I like Chad more every day


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Chad is getting more entertaining each day as the new actor is really beginning to make the role his own. I love the way he is exposing Ben's volitile temper. I hope that what he told Abby and company about the apartment was what he told the realtor. If not, then he is even more crafty than we know and he still is exposing Ben.

Ben has been physically violent several times since he started pursuing Abby. She has witnessed his temper and violence a few times now. She should be starting to question being with him because he has shown himself to be prone to violence and way too easily set off.

So I really don't care if Chad pushes his buttons if it gets Abby away from Ben.
I'll disagree and agree. I'm liking his exposing psycho Ben (been saying that for awhile now) but disliking the character in general. Might have been OK with Chad if it hadn't been for the "I was Abby's first" comment. I'd really like to see a murder-suicide for these characters.
I know what you mean Jason. That comment about Abby being a virgin before being with him was a cheap shot. I feel like I want to dislike Chad but I'm warming up to him for some reason. The actor is doing a really good job at being a manipulative charmer. I'm thinking the writers are intending him to be EJ-lite. That works I suppose.

I agree SarahBeth about Ben's temper and punch first nature. If I was Abigail I'd be concerned about continuing a relationship with him.
I really hate that punching seems to be every guys response to everything. The only guy I can think of who hasn't acted like Ben does is Rory. I guess the weed helps him.

But back to Ben/Chad, I'm not fond of either of them. They both have bad tempers and Chad thinks he owns Abby, which is just as disturbing as Ben's temper.
I really hate that punching seems to be every guys response to everything. The only guy I can think of who hasn't acted like Ben does is Rory. I guess the weed helps him.

But back to Ben/Chad, I'm not fond of either of them. They both have bad tempers and Chad thinks he owns Abby, which is just as disturbing as Ben's temper.

I agree on all counts. Chad's obsession with Abby reminds me of EJ's with Sami--they really are repeating storylines and trying to have Chad be the new EJ. Which is weird since Chad is all about pursuing Jordan.
Sparkster: EJ Lite!! I LOVE that!! I didn't like this version of Chad first, I keep seeing Nicholas Cage in his face, so that is VERY distracting. (I like Mr. Cage!!) ANYway, I'm starting to warm up to this Chad, I'm afraid. I don't think I will have a thing for him like I did James Scott/EJ. (Sorry guys, it's still true, I love/loved EJ)

Ben, on the other had, hasn't shown much depth - except for wanting Daddy dear's approval. Grrrr. I hope Clyde is pushed off a cliff soon. Or mauled by a tiger. I think Ben needs some storyline, but not to make him like his Daddy. Nope. Not cool at all. Especially since Jordan/Tammy Sue or is it Tammy Jo?? - anyway, she was treated so badly and is still dealing with her own Daddy issues.
Although I truly believe parents should not get all the credit, nor all the blame for the actions of their children, I also think that in Ben's case he had a very poor role model with Clyde for a Dad. That said, I think his temper is way too quick.
I really like the new Chad myself. I find him to be the only person that is worth watching on the show right now. I could be hypnotized all day by looking at those blue eyes! Anyhow, I don't think he wants Abby back at all, otherwise why would he show interest in Jordan.

Chad makes Jordan morre interesting for once and the show should have done this pairing from the beginning. I think he would be happy if Abby and Ben didn't work out. He is doing subtle things to Ben to bring his crazy temper out in front of Abby and others to paint a new picture that this guy has some deep underyling issues that he hasn't dealt with yet.

Who in their right mind would want to be with someone exhibiting such anger? It is signs that Ben could physically abuse Abby. I don't see why she hasn't seen that yet. Go Chad and continue to bring out the REAL Ben.
Chad knows Abby so I'm sure he could just see the conversation between Ben and Abby after the whole thing. Abby would go on and on and that would irritate Ben and he would open his mouth and put his foot right in it. And he did.
I've never cared for the Chad character and still don't but I'm wondering if he may already know the truth about Ben and Jordan's background? This does all seem a bit coincidental.

I do think Ben's temper will get him in trouble. This is also a good opportunity to bring Marlena into this story. Ben should become her patient. I enjoyed Jordan speaking with her yesterday.
Chad has learned "how to be a DiMera" very well, was a good student to ol Stefano's teachings. His object is to get Abby back, and to that end, he has learned the weaknesses of those he has to get out of the way in order to get her back. He is very insideous, as he purposely pokes at Ben, arranges to conveniently be at the Club he rarely visits, just when that apt. reference call came in. And just because the Dimeras own that building, it was no reason to give a bad reference. He could just as easily told the person to let Ben know who owned the building, and the same goes for telling Ben himself. However, if the DiMeras own that building, would that not fall under the assets that KATE controls, as CEO of DiMera Enterprises, and not Chad?

I really like the actor, think Billy Flynn is doing a great job as the conniving Chad.

:OT: I do wish Abby would get a job, so she would not be wandering around aimlessly every day, and the same goes for Chad. The guy does absolutely NOTHING except stick little jabs into various people. :back: