Hospital coffee runs


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2013
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New Jersey
I'm sorry if someone has already brought this up, I haven't seen it anywhere so I just wanted to voice my thoughts.

Can someone explain to me when Ben, Sonny & whoever else is at the hospital daily delivering coffee? Is this a joke? Why is just 1 box brought daily, it seems you would bring a bunch of boxes of cups and coffee or whatever so you don't have to keep going back every day!

And since when is club TBD a coffee distributor for the hospital! This is comical!!! I have to laugh every day when I see Ben stacking up cups and coffee there because this is so ridiculous!!! I guess since the hospital only has 1 floor they are lucky that they don't have to bring too many boxes in at once! Unbelievable.
It was mentioned and joked about when Sonny did the first coffee run. There's no way a little local business would provide coffee to a hospital like that.

Just a stupid plot for Paul to see Sonny and for Abigail to have run-ins with Ben, for Chad to see; and run-ins with Chad, for Ben to see. :rolleyes:
Since this is Salem and things don't really have to make sense, maybe by providing coffee to the hospital TBD/coffee house can stay in the black instead of going under, as I don't think I've seen many folks pay. Or maybe they can write off this as a donation and can save money that way.

But for a plot device even for these writers it's pretty lame/dumb/stupid/insert your own word.
Agree with everyone. To tell the truth, I don't think it would be ALLOWED.....but as I suggested elsewhere, maybe it is just for the lounge/employee area.

However, I will note this. Used to work for the school district, 23 schools, with 4 other women, and had to visit/work in each school, in conjunction with the school nurse. Teachers' lounge was where the coffee pot was, and we learned that the teachers all put $$ together to buy the coffee (sometimes sweet rolls). So we pitched together ourselves, so we had a canister of coffee, always making sure to make a pot or two with OUR coffee, (since we were 5).
So maybe the staff has to supply their own at the hospital, though it really is (or WAS) a huge hospital. Remember when it was called Salem University Hospital? LOL
Yes, Ben making daily coffee runs is absurd, as is the idea that a local coffee shop would supply a supposedly large hospital. (Haven't the dolts who run that place ever seen those W.B. Mason coffee service ads??) And if it's the constant stream of busybody visitors (go home egg-mommy!) who are drinking up all the coffee, why don't the writers go all in and have Club TBD set up a coffee bar next to Maxine's nurses station. That way, Ben could be at the hospital all day, and he could repair to a storage closet with Ms. Perfect every time she was "in the mood."

I once worked somewhere that had a "coffee club". They made each employee pay $5.00 each paycheck to buy coffee, filters, sugar, creamer and stirrers. I refused because I only drink tea, straight, with no cream/sugar. They tried to say I "had" to contribute. I said nope... don't drink it, won't pay for it. OH, and each lady in the office was assigned a week to make the coffee every day, throughout the day. When I saw my name on the schedule, I said "don't drink it, not making it".

You'd have thought I said I was an ax murderer or something.
:OT: When I worked for a school district I was the first person in. I was in charge of making coffee. As I don't drink coffee at all, this was a challenge. And I was to use a Mr. Coffee and a teaspoon, so some days it was strong and some days not so much.

Finally, they purchased a coffee spoon and told me 3 level non packed spoonfuls. Of course, after making the first pot some idiot would put the pot back on the burner with less than a mouthful left and it would burn, leaving it for the coffee maker the next day to clean.

After just making coffee without cleaning out the carafe, they made sure to have the burner turned off if putting the nearly empty pot back on the burner.

At work now (I'm no longer with the school district) we have a K-Cup machine and I can have hot chocolate or cider. It's wonderful, except for the guy who can't remember to clean his cup out after making coffee.
As DrBakerFan and Heather stated, it would have made more sense to say that Sonny made a deal to install a Club TBD coffee bar in the hospital. A place I worked for once had a deal like that with Starbucks (of all places). It was a huge company and there was a mini-Starbucks right in the corner of the cafeteria. And let me tell you, they did booming business. All the coffee drinkers flocked to that mini bar over the regular coffee.
but anytime you are in a is tea. Always.
And there ARE people who drink a lot of coffee. I wouldn't worry about Salemites, though. Their cups are always empty, as are the styrofoam cups when they order to go. So no one is really drinking coffee.

And some places have hot water pot, though you had better carry your own tea bag. My friend always has tea bags in her purse. LOL.
I think the stupid thing was that Sonny went there to make a delivery (when he first ran into Paul), then a day or so later he mentioned someone else making the delivery (so as to avoid Paul) but it was the same Salem day! Then Ben was delivering again either later that same day or the next morning. How many deliveries do they need? So stupid.
Days is known for horrible plot points that never make sense.

I'm also a tea drinker; usually just straight hot tea. I'll only drink coffee if I'm really desperate to stay awake after an all-nighter, or sometimes if it is one of those blended drinks. I agree that it would've made more sense if a mini-bar was just opened at the hospital.
Too bad the genius writers couldn't combine their lame plot devices of the SouthSide club and the Coffee Runs into just having them open a location in the hospital, which would have served their plots and made some real-world sense.

I'm starting to think the Days writers live in a cave somewhere....