How much do I LOVE Victor?!

Back in the old days, Victor was the big heavy in Salem and everyone hated him. Although he was involved in a lot of bad stuff; it wasn't as if he has changed over night. It's been a long time coming for Victor to get to the person he is today, so I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility for him to have changed. He's still no angel, but I don't think he ever will be, especially in business. However, I think he's the last person we expected to turn to for comic relief. I don't think anyone realized how funny Victor could be until the writers began to recognize his great comic delivery and began writing some great lines for him. He totally cracks me up! :clap:
In his nastiest days Victor was hands on. He did his own blackmailing & running around to get his hands on things to make him money. It's funny to see him use lines like "money grubbing" & remarks about hookers & drugs after those very things helped make him rich & powerful.

His lines nowadays are funny & he's more or less not hands on but I don't recall ever seeing remorse last or him paying for the things he has done. Then again I have watched since before Victor so have seen many of the things Victor has done which aids in forming my opinion. The first time the character showed remorse & tried to change was when Isabella died but that didn't last very long.
I think it is really a credit to the actor when they can be loved/admired despite nasty things they say or do.
Victor is extremely loyal, always had that soft spot for Caroline, which was apparent on Aremid. He tolerates no fools, and manages to let those he holds in low esteem to know it full well. He admits Maggie can easily make him change his mind about something, and he has stood by Philip, Brady, Hope (because of Ciara and he thought Bo an idiot at the time). And he doesn't tolerate "crossing the line" with him, so Theresa is walking on egg shells when it comes to putting one over on Victor, and she knows it.

Now Stefano loves his family, will stand by them, have their backs, etc. etc. But yet, has much as I like the actor portraying Stefano, that character doesn't create any :love:. Both men have done bad things (I really give Stefano a bigger lead in the dept, though), have loved their children, grandchildren, snarl at those who they feel are not worthy...but yet, Victor has the viewers' hearts. He makes you laugh, do a thumbs' up, and appreciate how he can try and "fix" situations. His conversation with Jen was a stitch, but he went there, in person, to try and help. :)
Victor rocks. He probably has standing orders to whomever handles K-mansion security to let the likes of Eve, Nicole, Chloe, and Jeannie Theresa through the front door. Zinging them with his one-liners probably keeps Victor feeling young.

Don't forget when Carly slipped on ice at the K-Mansion front door and hit her head. Victor opened the door, stepped over Carly, grabbed his morning newspaper, came back in and told Henderson to get rid of the trash on the front step.