He's baaaaaaackkkkk!!!

Man, was it good!!! I knew he'd be alive still, just didn't know when he'd show up! Credit to the writers for doing that, as usually they'll drag such things out, or make them uber predictable.

I, too, hope Victor works together with Stefano to take down the drug-dealer.
I think that if anyone is ultimately going to bring Clyde down, it will be his lady-love, Will Horton's Grandmother and Arianna's Great-Grandma, KATE!!!! Just let her get a "hint" of Clyde's part in Sonny's stabbing and that'll be it!! AND, she might just let Sami know!! Clyde will have that horse's head under his blankets in no time!!
This time your went too far Clyde, family is off limits. Even Stefano and Victor had the class not to go after family. If Victor ever gets the faintest clue (and I hope it's soon) that Clyde is responsible for EJ's death and tells Stefano, then the two of them can sweep Salem clean of the hillbilly dealer.... preferably dead.
Dr Bakerfan...:):clap::rotfl:.

I bet that's exactly what will happen next. Minus the killing Clyde part--they'll try but won't be successful.
I really like James Reade, who is doing a fabulous job portraying the dastardly Clyde Weston. I just wish he wasn't into the drug manufacture and distribution game. But then, I guess we cannot have him robbing banks, and running numbers games, bookies, etc. Salem is so used to more "sophisticated" crime. LOL But really, by now, if Clyde really intends to stay in Salem and surpass Victor in controlling underworld elements, he needs to have his own place. House/Apartment, who cares. Hotel rooms just don't cut it. I bet Days has another spare sofa, (hey, that white one from Horton Square) couple of tables and lamps, maybe even a desk, so they can furnish a living room.....just take the living room furniture from Theresa's place, set it on the side, put in Clyde's. Or use the old Rafe's loft set. LOL
I have really liked James Reade (Clyde) in several movies but on DOOL he is just more like a thug than a "crime lord". Just my opinion.
I really like James Reade, who is doing a fabulous job portraying the dastardly Clyde Weston. I just wish he wasn't into the drug manufacture and distribution game. But then, I guess we cannot have him robbing banks, and running numbers games, bookies, etc. Salem is so used to more "sophisticated" crime. LOL But really, by now, if Clyde really intends to stay in Salem and surpass Victor in controlling underworld elements, he needs to have his own place. House/Apartment, who cares. Hotel rooms just don't cut it. I bet Days has another spare sofa, (hey, that white one from Horton Square) couple of tables and lamps, maybe even a desk, so they can furnish a living room.....just take the living room furniture from Theresa's place, set it on the side, put in Clyde's. Or use the old Rafe's loft set. LOL

I'll bet that between all of us we could take up a collection of odd pieces furniture that we'd like to get rid....er, donate??
So...exactly to whom is Clyde selling his "product"? Jeannie T seems to be clean of late...Rory even hasn't mentioned doing drugs...Cole's on probation...Brady, doubtlessly the largest Salem drug buyer in its history, is sober as well...are we to believe there's a whole cadre of drug addicts wandering the square and park?? Enough that they can support THREE drug families??? :eek:
So...exactly to whom is Clyde selling his "product"? Jeannie T seems to be clean of late...Rory even hasn't mentioned doing drugs...Cole's on probation...Brady, doubtlessly the largest Salem drug buyer in its history, is sober as well...are we to believe there's a whole cadre of drug addicts wandering the square and park?? Enough that they can support THREE drug families??? :eek:
Maybe all of Salem is on drugs. Perhaps, that explains why the people sitting in the Pub, Club TBD, and Victor's place, and those wandering the Town Square never seem to react to the loud, nasty conversations that are taking place there. Maybe, they're too stoned to notice. Then there's dear old Salem U. The students never seem to go to class or study, so they have a lot of time on their hands. And, who knows, maybe with Roman's hopeless police force, Salem is the drug capital of the region, and serious users from as far away as Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Champaign-Urbana, and Indianapolis make pilgrimages there to stock up on high quality "product."
Wait, wait, wait! I think we're all looking at this the wrong way. Maybe Clyde and Victor aren't selling traditional drugs. Perhaps they sell bottles and bottles of "stupid juice"??? THAT would explain an awful lot in Salem.

Has the show ever confirmed that Clyde is actually in the drug business?