If you were the new writers......


Active Member
Jul 26, 2013
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Which characters are cut and who is in?
I would have some kind of disaster and having these characters involved.
Dan killed while trying to play superman
Melanie killed
Clyde, Ben, Jordan killed
Paige and Eve are killed
Ari and Rafe are killed (please don't hate me but I have no use for babies in soaps unless they are used like Will was. I don't think Will should have gotten a kid this early), Gabi hears the news and commits suicide in jail.
Will was very badly injured and needs all kinds of surgery including facial reconstruction. He is send off to the best hospital to get it done for couple months to a year.
Serena is killed holding to her damn elephant.

I would bring in Steve, Jack, Belle, Shawn, Philip, Alex Kiriakis, Chloe, Carrie, Billie, Brandon and Celeste.
I would change Parker's paternity back to Philip.
Serena is arrested for her thefts.
Eric apologizes to Nicole, and leaves to be reinstated at the Vatican. He is never seen again.
Daniel marries Jennifer and they join Julie & Doug on their cruises. Melanie, Ben, Abby, Jordan, and Brady join them.
Paige moves to Stanford after learning about what Eve and JJ did. Eve marries Clyde and they leave to Bollywood to join with Vivian and Ivan (who return for a few episodes and make them an offer they can't refuse).

JJ is so embarrassed of his affair with Eve that he returns to London. When he lands, he is "greeted" by Percy.
Kristen comes back and is arrested.

Stefano comes back to be with his son in his house.
Carrie & Austin come back with Baby No Name.
Stephanie and Philip come back. So does Nathan. And Chloe.
Eve unless she is rewritten to have an evil twin and is now played once again by Charlotte Ross
Will unless he starts acting like a human being again not male Sami the jerk
Clyde Victor or Stefano get it right

Steve Johnson, Bo Brady (Peter Reckell)
Brady and Theresa's baby (a girl)
Give Rory a story and put him with Paige
Big paternity/maternity stories come to light Tyler is Shawn and Belle's, Parker is Philip's son. Philip returns and wants custody
Eve goes to mail a letter and comes back played by Charlotte Ross
Jordan is killed accidentally during a hit on Clyde
Kate is publicly humiliated after Salem finds out she brought Clyde to town. She is immediately outed from DiMera Enterprises and disowned by her children and grandchildren. She goes to join Billie in London.
Clyde is finally killed
Derrick is fired and goes to work at the Green Mountain Lodge
Cole and Daphne suddenly disappear as does the Salem U set
Bree is arrested
Brady goes off to a rehab facility and Melanie follows him for emotional support
Serena is also arrested after the truth comes out. So is her partner Ted.
Kristen is arrested after she miscarries Brady and Jeannie's baby

Shawn, Belle and Claire return to help their parents and to run the Brady Pub
Philip returns as the heir apparent to Titan. He brings his son Tyler with him. He soon discovers Chloe lied about the birth certificate and Parker is his too.
After much groveling and begging by Eric, Nicole is still unsure as to whether to take him back. Eric stumbles upon some evidence that Daniel Rafael is alive. He works with Rafe to investigate this and bring Nicole her son back. Cameron makes a couple appearances via Skype to tie this together.
Andrew Donovan returns and is now a cop. He keeps his sisters in check. Taylor Walker in the form of Natalia Livingston is brought back around the same time. The 2 hit it off.
Steve Johnson returns as do Kim and Shane on a recurring basis
Joy Wesley enrolls at Salem U. Her parents move back to Salem on a recurring basis.

Paige is dropped to recurring status and is paired with Rory. We only see them on major holidays.
Nancy Wesley gives Anne Milbauer a run for her money
Anne is finally fired and finds comfort in the arms of Clyde
LOL......I will admit I definitely would like a number of characters gone, and others to return.
Serena is found out by Eric, is a artifact/art thief, sent off to jail. Eric realizes how wrong he was about Nicole, apologizes profusely, does a lot of soul searching, and decides to join a monastery, where he will stay secluded. He is gone.

Daniel is also remorseful that he so misjudged Nicole. He decides to join doctors without borders, and is gone.

Rafe is managing the Club, hears some guy cryin' in his beer about stealing this woman's baby. He is sympathetic, gets a few details, and he is off on his own mission, eventually finding and returning Daniel Rafael to Nicole.

a super jealous Kate is exposed as the snake she is, having brought Clyde to town. She tries her excuses of "not wanting Rafe hurt", but the relentless hunt is exposed, Lucas remembering how Sheryl was brought to Salem just in case she might give them helpful info, Kate's private eye tells all. She tries to win over Roman, to no avail, so decides to go visit Austin in Switzerland.

Craig Wesley comes back to Salem to replace Daniel at the hospital, with Joy over at Salem U. Paige has thankfully gone to Stamford, wanting to put all the ugliness behind her, Eve's doctor finds a way to remove the nodes from her vocal chords, she goes to Mayo, and is soon on the road again with her singing career. JJ meets Joy....:love:

Shawn & Belle realize they have spent enough time on the high seas, and it is time to rejoin family and life in general, so return to Salem, take over the Pub.

(I know many returnees would have to be recurring)

Steve returns, agrees to work undercover with Salem P.D., as does a reinstated Rafe. Both are employed at Victor's club, and end up being responsible for getting the goods on ol Clyde, who "strikes a deal". Steve & Kayla reunite, Rafe & Nicole find their way to each other.

Jordan joins Sheryl in Texas, taking a job at the hopital there. She has finally decided to use hypnotism (Marlena) to recall the day her mother died), l& realizes that Clyde manipulated his tale in order to control her. He was drunk, abusive, Mom was pregnant, ran out to the truck, Jordan trying to help protect her. She made Jordan get in, start the truck, while she was fending off Clyde, jumped in and they took off. Clyde jumped in his truck to follow, and it was all an accident.

When Ben learns what happened, he leaves town, joining the military.
Poirot ~ I like your version of the unfolding events . . except that I would keep Daniel. I'm probably one of the few on this board that likes him.
There are a lot of the characters that I like but HATE some of the stories they are given. I enjoy watching Kate. I think the actor who plays JJ is doing a great job. I like the new Chad. I love Rafe. I would just like to see all of these characters treated better.
If I were the new writers, I would put more focus on the story telling without all the sexual escapades (quit using the term "slept with"; trust me, they were not sleeping). More focus on core characters and allow the new characters time to develop without forcing them down the viewers throats. That way we might learn to like them.

Integrate them slowly into the story lines of the core characters/families (Horton/Brady/DiMera/Kiriakis/Black). Bring back some of those we miss like Philip. Craig and Nancy Wesley would liven things up. So would Steve and Jack. Give Roman and Abe something to do and someone to do it with. Send Eric, Serena, Eve, Paige, Jordan, Ben, and Clyde packing. Keep Anne, she's a hoot!

It was nice to have hospital stories that weren't all major emergencies and business stories that were about corporate takeovers and spying and publishing and even police stories where crimes got solved and the police department seemed competent. Good writing doesn't have to be tabloid like to draw viewers.
I would just write really good stories.......they kind you watch everyday because you just can't stand to miss even a second. Funny stories, love stories, sad stories, you know, like real life.:)
Serena/Eric/Nicole/Rafe- Serena is being blackmailed by Ted to steal Eric's elephant artificat. Turns out the elephant has some jewels inside that is worth millions. Eric figures out the truth and decides to run away with Serena back to Africa. While in Africa, Serena runs into a doctor at her new workplace and discovers a baby stealing scheme which has ties to Salem. Eric/Serena break into the office and discover records that Daniel Rafael was one of those babies sold and is somewhere in Africa. They contact Nicole and she enlists Rafe's help to help her find her baby. All work together to get Nicole's baby back. This is a big African adventure.

Stefano/Victor/Clyde - Victor can't seem to get rid of Clyde. Clyde starts to harass Brady and Maggie infuriating Victor even more. Victor finally figures out that Clyde was the one that killed EJ and uses the information to workout an agreement with Stefano. Stefano would return to Salem to join forces against Clyde only if Victor would get the tax evasion charges removed. Stefano and Victor take out Clyde and his thugs never to be seen again.

Eve/JJ/Paige - Paige puts 2 and 2 together about JJ sleeping with Eve when she sees him wearing Daniel's brown leather jacket as he was babysitting Parker at the local park. Paige confronts Eve and JJ and is so disgusted and heartbroken that she must leave Salem to go to Stanford. Eve decides to put her focus into fashion and cosmetics and opens up a new company line that competes against Kate. JJ meets a mysterious new girl at Salem U that turns out to be a daughter of Tony and Anna DiMera.

Tony/Anna/Chad/Stefano - Return to town and run Kate out of DiMera Enterprises. Tony becomes mentor and role model for Chad. Stefano clashes with his 2 sons.

Daniel - Daniel gets an offer in Chicago to be the Chief of Staff of a hospital there. It is an offer he cannot refuse. He leaves town with Parker.

Jennifer - Peter Blake gets out of prison and tries to woo Jennifer back. At first she is reluctant but finally falls for him. Peter and Jennifer get married and leave Salem.
Leaving: Jordan hides again from Clyde because he wants her to be a part of a prostitution ring.

Serena: She is caught red handed by Mr. High and Mighty Eric and is sent to prison, Eric now has to tell Nicole he was wrong and she slaps him HARD!

Eve: Leaves because Paige finds out the whole ugly truth and she runs off to Stanford.

Bring back: Patch Johnson and have him and Kayla reunite.

Others: Dan and Nicole end up married and have a beautiful baby girl.
Rafe really works for Victor now in a new capacity he takes Damon's place but is more higher up, and a excellent hit man.
Stefano has had enough of Clyde and Kate and fires Kate from Dimera Enterprises.
Clyde is losing all his men to Victor and Stefano, including Jeremiah, and has to leave town.
Lucas and Adrienne end up together and Justin and Jenn end up together.
We find Aiden is not a bad guy and he and Hope are happy. AMEN!
Don't send Jordan down here to Texas, we have enough trouble!

My ideas:

Paige finally leaves for Stanford and we never have to hear her whining ever again.

Theresa finally goes to rehab and during therapy she remembers what really happened and is reunited with her and Brady's baby.

Roman (played by Wayne Northrop) actually gets a storyline! He and Marlena start to date again when she realizes John will never stop leaving Salem every few months.

Stefano returns to Salem and learns that Clyde had EJ killed so he teams up with Victor and they kill Clyde.

Jordan leaves town never to return and takes her idiot brother with her.

Kate is fired and has to go back to work as a waitress.

Lucas gets a girlfriend who isn't married to someone else and disowns Kate.

The real Will comes home and this imposter is thrown out of town.

Hope and Aiden are getting married but at their wedding when the priest ask if anyone objects, Bo crashes through the door on his motorcycle (oh wait, they did that already, never mind, he just walks in)

Steve comes back and wants Kayla back.

Jack is alive and he and Jennifer reunite, Dr. McPervey is so jealous he leaves town.

I love the idea of Craig and Nancy returning to Salem, they were so funny.

Doug and Julie die when their cruise ship sinks.
Here's what I would do if I were a new writer:

I would have Theresa and Brady be co-parents with John and Marlena heavily involved and I would have Kristen die once and for all. I would also have a major showdown with John & Stefano and Stefano dies once and for all.

I would definitely bring Steve & Jack back but I'm iffy about Bo coming back to Hope since I like Aiden. I'd bring in a new love interest for Bo and keep Hope and Aiden together

I would send Paige to Stanford or have her commit suicide and maybe bring in new daughters for Eve that perhaps she had with Frankie?

I would also get rid of the Westons once and for all. I would keep Will and Sonny together and give Paul a new love interest. Or break up Will and Sonny and have Sonny be with Paul and have Will single for a while until a new love interest comes along.

I would get rid of Melanie and Dan too. Possibly even bring in Sonny's brothers, Sarah Horton and even Andrew. Also bring in Philip's kid.

edited to write out Hope and Aiden's names....combo names ARE NOT permitted on this board....poster has been told repeatedly...JS
Oh goody, my turn! Well, I only have a few minutes before a meeting, so here's my not-fully-thought-out ideas:

The whole town finds out about JJ and Eve, and they leave town together. Paige fades away to a background character until she's more needed at the hospital.

Jen is devastated over this and she becomes background.

Daniel decides to go on walkabout and disappears for awhile. Maybe because something happens to Parker and Chloe and he's devastated too.

Clyde and Jordan disappear. Ben stays, because Abigail needs something to do (and he's sorta pretty to look at).

Figure out that Aiden is a good guy and keep him with Hope.

Bring back:

Steve, Belle, Shawn Douglas, Celeste (we'll find something for her to do), and Bo. Yes, I know I want Aiden and Hope together, but there needs to be a conflict somewhere, and Bo returned from the presumed long-missing/maybe-he's-dead would do such the thing.

Tony comes back too - we'll figure out some strange DiMera crazy that gets Thaao Penghlis back. While we're at it, bring back Anna too.

We need more front burner with Marlena and John, Victor and Maggie, Abigail and Ben (without them always jumping into bed as their storyline, and with me as the new writer, we'd come up with something.) Let's get some more hospital centric storylines that aren't just gossip and the latest who has had an accident or is in a coma thing.

Nicole finally gets her man. It isn't Dan. It isn't Eric. It isn't Rafe. I don't know who it is. Maybe she ends up with Aiden after the whole Bo/Hope thing. Or maybe she ends up with Bo. Either way, she stays good and gets her man.

Serena disappears. Maybe someone shoots her. Hey, let's have Eric accidentally kill her somehow and he's so guilt-ridden that he confesses and volunteers for prison. They throw the book at him, he disappears for two or three years and comes back. Recast. Jensen Ackles is my choice, thank you (Supernatural has to end its run for this to happen).
New ideas seem to have been well covered by previous posters, so here are a few scenarios.

When Clyde tries to carry out his threat to come after Ciara, she knocks him senseless with her famous backpack. Hope then slaps the cuffs on Clyde and hauls him off to Roman's jail, where he promptly pays for his involvement in the EJ shooting by being murdered by one of Stefano's agents. With Clyde dead, Ben and Tammy Sue go back to Poplar Bluff to take over his business interests.

Bo Brady (played by Peter Reckell) finally returns to Salem, but Hope is engaged to Aiden (who didn't murder Meredith). Hope is torn, but one method she definitely doesn't use to resolve her dilemma is to set up a "dating contest" the way Jenny did with Jack and the Love Doctor.

Slimy Miles is fired and Nicole becomes head of Titan TV's news division. She soon becomes a popular Salem personality and wherever she goes people smile and ask her how she is. Eric is so overcome with remorse about his shabby treatment of Nicole that he reenters the Church and gets a job at the Vatican Archives where his sour expressions will be witnessed only by dusty documents.

Melanie decides that reporting to work at University Hospital whenever she wants is hopeless boring. After hearing that Atlantic City casinos don't ban blackjack card-counters, she resumes her old career. Brady goes along -- not to help play blackjack (he can't count higher than ten), but to act has her beefy bodyguard.