How much do I LOVE Victor?!

Yes, I have always LOVED Victor! His snarks (and Nicole's) always make the show for me. I really enjoyed how he laid into Theresa today. Seems like this week a lot of people are calling others out-Will calling out Sami, Victor calling out Theresa, both Nicole and Daniel laying into Jennifer...just perfect.
Even in his nastier Days, Victor, like Stefano, was really not a hands-on villain. EJ is a thug who enjoys a cushy position because he is a DiMera. Now, EJ can deliver lines with a sharp wit as well as any of those I mentioned above. Unfortunately he's not been cast in the "master" role, but rather the role of "romantic *herk* leading thug." I think Victor's hands-off approach is what made him redeemable. (Though correct me if I'm wrong and he manhandled Kimberly, Shawn-D, etc.; I don't remember him doing that but then again his baddie days were 25 years ago!!)
The first time I really saw THAT side of Victor was when Philip, who had a gambling problem when he was a teen (different actor) was beat up on the docks for non-payment of what he owed. Victor called someone, and ordered something, but to make sure no one was home, and he was very emphatic to make double sure, etc. Then we hear how the head guy's house was blown up, no one one, and I vaguely recall it was in Cleveland...
Yes Vic was a "hands clean" bad guy.

As to seems that when they were in high school both Victor & Shawn were pursuing her. She really had a thing, tho, for Victor and he for her. However, his family took him to Greece, and no chance of him returning. So she accepted Shawn's proposal, they married, had children, etc. Victor returned, too late of course. But Shawn was really away a lot with the fishing, etc. Caroline got lonely....and had this one night affair with Victor. She was sorry afterwards, and she & Vic barely spoke afterwards as she was determined to remain with Shawn. Even when she realized she was pregnant, and Victor was the father, she told no one.
This all came from Caroline herself, who was telling someone, and I cannot remember the when or why, but years ago. So, whatever went on between Victor & Caroline back then, it was mutual, and Victor did nothing untoward. (and yes, Sirrimix, I realize you were tongue in cheek, but just wanted the record straight for anyone who might not have undersood)
Victor throws out great zingers and I love his snarky humor. However, I do not like the way he acts towards most of the women on the show, even if the ones he targets are the most troublesome.

When I started watching Days full time, Stefano was gone and Victor was the major villain of the time on the show. Victor seemed more of a Godfather type villain than the over the top cartoon villainy of Stefano. Wasn't Victor involved in a lot of the drug and gang activities in the 1980s? I think he was also behind the drug ring exposure that caused Melissa to go on the run in 1985 fearing for her life. It seemed strange to me at the time that this was not brought up when Maggie and Victor first started to get together since this was before egg-baby drama and Maggie actually remembered that she had two daughters.
I can not explain just how much I love Victor, I wish he could get his hands around Kristen's scrawny neck too, can you just picture it... Oh gosh now I sound like Sophia from Golden Girls, but Picture it..... Victor, Kristen and Theresa all in the same room with Victor hands around both their necks, both women gasping for air.