
I hope they bring back some of the sets. I miss the mansions living rooms
and lately we're only seeing a small section of the Brady Pub.
Have Will and Sonny happily united and raising Arianna as was meant from the beginning of their love life and have Paul finally hook up with Derrick.

Have Paige disown her mother and move to Stanford while Eve being embarrassed leaves Salem. Somehow have JJ redeemed.
I would have no idea how to write myself out of the train wreck the show has been for the last two and a half years, the best I could do would be have Brady wake up from a coma he's been in since the Daysaster, and start over from there.

Short of that, I'd make the Donovan sisters DiMera duplicates, Paige is not really Shane's granddaughter, the real Eve comes back to town, with the real Jeannie T, Kristen miscarries, and Will is daydreaming about his Sonix article and we're reset back to December 1. I'd bring Justin, Steve (even if off-screen), Shawn/Belle, and Philip home, make Parker a Kiriakis again, break up Maggie/Victor, un egg-baby Daniel, kick Melanie out of Salem, Brady follows; give Nicole both her babies and make her strong again...oy the list is too long for a Saturday morning. :wink:

Those of you who "know" me from this board know how much I love fan fiction - so my saying that I can't think of a way out of this mess is ...almost out of character for me!!

I honestly think that the new writers will spend six months cleaning up messes, only to be fired when the ratings are "too low." (Just my speculation.)
I think I watch Days maybe a little differently than most here, but I think I could be ok with the current cast of characters... IF they just had good stories. But like JasonDiSpeech, I have no idea how to transform current stories into good ones! I've got characters I like more than others, but I'd say we all have a different pool of favorites, and while it is fun to read, we could make lots of different combinations and scenarios. I'm not convinced that bringing back characters, or even actors, will do make the positive changes we'd generally like to see.

The changes must all have to do with the stories! I also think Jason is right - but I hope he is not - that ratings will continue to be in the tank and we'll see another writer change sooner than they should turn over. If they want success, Days will need to invest the time - especially if they cannot invest the money - to see where the new writers will take the stories. This is kind of like the Titanic - you can't expect to turn hard left and see immediate results when such a huge machine is already full steam ahead in another direction. Give it the time it deserves... or you'll scrape the iceburg and sink! :)
Okay, I'll take my chances.

Out (but not all at once):
Aiden, Paige, Bev, Rory, Clyde, Ben, Jordan, Maxine, Anne, Eve (as played by Kassie DePaiva). Any new character not yet seen on screen is also eliminated. My goal is to scrub the newbies and start over.

Daniel and Melanie stay, just to *bleep* off everyone who wants them gone. Besides, you didn't think I'd write off Melanie, did you? With different writing, these characters CAN be better.

Story highlights:

*First and foremost, I'd tell NBC I needed a little money for another disaster, this one a tornado. The twister hits Salem and renders all of the sets trashed, even Horton Town Square. HTS would be renovated. The only set that is "spared"? The Horton home (sort of a nod to Search for Tomorrow, when the Henderson flood ruined every set but Jo's boarding house)

*Belle returns, without Shawn. She's glad to see everyone with the exception of Hope. When Hope wonders why Shawn isn't there, Belle said Shawn couldn't bear to come home to a mother who betrayed him. He'd also be mad at Bo, for the record, but Shawn would be *bleep* at Hope. Belle would gradually fall for a returned Philip, as she told everyone Shawn went back to Tinda Lau. Eventually Shawn would return to Salem, loaded for bear, and his girlfriend (a new character spun off of Shawn and Belle) would soon follow.

*The tornado results in Daniel's operating hand being severely injured, rendering him unable to perform surgery. Feeling emasculated, Daniel backs away from everyone... unaware that a mysterious woman is watching his every move. It turns out to be his thought-dead wife Rebecca. Daniel also revisits the "egg" story, as a further investigation into his past reveals Victor played around with Maggie's eggs a little more than everyone thought... he and Neil Curtis have been hiding the truth for a long time that Neil is Daniel's father.

*Stephanie comes back to Salem, ready to fight Belle for Philip. Melissa and Sarah return for Maggie and help clean up the tornado damage. Together with Jennifer, they restore the Horton home. It is then we find out Nathan's father was Pete Jannings, and Pete returns to Salem intent on winning back Melissa once he finds out about Nathan. Nathan also returns from Johns Hopkins, ready to keep the Horton legacy going at the hospital. Of course, Melanie is torn once she realizes Nathan is back in Salem.

*Melanie would be central focus to one of my stories, this one a mystery. With Nathan back in Salem, the triangle becomes Nathan/Brady/Melanie, and Philip is also thrown into the chaos. Soon Mel becomes the focus of someone sending threatening notes and little trinkets, such as a red-headed doll with the stuffing torn out of it. Suspects would include Nicole (who was upset at the way Mel was treating Brady), Stephanie (who is still furious with Mel after all these years), Theresa and Serena (why would they become such fast friends in Europe?) Eventually we find out Sarah is the culprit, furious with Mel for taking her place in Maggie's life. She is committed to Riverview, where Marlena becomes her doctor in much the same way she treated Mickey all those years ago. More use of history.

*It turns out Bo didn't desert Hope. It also turns out Jack is still alive and that the Jack sent to Salem in 2011 was not even Jack at all. Bo and Steve discovered Jack was still alive and being held captive by a group of criminals... led by Aiden. The ISA has been tracking Aiden all these years and Shane alerts the Salem PD that something isn't right. Aiden is tracked down and killed, but not before he tells Hope he really did fall for her. The resulting shock to Hope's system causes Hope to splinter into two personalities (yup, Gina is the split personality), and Bo is there for Hope in her recovery.

I could go on, but this is just a start. Suffice to say when I got done, Days would resemble Days again in more ways than one.