Days reusing names

When Kimberly fell (because of Eve's situation) and lost her baby girl it's possible she was to be named Carly. At the hospital Caroline mentioned Kimberly liked the name. Apparently so did the writers/character creator, Carly Manning arrived a few years later.
I also have been surprised how characters, at times, end up with names similar to some of the actors on the show. i.e. Arianna...called Ari, and Ari Zucker (Nicole) Allie, (I know is named for Alice) but is called Allie, just like Ali Sweeney. (Sami). And when John Black arrived on the scene, John Aniston (Victor) was already on the show for several years. Then we have Mary Beth Evans who has played Kayla for years, & Paige's friend's name.....yep...Mary Beth.
@Poirot, Melissa Reeves (Jennifer) mentioned how confusing it was for characters to share names with other actors too in a Soap Opera Digest Q&A a few months back.

It doesn't bother me that much to reuse character names, since in real life most of us probably know more than one person with the same first name. Though it is confusing when reading about Days history. I think there was a bad guy named Daniel in years gone by. That threw me a bit. Lol