Fall Preview 2024 - updated

The casting for Joy was announced a few months ago. The actress looks just like Chloe.
This is the last time we saw Joy Wesley, at Chloe and Brady's wedding in September of 2005.

Everybody was fine with Alex getting half of Victor's fortune and Titan, because they like him for some reason, but now it is Xander there will be disputes from Philip because he hates him. I hope we see Xander channelling Victor. I hate that the heir plot was shovelled away in two episodes and moved on to the Fiona car crash plot. I would have really liked a month in between where we learned exactly what went on with Fiona, Victor and Titus, and especially why Victor gleefully let Titus die. There is a lot of history there only Fiona knows, and you would think Maggie and Xander would be interested to ask about it.
He seems to like writing for Xander/Paul Telfer but for some reason his story beats are always half-baked. I'm starting to wonder if he has been forced to write for Xander (who is a fan fave) but found it somewhat easier since he was more of a blank slate than John, Rafe, Steve, and other vets he clearly disliked writing for.
From what I gathered last year at Day of Days, Ron was forced to change the heir from Alex to Xander due to negative fan response. He was not happy as he really loves Rob Scott Wilson (Alex). So I think he punishes the Xander fans with his shallow half written stories.
From what I gathered last year at Day of Days, Ron was forced to change the heir from Alex to Xander due to negative fan response. He was not happy as he really loves Rob Scott Wilson (Alex). So I think he punishes the Xander fans with his shallow half written stories.

The thing is, it made way more sense for it to be Xander than Alex, due to what we literally saw onscreen when Alex was conceived.
It never made sense to me. I remember well that Victor was shot and in hospital for a month when Alex was conceived in the barn. But Ron loves the Alex character so he didn't really care about that. And the audience for the most part is indifferent to Alex but was really invested in Victor's relationship with Xander, even though we had not seen it for years due to John Aniston (Victor)'s declining health.
So to please the 100 or so fans who take the time to write in, the thousand who don't write in are unhappy, and the show pays no attention. LOL
It was more an eruption on social media. People were NOT happy about Alex. The roar in the audience at Day of Days when it was revealed to be Xander was very memorable. lol