He's baaaaaaackkkkk!!!

I loved the way he showed up, and have been expecting it. Just could not guess on the "when". Of course he would show up now. He is a nasty piece of work, and wanted to "sock it to 'em" at a most vulnerable time.
You know, the little kid in the school yard who bullies or plays tricks on some kid, thumbs his nose, sticks out his tongue....nyah, nyah, nyah, see, you can't catch me"!
Agree completely that Clyde has to go -- now! Hopefully, Victor will strike back hard. The attack on his beloved nephew, Sonny, was a declaration of nuclear war on the mighty Kiriakis family by a nasty, sleazy upstart . (At least that other Kiriakis enemy, Stefano, always has some savoir faire and gravitas.) It's too much to hope that Clyde doesn't get out of the hospital parking lot alive, but that's my preferred scenario.
Agree completely that Clyde has to go -- now! Hopefully, Victor will strike back hard. The attack on his beloved nephew, Sonny, was a declaration of nuclear war on the might Kiriakis family by a nasty, sleazy upstart . (At least that other Kiriakis enemy, Stefano, always has some savoir faire and gravitas.) It's too much to hope that Clyde doesn't get out of the hospital parking lot alive, but that's my preferred scenario.

I thought Victor fell asleep waiting for Damon. Since he just talked to Sonny,
I wondered if he was dreaming about Clyde.
Victor could always have Clyde kidnapped, tied to a chair in a room with no windows, then make Melanie go in and babble at him for hours. Clyde would beg to commit suicide.
How about a tag-team attack on Clyde. First, Melanie does her best babbling, then Jen Jen rants, followed by Eve whining and yelling, Jeannie T. exercising her smart mouth, and Maggie preaching. All this would probably put Clyde into a coma from which he'd never emerge.
Of course we're not surprised - the show was missing a slimy element now that EJ's gone, and Stefano hardly ever gets on-screen time, and Victor is reformed, and Nicole is trying to be reformed, and Serena just doesn't exude that slimy bad guy vibe well enough. We would HAVE to have Clyde alive.

That said, I agree - get Melanie in there, but follow it up with Theresa and Eve, and then Paige whining about JJ. Then Clyde might want to leave town fast.
Oh, I don't think Victor is reformed. He just is super careful about his underworld dealings, while maintaining his legit persona to the public, especially Maggie. Yes, Days probably felt it did need another good villain. Through the years they HAVE brought on others for a while, but who wore out their welcomes within a year or so, and were gone.
In this case, they managed to get a very different kind than the wealthy, supposed "upper class" type that both Stefano & Victor patterned after. Victor underestimated Clyde, and so far, Stefano has made fun of him (to Kate). Yes, I would love for these two old enemies to join forces to put Clyde where he belongs. LOL
Yes, I would love for these two old enemies to join forces to put Clyde where he belongs. LOL
That reminds me of an old movie, but I can't think of the name. Two mobster types were sworn enemies. Their children got married, which infuriated both men. Then a third bad guy killed the son and daughter, so the two mobsters joined forces to avenge the deaths of their children.
Yes, I would love for these two old enemies to join forces to put Clyde where he belongs. LOL
As the old saying goes, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Hopefully, the writers can grasp this basic concept. As for finishing off Clyde, if the combined efforts of Melanie, Jenny, Jeannie T., Eve, Paige, and Maggie don't render him comatose, Victor can go bring out his ultimate weapons, the Brady twins. After listening to sourpuss Eric moaning that he can never forgive Nicole and Sami babbling about how her darling smoochy-moochy had changed, and making claims to being Salem's best mother, Clyde would be ready to be boxed up and shipped back to Poplar Bluff.
Victor can go bring out his ultimate weapons, the Brady twins. After listing to sourpuss Eric moaning that he can never forgive Nicole and Sami babbling about how her darling smoochy-moochy had changed and making claims to being Salem's best mother, Clyde would be ready to be boxed up and shipped back to Poplar Bluff.
This time your went too far Clyde, family is off limits. Even Stefano and Victor had the class not to go after family. If Victor ever gets the faintest clue (and I hope it's soon) that Clyde is responsible for EJ's death and tells Stefano, then the two of them can sweep Salem clean of the hillbilly dealer.... preferably dead.
Dr Bakerfan...:):clap::rotfl:.