How did you get hooked on Days?

My grandmother watched Days when I was a child. The only time I watched was when I’d stay a week or two with her in summer. I was somewhat familiar with the main characters. I grew up in New Orleans and in 1984 we had the World’s Fair. I was in 9th grade then. About the same time Bo and Hope and Alice were all in New Orleans.

I think that’s when I started getting interested in the show. I’d watch here and there if I was not in school. But I didn’t start watching consistently or daily until college around 1989/1990. It was the beginning of Jack and Jennifer. And they just so happened to bring back Bo and Hope that summer for Cruise of Deception. By this time I had my own tv and VCR so I could tape the shows and watch when I got home from class.
I don't remember the initial time, and there was a gap. But in 2008, Bonnie Hunt's talk show (love her) was on right before Days, and one day, I didn't change the station/turn off the TV (I was unemployed at this time), Days came on, and I have not stopped watching, lo these last 16 years.

I THINK the scene was Nicole in a cabin, pregnant, doubled over in pain, and someone, maybe Brady, came to her rescue and brought her back to Salem. I can't say for sure.
I watched as a kid in the ‘80s. My mom watched Days, Another World (that was her main show), Young and the Restless, and Guiding Light. We watched Santa Barbara when it was on. My brother and I would watch All My Children in the summer.

I watched Days all the way through college. My roommate and I still laugh about the first devil possession plot. I tuned out in the early ‘00s, but started back when my mom was sick and I was around a lot as she watched. That was 2009-10. I’ve been watching since.

I’ve mentioned this before, but when I was flying home from my mom’s memorial service in 2010, Kristian Alfonso (Hope) was on my flight. That’s always made me laugh.
Most of you are "Johnny-come-latelys". I started watching in the beginning. Shortly after Julie did something she shouldn't. They changed actresses and I did not care for Susan Seaforth at first! I watched all 3 NBC soaps until they went off the air. Days used to be the Horton family and with 5 kids there was plenty to write about!! Bo and Hope was when I lost my mind and taped it and watched over and over! It sure aint' the same!!
My great grandmother raised me, and she watched it faithfully every day. I started watching with her during Hope's 18th birthday and I was hooked. Watched on and off as a kid, mostly in the summers. Got a VCR at some point to record it but did miss some here and there. Still faithful to this day even though things are not the same, I just can't walk away from it. It will have to be cancelled for me to stop. LOL