Hair and wardrobe again

Jen's hair is over bleached and looks dry and dull. And for heaven's sake, I want to jump right through the screen and take a hair brush to the messy mops Abigail and Melanie are sporting. Their hair looks like a rats nest, pathetic and extremely unattractive. No matter what Nicole does to her hair (and it seems to change several times a week), she looks beautiful.
LOL, idiots! So they make the dresses without them, and either they go unsold, or women buy sweaters, jackets to put over.
Could not read the whole article, as one must suscribe in order to read it all. But those few lines were eye opening. Thanks, Lil0
Look at it this way. All the more selections or the sales rack than we can afford the sweater or jacket.
I agree about Melanie's hair not looking great lately; it's distracting. When they show her from the front, I think, oh that's pretty. Then they show the back and I'm all :eek:. Maybe they're trying to make us believe she does it herself, since it's such a mess in the back? Or maybe I'm just getting old and don't understand hair trends these days.