Good grief Eric, shut up!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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So Mr. Sourpuss strikes again and Nicole isn't the target. He really went off on Daniel because he had contact with Kristen. Contact that Daniel didn't want anything to do with in the first place. Even so it's not for Eric to decide who Daniel speaks with. He needs to shut his mouth and Daniel should have told him to back off or just shoved an apple in his mouth. There is really not anything likable about Eric.
Oh Writer! That would be fabulous.....which is exactly why it won't happen! :(

Eric is so sanctimonious I just want to punch him in the face. He thinks he is so superior to EVERYONE. How rude to accost Daniel about Kristen right there in Daniel's office. I'm glad Daniel shot right back to him about choosing not to testify against Kristen. It's amazing how similar Sami and Eric are. Twits, er I mean twins, they are!
Wait: was Eric on today? I didn't see it in the summary here or on the DaysCafe summary. I'll try to find it on YouTube.
Tired of these Cougar relationships. Enough already. If Jen wants to be a good friend to Eric, fine. I like that.
But then, I want Jack back. LOL

I agree--Jennifer is too old for him, and they have no romantic chemistry. Also, it would be nice to see a straight man and straight woman who are unrelated just be friends without any kind of romance or romps.

Also, Sparkster, I didn't see Eric interacting with Daniel on Friday.
Jennifer is like 47-50, about the same as Daniel. Eric is in the late 30s age group, along with EJ, Brady, Nicole, Lucas, Rafe, and Sami. I'd say Jordan is probably slightly younger, around the same age as Chloe.
I think Eric is having a delayed reaction to all that has happened to him this past year. He has had to deal with his rape from Kristen, the public humiliation of the video shown at Brady and Kristen's wedding, Kristen escaping, his priesthood suspended.

For awhile he had hope when Daniel and Nicole were trying to find the evidence that his life as a priest would be reinstated, but then Nicole shredded the evidence and lied to him for months about it. Even when he went to Rome and could have chosen to become a priest again, all of the emotions seemed to have caught up with him and he could not handle it at that time.

Then Kristen was caught and he thought he was going to get justice for what she did, but he passed on it in order to give John a drug for another chance at life.

This is one very conflicted man who needs serious help. I don't think he's undergone a personality change in the past year, I think it is a version of PTSD, which causes him to act out, even to those whom he regards as a friend.
This is one very conflicted man who needs serious help. I don't think he's undergone a personality change in the past year, I think it is a version of PTSD, which causes him to act out, even to those whom he regards as a friend.

Eric has been a sanctimonious butthole since his arrival in Salem. He came off as a nice guy at first because as a priest he offered Nicole refuge at the convent. But then he proceeded to wag his finger and chide her for any imperfection. And he has only gotten worse.

He decided Nicole was the rapist and tore her up only to see how wrong he was. I do agree that he has his undies in a bunch over deciding to not testify against Kristen and took that out of Daniel. But that was his decision so he needs to shut up. I wonder if and when he will bark at Marlena or John about it. Nope I know when; it will be when he thinks either of them has done something he doesn't like. He's a twit.
I agree with what SaraBeth said. Eric has no right to be mad at Daniel for speaking to Kristen. It was Daniel that brought Kristen back ro Salem in the first place so she could pay for her crimes against Eric. How quickly he forgets that part of it I guess. And please wardrobe people, enough with the zip up turtle neck sweaters on Eric!! Please!!
What would be an interesting storyline to me is if they do go the PTSD route, have it tied to his time in Africa which is when he decided to become a priest. That might explain a lot and could potentially help redeem the character.
I wouldn't buy it though. Eric went into the priesthood after that so I think the church would have helped him. They certainly wouldn't have ordained him had they felt he had any form of PTSD. As far as redemption goes they could just have him start being a good guy that doesn't go out of his way to be judge, jury and verbal executioner to people. That would help alot. Then have him take a good look in the mirror.