How old is Stefano?


New Member
Apr 28, 2015
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Hi all,

I was recently shocked to learn Joseph Mascolo, who plays Stefano, is 86. He appears to be doing well for 86. How old do you think the character of Stefano is?
Characters aren't necessarily the same age as the actors who portray them. Look at Brady....Eric Martsolf, who plays him, is in his early 40's and yet his character is only supposed to be early to mid 30's. Contrast that with Alison Sweeney (ex-Sami) who is several years younger than him but played his older step-sister. I think Sami is one of those characters who actually is the same age (approximately) as the actor since Sweeney began on the show at age 16 playing a 16 year old (or 15 or 17, whatever, close enough).
I think Philip was the worst one (well, at least in terms of the length of time between being born and becoming a teen/adult). Wasn't he born in 1995-96 or so and then by 1998-99 was a 16 year old, supposedly having "grown up" with Shawn and Belle. Also, Philip was portrayed by Jay Kenneth Johnson who was almost 10 years older than who he was playing.
But EJ went from being an infant to an adult. He was never seen as a child or teen.

At least with Belle and Brady, they went from being young children to being teens so only aging about 10 years or so. A similar thing happened to Sami and Eric. Now it was a little ridiculous that we saw Belle at John and Marlena's wedding and when they came back from their honeymoon, she was a teen. At least with the other 3, they were offscreen for a while before being aged.
I would have to agree that the aging of EJ was the most bizarre. I really don't know why the writers then just did not have Stefano have another child. Heck, all his children are by different women, to whom he was not married. Heck, why not Susan Banks' mother? Would not have mattered. There have been plenty of "invisible" mothers. Thus, his E.J. Wells would have been fine, he would have been a DiMera, and little Elvis could have still been with mommy Susan. Aging a character 30 years or just bizarre.
Characters aren't necessarily the same age as the actors who portray them. Look at Brady....Eric Martsolf, who plays him, is in his early 40's and yet his character is only supposed to be early to mid 30's. Contrast that with Alison Sweeney (ex-Sami) who is several years younger than him but played his older step-sister. I think Sami is one of those characters who actually is the same age (approximately) as the actor since Sweeney began on the show at age 16 playing a 16 year old (or 15 or 17, whatever, close enough).

She was older originally, but the writers SORASed him to be the same age. Yeah, very weird indeed.
I think Philip was the worst one ...

I calculated it out once. EJ's SORAS was the worst, at least 18 years. Then David Banning (who actually underwent two small-ish SORASes to total ~15 years), then Philip. Of course, it's somewhat difficult to do that because ages are "fluid" once a character leaves college. As to my joke, Alice had an adult great-great-grandson in 1990. She died 20 years later. She would have had to be 120 years old at the least by then!!
I calculated it out once. EJ's SORAS was the worst, at least 18 years. Then David Banning (who actually underwent two small-ish SORASes to total ~15 years), then Philip. Of course, it's somewhat difficult to do that because ages are "fluid" once a character leaves college. As to my joke, Alice had an adult great-great-grandson in 1990. She died 20 years later. She would have had to be 120 years old at the least by then!!
I don't think Frances Reid (Alice) was far from 120

edited to add character name - please remember that not everone knows the real names of the actors who play the various characters- JS
What JasonDiSpeech is saying is that due to SORASing of characters, Alice should have been at least 120 when she died, not that Frances Reid (Alice) was in real life.

In the 80's, she had a grown great-grandson (Scotty). Since Scotty was 20, his father David was about 40, whose mother Julie would've been about 60. Her mother (Addie) would've been nearly 80, making Alice Horton around 100. Considering she died in 2010, that would've put her well over 120 at the time of her death (if you used the ages of the SORAS'ed characters).