Days - Wed, May 20, 2009

Thanks for the heads-up on the t-shirt. Wow, I had no idea that these kinds of shirts were so hated. I hate them for another reason, I sunburn easily so I need my shoulders covered. Heck, I need my arms covered too, at least with suntan lotion. :D
Okay, the look of a guy in that type of shirt to me is sexy, especially if they are really built. I learned the term from my daughter. Don't know where she got it though. Sorry, but like I said, it's a suthern thang.

Most of our older men have worn that kind of undershirt (no, we don't call it a t-shirt) all during our growing up life. I know my Daddy did. If he was at home, it was his undershirt, shorts and flip flops. If he were alive today (@ 90 y/o) he would probably have the same look as he did back then. Lord, I miss him so much.
Well, put me in that group. I never heard the name, as I said, until recently, and was given the impression that was what they are called universally. I certainly did not expect to stir up such a storm of controversy just because I knew of no other way to describe the shirts. It was just odd to me that 3 different actors, all in one episode, were wearing the same type of undershirt. (Personally, I do not care for them)
I guarantee you that I consider myself to be "decent company", as I do my friends, family, and everyone here, And I certainly do not think that anyone who reads me here would even begin to think that I condone violence towards women of any kind. Obviously there are those who like that look and there are men who prefer that type of shirt.
Victor's next move

I think Victor should take Nicole.....that would be funny. She did try to kill him at one time so he could pay her back for that plus get EJ. He could have someone grab her while he's pretending the exchange of Steph. and Stefano.
Maybe he could take Sydney and somehow the truth will come out....I'm so sick of the baby switch storyline!
Personally, I always called them tank tops. I never even heard the term "wife beater" until I moved to Florida.
Welcome, DDG. :welcome:

I might as well throw in my two cents. I'd never heard the term used for those shirts either. My daddy always wore them but always as an undershirt, except at night around the house. He'd think it odd to hear such controversy about them, as they were pretty average in his day.

Anyway, thanks for the summary. Do you suppose there were three men on the show wearing that kind of undershirt because there was only one shirt and they passed it around for the different scenes? :rolleyes:
Do you suppose there were three men on the show wearing that kind of undershirt because there was only one shirt and they passed it around for the different scenes? :rolleyes:

:rotfl: OC, that's sad. I can handle them all using the same cell phone, but times must be really hard if they're sharing wardrobe. LOL.
I certainly did not expect to stir up such a storm of controversy just because I knew of no other way to describe the shirts.

You are so precious. You didn't do a dagnabbit thing wrong, I reckin. :D
I regret that my post about the derogatory term used for undershirts offended or upset anyone....I have the utmost respect for Poirot and this site and my comments were not directed specifically at the original post but at the universal use of such a term....I have very strong feelings about anything I see as damaging to women and often get a little excited in my defense of them.....
I think I can put an end to the whole "wife beater" ordeal. I always picture the guy in that undershirt, but with a huge stain on the front and a big beer belly hanging out!

I think "brandon" is supposed to be "will."

I sure hope Sami is on the birth control pill...or would another child raise her unemployment?
I regret that my post about the derogatory term used for undershirts offended or upset anyone....I have the utmost respect for Poirot and this site and my comments were not directed specifically at the original post but at the universal use of such a term....I have very strong feelings about anything I see as damaging to women and often get a little excited in my defense of them.....

Sending HUGS your way....we know you didn't mean anything by it. Sheesh, let's all relax!!! (I know another term for that shirt, but I dare mention it NOW)>
"Brandon" is a completely different character, who seems to work at the Java Cafe, and is a member of the community baseball team that Brady joined.
I've heard this term first used years ago, maybe it was 10 years ago? Maybe because of where I lived, the NYC metro area? My daughter used to wear these like one would wear a camisole.
You just always saw a guy on TV or the movies beat his wife, and that was what he was wearing.
Three of those shirts in one episode? Sounds like the budget cuts have affected wardrobe now. :-)
I think I can put an end to the whole "wife beater" ordeal. I always picture the guy in that undershirt, but with a huge stain on the front and a big beer belly hanging out!

I think "brandon" is supposed to be "will."

I sure hope Sami is on the birth control pill...or would another child raise her unemployment?

Not to add any more fuel to the fire, but that's I too picture the same thing when I hear the term for that type of tank top.

Oh lord, I hope Sami is using birth control. Maybe she didn't mean the "old lady in the shoe" comment a few epis ago as a joke after all...
He is a guy that works at the Java Cafe. Brady is going to be playing softball with him and a group of other people on Sundays.
You do realize that I am the one that was put on the spot just for asking what the t-shirt comment meant, right? What did I do wrong for asking?