Friday, Nov. 18, 2005

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Nov 23, 2006
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Friday, November 18th

AT THE LOFTS….Mimi gets home and lights some candles for her and Shawn’s romantic evening together. She gets a taste of married life, LOL, as Shawn comes home and tells her about his busy day at the garage and when she leans forward for a kiss, doesn’t want to get her nice coat dirty and heads to the shower. She blows out a couple candles. Later she drinks some wine, toasting their romantic night as he peeks out through the door asking for a clean towel from the kitchen. She decides to deliver it herself. He pulls her into the shower saying it’s the best place to be on a cold night. She doesn’t know, but he says he does and pulls her in, clothes and all, and they start kissing. Turns out she’s just fantasizing that, but Shawn does open the door asking for a towel.

Across the hall, Philip’s making Risoto (pasta dish Belle loved at Chez Rouge) for dinner and Belle laughs (nice to hear) and offers to help him. He gets a painful cramp in his leg. She learns it’s normal and he’s been having them on and off over the past weeks and not telling her. She feels bad and says he deserves so much more as they hug. He shows her a bottle of sparkling cider to have (mindful she can’t have alcohol) and wants some for himself instead of wine. She finds a picture of her and Shawn in the glass cupboard (real good hiding place, LOL!) as Philip pours the cider and toasts to them and their future. Later they laugh as he made too much and says the seafood will go bad if they can’t eat it all now. He suggests inviting Shawn and Mimi to dinner and she agrees. Across the hall, Mimi hands Shawn his towel and he heads back into the bathroom (alone). She goes into her room and he hears a knock on the door. With the towel wrapped around his lower half, he answers it and it’s Belle to invite them for dinner. Mimi comes out of her room with her glass of wine and Belle invites them. He thinks it’s a good idea with the ice storm approaching and she (not so agreeable) goes along with it. Alone she asks God to help her get through this. On their way across the hallway, Shawn apologizes to Mimi and promises to make it up to her. They kiss and accidentally ring the doorbell while kissing. Philip opens it and finds them kissing and gives Belle the thumbs up signal.

Marlena tells John she’s still Alex’s wife and her marriages to Roman and him are invalid. John asks Alex why he didn’t return to Marlena after his special ops mission years ago. Alex repeats how she had moved on and why he focused on specializing in her type of problem. He admits using hypnosis and other methods simply to get her to retrieve her memory of them and sequenced properly so she can have her whole life back, not in bits and pieces over the years. He also wanted to make sure this information wouldn’t cause her more harm than good. John smirks saying he’s full of it. When John asks, Alex says he doesn’t know the DiMeras and only knows Lexie as she referred him to John per his request for help. All he does know is his love for Marlena and feels deep down in her subconscious she does know it. Marlena tears up as Alex takes her hand and reminds her about her earlier flashes of her earlier life with all three of them. She says it was confusing. He warns her the time is coming where she’ll have to decide which of them she will want to stay with. Marlena asks John for some time alone with Alex. He’s not crazy about the idea, but she insists. Kate takes John out on the terrace. John holds Kate’s shoulders, saying Alex has manipulated Marlena and filled her head with lies. Kate is more realistic and warns John it may be true. She stops him from going in, saying he might do more damage than good to his own cause.

Marlena admits her doubts to Alex and he knows something that will help convince he leans down and kisses her. She likes it and catches herself as she leans in for more…then panics a little. He embraces her and says he’s her husband and there for her. He knows that’s why she returned the kiss with such passion. She admits how natural it did feel. He begs for her to give him the chance to prove he’s the only man she’s ever loved. Marlena asks to speak with John alone when he and Kate return. Privately Kate asks Alex if that was the truth and he says yes. She feels for him, saying he waited too long to come back as those in between years may hurt him. He suggests John might be available for her. Marlena tells John she wants him to leave as she owes Alex the chance to help her and when asks why she owes Alex anything, she says that he’s her husband.

Billie finds Frankie outside wondering what he’s doing sitting out when an ice storm is coming. She’s worried about Chelsea who’s not home nor answering her cellphone. She asks to hang out with Frankie while waiting. She sits down and comments on how cold it is, so he pours her something hot to help. She knows he’s thinking about Jack and Jennifer. She admits Jack told her a long time ago about his fatal illness and his plan to have Frankie in the wings to help Jen after he’s gone. Billie figures Jack’s focus on Jennifer helps divert his thoughts about what’s happening to him. Frankie respects Jen too much to force himself on her, it’ll be her decision. Frankie says Jennifer is not Jack’s property, she’s his wife and it’s up to her what she’ll do afterward. He’ll be there, but he will not take advantage of her vulnerability.

Inside Jen’s asleep and Jack’s sitting up in bed watching her. He puts the pills down and accidentally awakens her. She asks him to hold her and rolls over for him to spoon with her. He does so and starts gasping for breath. They roll over and she lies her head on his chest saying he’s not going anywhere. She admits trying to stay strong for the kids, but breaks down fearing she can’t help but worry if this would be their last conversation, etc. He tells her how he loves her and starts kissing her. Later Jen’s asleep again and Jack reaches for the bottle of pills. She wakes up as he starts to open the bottle, asking what he’s doing. He says just taking his medication and she asks if he’s in pain. He tells her not when he’s with her. She urges him to be optimistic and to hang on for a cure. She heads down to get cranberry juice for him to take with the pills as the book said it balances out the pH. . Holding the palmful of pills, he says he’s doing this for her

Jen finds Billie and Frankie out front and pulls them in. Jen hears about Chelsea and calls Abby, worried about her too. She leaves a message on Abby’s phone to call her. They all fight as to who should go find the girls and Jack finally relents to stay home and asks Billie to stay with him while Frankie and Jen go look for the girls. Jack asks Billie to take Jennifer out to lunch once a week so she won’t hide out in the house after he’s gone. Jack tells Frankie how Jen loves flowers, especially hydrangeas. She also loves Halloween and candy. Jen walks in hearing him talking about next year and rushes into his arms glad that he’s thinking optimistically. He stops her from leaving and kisses her, saying he loves her. She says the same and for him to go back to bed, she’ll be right back and heads out. Jack gasps a little, saying he didn’t get to say goodbye to Abigail. He gasps more saying he said goodbye to his son, Vern and Jo, but asks her not to let Abigail feel guilty for not being home tonight. He collapses after telling Billie he took all his pills. Billie cries out to him to come back, please come back and rocks him as his eyes roll back into his head…..

Jennifer (sniffing) to Frankie (in the car): “I can’t believe I’m talking about my husband like he’s already gone..”

Nicole to Austin: “I’m going for the gold ring.”
Austin: “You mean BRASS ring, unless you’re talking about a wedding gown.”

Lucas to Sami: “You have no business touching that.” (a paper)
Sami looks at the paper, that stares at him.

Marlena to John while looking at Alex: “I remember the deep feeling of love for him.”

As the previews roll…
Monday, November 21, 2005


Episode # 10192
Tape Date: 10/18/05
Air Date: 11/21/05
Director: Phil Sogard

At the Deveraux place…Jack lies “dead” on the floor as Billie uses CPR to try to revive him, crying for him to come back. He looks around as he is all dressed in white and says “I did it…I killed myself” and wonders if he is in Heaven. Suddenly, everything around him turns red. He hears Billie calling his name and looks up at her, asking if she is an angel. He tells her he thought he was in hell as an angry Billie tells him that she is going to make him regret what he tried. Later, we learn that Billie has given him serum of epicac (sp?) and made he throw up the pills as he bemoans his failure. She lectures him that suicide is wrong and begs him not to do this to his family. He doesn’t want to hear it, but she tries to persuade him that his family loves him and will cherish every minute with him and begs him to stop torturing himself.

Meanwhile…Jen and Frankie are out searching for Abby and Chelsea and get trapped in the ice storm. As they sit in the car, she tries to call home to Billie and Jack but her phone battery is dead. They decide to wait until someone comes along to help them. Frankie turns on the radio (must be the oldies station) and the song “Love, Look What You’ve Done to Me” (I think by Boz Scaggs…not sure, that is an old one). They laugh about how they danced and about old times. They talk about a teacher of theirs from high school (I think Ms. Collette?) and how she was a young widow (her husband was killed in the war) and how she lived such a lonely life because she never moved on. Jennifer wonders if that is what will happen to her and begins to cry. Frankie tells her that he saw Ms. Collette a few years ago in New York…she was on her honeymoon. It seems that she married the coach at school…and come to find out, he was her FIRST love…before she had married they had gone to their prom together. Jen has flashbacks of dancing (to “Stand by Me”) with Frankie at her prom. He tells her that their teacher did fall in love again…even if it took 30 years. But Jen says nothing would ever happen like that for her. As ice forms on their windshield, she tells Frankie that she has loved Jack for so long, she would never expect to find that kind of love again. But he assures her that she will be able to move on with her life. He tells her that Ms. Collette’s husband gave him a bit of advice when they talked…never give up. Jen asks him what he meant by that, but Frankie says he can’t remember (they must have been talking about Jen). Jen says that situation was different, but he was right about one thing…she will never give up on Jack…she prays for a miracle every day. A salt truck comes by and they decide to follow it and head home.

Meanwhile back at the house, Jack has an attack and says he can’t take it and just wants to die, he doesn’t want his family to see him like this. As he struggles for breath, he begs Billie not to tell Jennifer what happened earlier. She finally gives in, but only for Jennifer’s sake, it would be too painful for her to find out. He has another attack and drops the pill bottle, just as Frankie and Jen come in. Jen rushes to Jack as Billie tries to hide the epicac and the pill bottle, but Frankie sees her. He pulls her aside and asks her what is going on and she tells him. They are both glad that she was there as they watch Jen cuddling Jack on the sofa.

At Lucas’s Apartment…Lucas and Sophie come in, planning on spending the night together (Will is staying with a friend). They congratulate each other on what happened earlier and talk about how Austin is going to react. They fall to the sofa kissing. Lucas is thanking her for her help as the clothes begin to fly.

Across the hall, Austin & Company is also celebrating. Nicole thinks they should start packing their things to move into the new place even though Sami still thinks it is a bad idea and that they are over-extending. But Austin is sure that they are on their way to success. Sami sees she is out-numbered so she wanders into the hall where she finds Will coughing and hacking. Nicole tells Austin of a company that is ripe for a takeover and they talk about securing a loan. Austin thinks it is going to be tough competing with Titan, but this first account is a great first step. He tells her that they are taking a huge risk, but she says that they have to take risks if they want to go for the gold ring. He corrects her, saying it is the BRASS ring…unless she is talking about a wedding band. In the hall, Will explains that he is sick and wanted to come home and sleep in his own bed as she feels his forehead and says he is burning up. He doesn’t want her to baby him, but he finally gives her the key and she opens the door and walks right in on Lucas and Sophie and squeals. Sami retreats quickly (keeping Will from seeing what was going on). Lucas charges out into the hall demanding to know what Sami is doing there, but she counters asking what was HE doing. Austin and Nicole hear the commotion and come over as well as Sami is raising hell at Lucas. Will tells them all that it’s okay as Sami opens the door and with her eyes closed, tells Sophie her son is sick and going to bed. Will goes in and they hear him say “Wow, Sophie…you are HOT!” almost giving Sami a heart attack. He yells back that he is just kidding, she isn’t even in the room. Nicole and Austin laugh it off and go back to work as Sami stays behind, saying she wants to make sure Will is okay. She instructs Lucas he should tell Sophie to get lost.

Back in Sami’s apartment, Austin and Nicole go back to work as Austin talks about he has missed Will and how he has grown. Nicole starts about how Sami lied to Austin about Will being his son and she doesn’t understand how Austin can stand her. Austin chuckles about how Nicole is still trying to fish around and find out who the woman is that he came back to town for. She wants to know who it is NOW, but he avoids her questions. He does tell her that the woman is patient, not pushy and doesn’t put her agenda above others. Nicole snorts that leaves Sami out. But he will not tell her who it is. Nicole tells him that she wishes Sami and Lucas would make up and get back together and that they would be better off if Sami switched teams and worked for the enemy…then the future would be theirs. Then she clatters on about what success they would be and that SHE had better be the one he came back for as Austin just smiles.

Back in Lucas’s apartment, Sophie is now dressed and has decided to leave. After she is gone, Sami takes Will’s temperature and it’s 102, telling him he needs soup and to get to bed, even though he doesn’t want her babying him. She sends him to bed and give Lucas instructions. She picks up a folder and starts reading as Lucas tries to stop her. He takes it away, telling her it is none of her business. She swears she wasn’t snooping, but he tells her that wants her and everyone else to be surprised.


At the Penthouse…the ‘Marlena-Amnesia-Marathon’ continues. She wants John and Kate to leave so she can talk to Alex privately. John pulls Alex aside and lets him know that he doesn’t believe his story for a minute. Kate tells Marlena she needs to make a decision and not to keep the two man hanging on like this (WHY does she need to make a decision this very minute?) Marlena agrees with her. Alex tells John that he has wasted too many years to be with Marlena but John thinks this whole story is bull. Alex says it is no more far-fetched than anything else that has ever happened to Marlena (ain’t that the truth?!!) They bicker back and forth and John tells him that he will not succeed. Marlena asks Kate if she believes Alex’s story and she says he sounded convincing. Kate warns her that if she chooses Alex, John will be heartbroken, but Marlena thinks that if she ends up with Alex, John could find happiness with Kate. John tells them that because of the storm, he and Kate aren’t leaving. Alex tells John that he should accept that Marlena’s future is with HIM. But John warns Alex that if he finds out that all of this is a hoax, he is going to take that talisman and that special music and shove it all down his throat. (LOL, I was expecting another place myself) Alex tells him that there is no need for violence, he has shown them the proof and that Marlena will be true to her first love…HIM. John begs Marlena to reconsider before making the biggest mistake of her life. She says she needs to remember her past from the beginning…all of it to get her memory back. John says he will be there for her. Kate tells Alex if he is playing games with Marlena, God help him. But Alex swears he is trying to help her. He accuses Kate of not being honest herself…she wants to be with John. Marlena tells John that she needs to be honest with him…she doesn’t feel the deep love for him…but she remember she deep feeling of love she has for Alex. Freeze frame on Alex
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