I like Chad more every day

Agreed. But when Stefano would not leave his side during his surgery and recovery in Boston, Chad was impressed. And thus listened to the lessons. He already was broken up with Abby, and when he was recovered, went traveling Europe or something. However, Father had promised to change his ways if Chad pulled through......and then did not. Then, Chad gets the article about EJ, learns of the affair with Abby, and the takeover by Kate & Sami. Chad decided on his course of action....take them all down, even Father! And so on he goes, faking everyone out.
I also like Chad. I like both actors, but they each have their take on the character. I agree that I'd like to see Chad stay as a bad boy--he may be a troublemaker, but not a horrible person like his late half-brother. I don't want to see someone else really evil from that family. I do wish he'd interact with Kristen more, and be in the workplace a bit more as well. His scenes with Kate were good.
I don't get some of the things Chad is doing, though I do like this 'new DiMera-ized' Chad. Why give Ben a bad reference? Why not just tell Ben he owns the building (preferably AFTER Ben had starting picking out new furniture or paid his deposit and signed a lease). Seems like that would be more of a power strut than simply bad-mouthing an employee that he plans to have manage his new club?

Also, in getting Kayla to reinstate Abby at the hospital. Why not tell Kayla that Sami requested it, as in a gesture of remorse? Chad pulling strings for Abby for any reason looks devious and scheming. At least making it look like it wasn't all his doing would seem to serve him better in the long run. Seems like he should be more clever.
I do like the actor who is fast making Chad his own. (just as was done to Brady, Will, etc.)
Oh, I think Chad wants Abby to eventually find out that her reinstatement at the hospital was because of him. Thus he stays in the background, not blowing his own horn, but Abby learns what a nice guy he is. :sarcasm:
And then Ben? Oh, Chad purposed wanted to push his buttons, get Ben to show his temper, not fight back, etc. Again, Abby sees that Ben has a tendency to get violent. That was Chad's objective. Sonny has now warned Ben, who has told Sonny that Chad likes to push his buttons.

And Ben has a point....he apologizes to Chad for the punch, is sorry, etc. And what does Chad do? Tells Ben how he is the one who took Abby's virginity. That was a low blow, and something guys just should not ever discuss or mention to anyone.
Ah, Chad is "appearing" Mr. Nice Guy" but really is rather sneaky and underhanded. well done, though.
I really like Billy Flynn's portrayal of Chad!! :clap: Like some of you have mentioned he has really made the character his own and I truly admire this. I think it is difficult to be a recast because the viewers have expectations and Billy Flynn (Chad) has absolutely blown me away AND you know how I feel about recasts.

I really like the multi-dimensional aspects of Chad, he is charming, witty and has a hidden agenda. I like that because it adds a mystique and unpredictability to the character which I find refreshing. :) I really love Chad and Kate scenes, Lauren Koslow (Kate) always brings out the best in Billy's (Chad) performance!! I can not wait to see what Chad will be up to in the months to come!!
My memory of the "old" Chad was not very special... he was a good guy and I didn't get much of an impression of him as more than a secondary guy in the story lines. He didn't have a "star quality" role...was one of the good guys on the edge of the story. I thought he was bucking against the DiMera influence...no more, no less. Now we have a "new" Chad, who is enjoying his role and is being given the script to enlarge his spot on the show...that's the difference in my mind of the two Chad's I've seen.