Hair and wardrobe again

If that was a faux bob it's the best one they've done with the exception that it was glued down like Nellie from Little House on the Prairie's curls were. Looked like they used eggs for shellac.
Her hair is long, and it was pinned under, which may have pulled it down some. I think she looks way better with the shorter bob, or hair just above shoulders/below ears.
I was wondering if Jen was trying out that bob, before she takes the leap into having shorter hair. It seems that many actresses will get their hair cut, then get those fake attached hair things (extensions) when they decide they liked it better longer.
Just in case anyone was looking to get one of those lovely jackets like the one Nicole was wearing the past couple days, sadly, it's "unavailable" according to this site :sarcasm:
Here is a fun site where select wardrobe items can often be found with purchase information (hey, even the blind Days wardrobe squirrels find a nice one now and then).
LOL, I wonder if the ghastly wardrobe choices are done on purpose by the show in order to create "buzz". Hey, as long as you spell the name right, that is all that matters. Bad buzz is better than none at all. LOL (the mindset/philosophy of the suits at Days)
Thanks for the site Katie. I've seen dresses that I sometimes like. But sadly, since this is taped 5-6 months in advanc, the wardrobe was probably purchased even farther in advance and is no longer available.

I remember when Sami had the court scenes last Summer, she wore a Michael Kors dress one day that fans were asking her about non-stop on twitter. Yup it was no longer available at that point.
At least Eve had on boots but still, I agree looks stupid all bundled up on top and bare legged as my grandmother would say :) .

If Eve was still a hooker I'd say she is saving time :wink: keeping the lower regions easily accessible.