How did you get hooked on Days?


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I was watching something or other on TV, as it ended I had to take care of something or other (yes it was long ago), and when I returned to actually turn the TV off, there was this blond guy, with a patch over his eye, on screen, and guess I was intrigued, so just stood, watched....liked. Did not start watching every day, but......that guy, for some reason, just got to me. I'd tune in 2-3 times in a week, then got pulled in by the other characters & their stories.

Stefano, Kayla, Bart, who I just loved, Patch (honestly, I liked that nickname for him, but.......) Vivian, and the nasty DiMera clan. I used to get the show a day ahead, which is how I began writing summaries on another site with 2 people who ran it, Was just one day a week, back then, but eventually, they retired, I was doing a summary every day.........things happen, here I am. LOL
Guess I'm a legacy watcher. My mom watched all the NBC shows. I think she got that from my paternal Grandma. I started watching when Addie shoved Hope's baby carriage out of the way of the car. During college (74-78) I could only watch during breaks and holidays. I never could get my classes on the right schedule. I bought my first VCR (they were so expensive then) to tape Bo and Hope's wedding. I had visited London the year before. Dang, 50 years.
It was June 10, 2010, a few months before I started 10th grade. Turned the TV on one afternoon out of boredom and I guess it had been set to NBC the night before by my parents for the news. Nicole found Brady drunk on the pier, and I was intrigued. My baby brother had a nanny at the time who I later found out also watched it, so we both started watching together. The episode I remember really getting me hooked was when Rafe played the tape of EJ and Stefano discussing the Sydnapping before EJ and Sami could get married.
Oh, my gosh..........I visited London around that same time! So long ago, but I remember I enjoyed every single moment, especially the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. LOL

I also remember a very rude American woman, who wanted one of the guards to move to the side, so she "could get a better picture". After she left, I approached that guard, apologized for that woman's rudeness.......and assured him that all Americans were not like that. I was appalled. You are visiting a foreign country, and cannot behave,? Be polite? It still sticks in my craw.
I saw Bo Brady steal a cop's motorcycle to the tune of "Holding Out for a Hero" in 1983.

I also remember Roman Brady hanging onto the ledge of a cliff and falling. Then his body was gone when Bo got down to the beach. I think that was probably 1983 also.
Bo actually got to the beach and held the dying Roman in his arms. Then he ran off to get help and when he came back, Roman was gone. (that was 11/23/1984)

Fun fact, the stuntman who took the fall over the cliff as Roman in that one picture is Kane Hodder, who played Jason in several of the Friday the 13th movies.

Started watching Days back in like 5th grade with my cousins, mom, and aunt, right around the time Kayla was deaf. In fact I think that’s why we started watching now that I think about it - we have a deaf aunt and thought it was cool to see sign language on tv!

Fast forward to 2007 or so and I’m bored on the couch one summer night and come across the channel SoapNet. They’re showing the full week of Days and are doing flashbacks to Jack & Jennifer on the island during Cruise of Deception. That’s all it took for me to get hooked again. Been recording it and watching as a guilty pleasure ever since!
In 1986 I started university. My roommate was a big Days fan. I was into Guiding Light. I started watching with her and there was Steve and Kayla. I totally got hooked, especially as the Stockholm story progressed. Later I fell in love with the weird Nick and Eve story, Isabella, and finally the irresistible reformed Jack with Jennifer.

I quit when Steve and Nick died, then came back about a year later and was obsessed with the 2 Romans story. Watched from then until Chloe and Brady left in 2002 or so. Returned when Steve and Jack did for a few years in 2006. Then skipped the entirety of Daniel apparently, returning December 31, 2018 with Jack, but stayed for Xander.
Days was one of my grandmother's stories, then my mother had back surgery and we all watched it together around 1968. Bill's rape of Laura, the baby conceived but couldn't be her husband's. As school started, mom and Grandma kept us current. Then I moved out and started work. It was a while before I could afford a VCR but then life became easier.
I watched because my mom watched, so it was on during holidays and summers. I (although unknown as a child) am allergic to grass and very sensitive to sunlight (I burn quickly even with lathered sunscreen regularly applied) so playing outside made me physically ill. Again at the time I was not taken seriously because when my mom would get concerned, my stepdad would immediately downplay it.

BUT the balance was eventually figured out that if I stayed in during high sun, I didn't have the same symptoms, so I would come in around 11:30 and be in until about 2, then had to go out to play again. This was lunch, and Days, and a piece of Another World. The show aired 12:30-1:30 and AW was 1:30-2:30 until they weren't on the network in my area. So I routinely watched. The show was big in my house.

I remember Roman falling off the cliff and my mom complaining about Roman being taller and how plastic surgery wouldn't do that. I had a doll named Tony and my sister had Bo & Hope (home-made Cabbage Patch dolls). This was all watching with my mom. My earliest independent memory (meaning I watched even though my mom wasn't watching with me) of the show is Jack in bed with Melissa.

I watched regularly until Belle was aged (in fact I was fanatical about the show during the Kristen/Susan year) and then I still kept up with it until Marlena beat up Brady in the wheelchair. I came back in '06 when Steve returned, but lost interest fairly quickly (sorry but fickle Shawn-D and Belle irritated me, as did amnesiac Steve).

I drifted in and out and may never have come back to the show if it had not been for SoapNet. I started watching after work during the huge Parker paternity umbrella story, and my anger over the reveal of Maggie as Daniel's egg donor made me find this community.

I honestly don't think I'd still be watching if I hadn't found fellow fans to commiserate about the ups and downs of the show. I think the DiMera factory of zombies would have done me in!!
It was 1965. My husband and I and our 2 wee ones had just moved to our new rental. The lady next door was HOOKED on a soap. If I visited her while the soap was on, she just had to watch it. The story meant nothing to me. I didn't know any of the characters or their history. But she clearly got a lot of joy from following that show. So, when I learned that a NEW soap was about to premier, I figured this would be the time to start watching it!!!!! So, I watched DOOL on its first day and have been a fan ever since.
I started watching in 1965 when Days first came on TV. I was in 11th grade in high school. I watched it with my Grandmother and my Mama. I've never stopped. Had some times when I was working out of town that I missed, but I've stayed faithful to the show for the good and bad. When we got our first VCR I recorded it every day to watch after work. Then along came the DVR with DirecTV. I was very happy to no longer miss an episode! Now I have to pay for Peacock.
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In 1965 my life surrounded my 2 tiny boys. Being a stay at home mom was of course how life was for me in those days. I totally watched TV all day long, while I did my usual tasks. I was particularly drawn to soaps. I was hooked on Days from the first day it appeared. I am very happy we still have the benefit of daily watching. Thank you Days and Peacock, for supplying me with hundreds and hundreds of plots, and storylines. LOL. Some of them were even good plots. A special thanks to the Salem Spectator, for all the interesting insights on Days. Thanks to all for the loyal watchers whose interest in the program are obviously largely responsible for keeping it on the air.
My mom watched and I remember the intro music as the background of my naptime. My friends and I just watched all of the soaps as we were growing up. We'd get up and constantly turn the channels to watch everything. Soaps were about the only choice of afternoon TV. And then we were also the perfect age for things like Luke and Laura and Bo and Hope etc. Such good stories to get you hooked back then. Sort of lost touch with most as an adult and then started recording Days because I needed something to watch that I could fast forward through commercials to keep my attention during daily exercise.
When my wife retired, she was able to watch Days regularly and I started watching it with her. I particularly liked some guy named Stefano DiMera, but was annoyed by Bo Brady who was supposed to be a good guy hero, but who committed almost as many crimes as the evildoers whom he was seeking to arrest. I eventually started looking for spoilers online, which led me to this board, and my first-ever post, “Bo Brady Is a Criminal.”