Dear Jen


May 8, 2013
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Dear Jen,

J.J. is a friggin ADULT!!! Please stop trying to coddle your 18 year old son who is of the age of sexual consent. Did he cheat on Paige? Sure and yes, that sucks. Is he well within his right to screw around with Eve, darn skippy!

It might not be his wisest decision but then again, he is an ADULT. As an adult, he needs to make his own choices and live with the consequences. How else is he supposed to learn and grow as a person.

Additionally, your high school rivalry with Eve just needs to STOP. How old are you? You're at least older than me and even I know that life is too short to be wasting on old school rivals. Not everything Eve does is focused on screwing you over. So what if Eve boinked your son?! It's obvious that the guy wanted it. Again, J.J. is an adult.

Jen, please do us a favor and just leave your son alone and stop being that weird mom that most sons find to be creepy


Out of letter: Before today, I used to wipe Jen's annoying moments under a rug. Today was the worst! So bad that I had to make this thread.
O.K. I admit I was surprised that Jen would have blamed this all on Eve hating Jen so much, blah, blah. I guess I would have had her saying "why would you do this? It could not not be you hate me so much that you would hurt your own daughter so badly.
However, Jen had it right when she quoted all the snide and snarky comments Eve DID make to her, hinting broadly about someone who wants HER.

And while it does take two to tango, the fact remains that Eve WAS the aggressor, who took advantage of a guy the same age as her daughter who she called a "kid". If Paige is a kid, so is JJ.
That said, Jen can certainly ream her son out for his poor judgement, and lack of self control. He claimed to love Paige so much, and yet he went ahead with affair with paige's mother. One might make excuses for the first time......but when you get to 4 and 5......nope. JJ doesn't really care or love Paige all that much, if he can so willingly and frequently jump in the sack with her mother.
Contrast that with Lucas, who realizes his attraction to Adrienne is wrong, and backs away, it is better if we not spend time alone together any more.
Eve is a slime ball, JJ is scum. Both claimed to love Paige so much, and yet would not stop what they were doing. Ugh.
deleted unnecessary need to quote the post that is directly above your own post...JS

*Giggle* Consistency in television left once the 90's were over. Days is just one of my favorite shows. I also dabble into pro wrestling, Power Rangers and Star Trek and if there is one thing that's central to shows that have been around for more than a decade, NEVER rely on "consistency".

Back to Days. I see people saying that Jen can ream J.J. but again, he is an adult. What is she going to do? Ground him? Aside from kicking him out of her house, it's not like she can do much else.

There comes a time where parents have to realize that they can not legally tell their children what to do. This is one of those times. It sucks about how J.J. handled the situation. He should have at least dumped Paige first before getting it on with her mom. I know some will say that the two shouldn't be having sex in the first place but I'm being realistic. Given the level of lust there, it was a matter of time. The best J.J. could have done is make a clean split with Paige first.
My issue is the inconsistency of the writing. Jennifer has the right to ream out JJ for what he did, but why didn't she do the same when she learned precious little Abby was having sex with engaged EJ?
Jenny better face the ugly truth -- her children have a taste for inappropriate sexual relationships. Perhaps, she should be thanking her lucky stars that Abigail didn't have a tryst with Clyde or Jeremiah and that JJ wasn't also caught in flagrante delicto with Mary the DiMera maid and her arch-enemy Anne Milbauer.
There is no right or wrong here. Parents confront grown children in their 20s, 30s, 40s all the time about something they don't think is right. Jen is no different. But Jen knows this was weighing on JJ, that it was tearing him apart, She could not get him to spill what was bothering him, thought perhaps he would open up to Daniel, no luck.

I still say, Eve was the aggressor, made the first moves, and knew better. As far as Abby goes, she was older, but Jen did not walk in on them. Heck, look at how Sami reacted when she realized that when she came in that locker room to find EJ, that Abby was in the shower.

I don't think at all that Eve did this because she hated Jen. That part is something Jennifer has to get over, it's not about her. But she was absolutely right in what else she said to Eve, and to her son. Both supposedly loved Paige, and yet......look what they did behind her back. JJ has felt he had no choice because Eve was forcing his hand, while Eve figured this was a good way to make sure JJ & Paige are never together. The thing is.......Eve was enamoured of JJ. Definitely. And probably was trying to deny it, was a fact.
The thing is, history was rewritten and it's still stupid. Eve and Jennifer were not high school rivals. The writers really stunk up this one.

They should just go all out while they are being stupid and say Eve lied about Paige's father that it's really Frankie. That way Paige has yet another reason to be angry at her and add more fuel (that actually makes more sense) to the Eve/Jen feud. Say the Larson father found out and left. Paige can go find Frankie, a decent (I hope) father.
O.K. I admit I was surprised that Jen would have blamed this all on Eve hating Jen so much, blah, blah. I guess I would have had her saying "why would you do this? It could not not be you hate me so much that you would hurt your own daughter so badly.
However, Jen had it right when she quoted all the snide and snarky comments Eve DID make to her, hinting broadly about someone who wants HER.

And while it does take two to tango, the fact remains that Eve WAS the aggressor, who took advantage of a guy the same age as her daughter who she called a "kid". If Paige is a kid, so is JJ.
That said, Jen can certainly ream her son out for his poor judgement, and lack of self control. He claimed to love Paige so much, and yet he went ahead with affair with paige's mother. One might make excuses for the first time......but when you get to 4 and 5......nope. JJ doesn't really care or love Paige all that much, if he can so willingly and frequently jump in the sack with her mother.
Contrast that with Lucas, who realizes his attraction to Adrienne is wrong, and backs away, it is better if we not spend time alone together any more.
Eve is a slime ball, JJ is scum. Both claimed to love Paige so much, and yet would not stop what they were doing. Ugh.

Do you suppose, in some sick way, JJ and Eve are mentally raping one another? It is HATE sex. Somewhere in the back of their minds they are punishing each other.
THAT is an interesting thought, gramc. Hmmm. O.K. I could attribute that to JJ, but not Eve. She is hot for JJ, wants him, is jealous of any other female, including her own daughter.
Jen was a hero yesterday. I have been waiting for the explosion. It really paid off for me. A mother gets protective over her children and Jen certainly did her job well.

Certainly Eve took advantage of JJ as a young adult. Eve's baby, Paige, as Eve refers to her, but sees JJ in a different way. They came together out of hate and anger. To me it is a way of punishing each other of their deeds. Now I can't wait until Paige finds out.:clap:ShaSha