Hey Will, it's called parenthood. Deal with it.

And now for my gripe about Sonny.... He told Will that he couldn't go to Hollywood with him because he's expanding the business. He said he hadn't mentioned that to Will because of all that's been going on.

Sorry but that doesn't cut it. If Sonny was seriously pursuing expansion he would have had to have spent several months just in going through the finances to see if it was affordable, building a business plan, and getting the plans together. There's no way that in the amount of time it took that he wouldn't have mentioned it to Will at least a few times. That was just a cheap stroke of writing laziness.

However it is, what it is, so Sonny has no excuse for not mentioning it. He seems to be doing exactly what Will is..... making a major life decision without discussing it with their own spouse. Both of them are being boobs. Will is however 5 cup sizes bigger in the boob department.