How old is Stefano?

It does always make me laugh. No different from Marlena, who came to Salem as a full fledged psychiatrist, so...had to be 28/29 minimum. She married Don Craig, had a baby, DJ, who died at 6 mos. Eventually, she met and then married Roman, had to be early-mid 30s by then, say, 33. Had twins at 34, Sami is 17, has Will. Marlena has to be 51-2. Will is now 22-23, so, do we at all think Marlena is 73-74?? No way!
I figure that when the show first began, with Tom & Alice having these grown children, and the Corday thinking it would only last a year or two, there was no thought about ages, or SORASing kids, etc.

And as to Stefano.....when the character was first invented.....who knew the longevity back then. The man spawned a lot of children with different women, and still, to this day, at his age, is being shown with very young women. :)