Hey Will, it's called parenthood. Deal with it.


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Feb 12, 2009
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Will is a friggin ingrate. He's so jealous that Sonny traveled the world and had an adult life before having a family that he actually griped about it at Sonny. He basically told Sonny that he didn't like the life they had together. His problem isn't Sonny; it's the fact that he has a child and can't just go and do as he pleases.

Will had that child before they got married so it's not like he didn't have some sort of clue that he wouldn't be traveling the world or going clubbing on Friday nights. The going out and partying whenever you want ends when you have a child.

It's worse now because they no longer have Gabi to dump Ari on whenever one of them got snippy and left in a huff. But the worst part of it is Sonny wanted to be with Will so badly that he opened his home to Will, his baby and baby momma and took on all of the financial responsibility for all of them.

Now I get that Will figured out that he's gay. But so what, Gabi is his ex-girlfriend and they have a baby together. Who in their right mind would invite the ex to live with them and provide all the financial support for the ex as well as the ex's child.

So Sonny has bent over backwards going above and beyond in order to have a life with Will and now Will has the audacity to complain about what he doesn't have. Just what sacrifice did Will make to be with Sonny? None. Up until he got paid for his article he hasn't contributed anything financially for himself or his own child. He has even gotten to go to college a university and get an education.

His marriage to Sonny isn't holding him back from anything. What keeps him from coming and going as he pleases is the fact that he has a child. Someone needs to pop Will up the backside of his head and say "Boo friggin hoo. It's called parenthood, so grow up you whiny baby and put your big boy pants on".

Sonny should dump Will on his huge ingrate butt.
Agree. Except... has Sami stopped being a sniveling twit ? :wink: I must have missed that part.

I can't believe what the idiot writers are doing with Will's character now. Up until the stupid article, Will was all about his daughter. Now ? It appears he regrets being a father. :sick: And I hate seeing him get out of the apartment like he does, leaving Arianna in Sonny's care. They are married, that's true. But I hate parents who dump their kids on others all the time, without asking if it's all right. Will is definitely Sami's son.
I used to love Will--he was one of my favorite characters. And Will-Sonny was one of the newer super couples on the soap. Now, Will's become more and more like his mother, and the writing for the pairing is not very exciting. Guess what, Will? If you weren't ready for a baby, maybe you should've used protection, or better yet: NOT had grief sex with Gabi! He gets no sympathy from me, especially considering everything Sonny's done for him and Arianna.
Boy you hit the nail on the head.
Will has turned from a character I really liked into one that I would be happy to see leave the scene. He is so mean-spirited all the time it is sad. The writers have tried to turn him into the male version of his mother and boy have they succeeded. It's all about Will all the time with no care for anyone else's feelings. Sad, very sad.
In defense of Sami...she was always there for Will and for her kids when they needed her. She never really deserted a husband/boyfriend with the kids to "follow her dream". I know there are a lot of Sami haters on here, and lately I can understand why, but she always cared about her kids and her husband/boyfriend until the grief sex (and I still am not sure that was really Sami because it was so out of character!)

Will, on the other hand, almost seems like he regrets being a young husband/parent. He suddenly wants to be free to live his life because his career took off. When he needed Sony, he was thrilled to be with him but now that he can manage on his own, it's almost like he's rethinking their marriage. I hate what the writers are doing to him.

On a side note, I liked the previous actor playing Will much better; I wonder if the turn isn't due to the writers seeing a shift with the acting ability/fondness of the actor.
Sami became a mother at an age younger than Will. AND she was not married, plus was a high school dropout. The only dreams Sami ever seemed to have had to do with men.
I really don't know what Will is babbling about now. He had lived abroad with Uncle Austin and Aunt carrie for a couple of years, in a country with plenty of mountains and snow. He hs gotten a college education, has a beautiful daughter, parents who love him, a devoted husband, a good and well paying job. As a kid, he was in Scouts, went camping, had great family around him, with a father who even went to jail for him.
Right now, Will is being an ungrateful, spoiled brat. Despite the fact he has a job he loves, and all the rest of the love, support, etc. he appears to be jealous of Sonny, and restless in a way.
Maybe Will doesn't really like the articles he has been asked to write. Maybe he is insecure, that his only worth to the magazines is his connection to some folks who have made headlines. ?????
Will has become a self-centered brat who is all set to leave his small child in pursuit of glory in Tinseltown. He's also something of an egotist, thinking that the poorly-written piece of trash that he published in the cheesy TruVista was some kind of journalistic gem. Finally, he's coming up short in the morality department, when he says he's ready to push the edges to achieve his dream, whatever that is. If he keeps to this apparent path, he's going to become a cheap hack writer who's lost the respect of all those who matter.
I agree 100%. It really makes me sad for Arianna that Will is behaving this way. And Sonny deserves so much better. He's shown more love for Will than anyone ever has, and this is the thanks he's getting? Absolutely ridiculous. I really like Will and Sonny's love story, and I really hate seeing the writers destroy it.
DaysLady, it's what they do!! (I'm going to go cry now.)

In defense of Sami...she was always there for Will and for her kids when they needed her.

I'm going to have to take issue with this thought - Will was useful to her only as long as she could exploit him and her "connection" to Austin. Methinks if Austin had been in Jail/or she'd ended up with him, she would have acted just like Will is...restless, writhing, ready to leap.

[Oh and note that I loved Sami once - but I was no fan of hers until AFTER the truth about Will's paternity came out.]
JasonDiSpeech--OK, let me clarify my remark; once she admitted that Lucas was Will's father and grew up some (so not counting the "I'm taking Will away by admitting you hit him" storyline) Sami was always there for her kids and never used them to manipulate her relationships. :wink: I'd say once she matured, but that occurred during part of the Green Wedding and during part of her marriage to Rafe...then she had a personality transplant and turned into the drivel we watch now on our screens.