Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, October 9, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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Giant Hospital Establishing shot. Gabi is still in hospital, leafing through a magazine. WEDDINGS, she says in disgust and hurls the magazine, narrowly missing Melinda, who is entering the room. Gabi has a distractingly happy juice box sitting on the table. Melinda is just checking in. She was sure Gabi was a goner. Gabi is doing fine and about to be released. Melinda is not just checking in though. She has an ulterior motive.

Stefan at the DiMansion fiddling with his wedding ring. A cheerful EJ enters saying “Bonjour, mon frère! Join me for a tipple?” (I love him) Stefan is grim. EJ continues he knows that Stefan will be thinking it is barely noon, but a drink will dilute his salty disposition. Stefan wants to know why EJ is so jolly? EJ is thrilled that Brady is getting his just deserts. He lets out a woohoo.

Dour-faced whisper Eric is telling Brady the good news about Holly going to Paris. They both complain about EJ. Eric doesn’t like him cozying up to Holly. Brady is determined to plead guilty at his hearing tomorrow.

Sarah is trying to retrieve a toy from under the couch while an unseen, but AWAKE, Victoria wails. She is frustrated. Fiona is lurking in the doorway watching.

Titan establishing shot. Xander, fine in a blue suit, is barking down the phone at a minion. Kristen sashays in and asks when he is getting Brady out of jail? Xander says "How about never? Does that work for you?"

Gabi wonders what the ulterior motive is? Melinda pulls out an envelope of stuff to sign from Gabi Chic. Also, Stefan asked her to draw up divorce papers. Melinda says she will turn him down if Gabi says the word.

Stefan says EJ enjoys putting people behind bars and sleeping with people’s wives. EJ points out that Gabi came on to him. Stefan said a person with moral fiber would have turned her down. "Oh well, all moot now" says EJ. Especially since they are getting divorced. Gabi told him about it when he saw her last night. Big smirk.

Now Sarah’s phone is ringing and she can’t reach it. She is in tears. Fiona comes in to help. She gets the offending toy and gives it to Victoria who gratefully stops bawling. Fiona goes to comfort Sarah.

Brady said EJ offered him ten years in exchange for a guilty plea. Brady's fine with it, he doesn’t want a trial. He just wants to pay for what he did.

Kristen is not sure she made herself clear. Sarah only gets out of the wheelchair if Brady goes free. She will turn over the formula and Sarah will be running marathons. Xander says it is an intriguing offer, but why should he believe anything she says?

Stefan wants to know why EJ visited Gabi? EJ wanted to tell Gabi about Rafe threatening him. They all have to live in the same house so he wants to promote harmony. Stefan thinks Gabi will want nothing to do with EJ now their marriage has tanked and she no longer needs revenge sex, and EJ should heed Rafe’s advice and stay away from her. EJ notes that it was Stefan who filed for divorce, so why should he care if EJ stays away from her?

Gabi knew about Stefan filing. She tells Melinda to go ahead and rep Stefan. That’s it. That’s the scene.

Brady muses about being alive with Daniel’s heart beating in his chest. He squandered that gift. Eric says he still has a future and can atone for the things he did. Brady does not feel like the guilt will go away any time soon. Eric says he will learn to live with it.

Sarah doesn’t know what she would have done without Fiona. She told Maggie she would be fine on her own, but clearly she is not. Fiona says a cranky toddler will cry and shriek, it is what they do. Victoria will toss the toy as many times as Sarah will retrieve it, she is at that testing phase. Sarah sobs that she is failing the test. Fiona says she is not failing anything. She admires Sarah’s courage and pluck.

Fiona says how Sarah carries herself is remarkable. She is so sorry. She and Brady was a tragic mistake. Sarah tells her that she and Xander are so grateful to her for her help in this difficult time. And also thanks for not telling anybody she lied to the police. Fiona notes that the lie saved both Brady and Xander. Sarah would never have ID’d Brady if she had any doubt. She wishes she could remember seeing him. Fiona looks twitchy. Victoria has gone to sleep. Sarah tells Fiona she needs time alone with her to prove she can do it by herself. Fiona goes, but she stays outside and hears Sarah cry.

Xander thinks Kristen is insane. He is not letting Dr Rolf use Sarah as a guinea pig. Especially if he doesn’t believe the cure even exists. Kristen asserts that it does. Rolf has been working on it around the clock and it is just about ready. Xander asks why he would ever trust her? Kristen says that Rolf is somewhat eccentric, but he is a genius, citing Rolf’s curing of Marlena, Kate and Kayla, Bo’s brain tumor shrinkage, and keeping Stefan alive for years without a heart.

Xander says Fine. If it exists, take him to Rolf’s lab, show him proof. Kristen says so he can get his thugs to grab the formula and take it away? She will provide him with data that Sarah can look over, and the actual formula as soon as Brady’s charges go "poof". Xander asks how he is meant to achieve that? Kristen says that Brady was free and clear until Sarah made her bogus claim about him. She needs to recant. Or she will never walk again. And it will be all Xander’s fault. Kristen knows how to work him. His face shows her words have hit home.

Stefan still cares about Gabi. He doesn’t want her linked to an *bleep* like EJ. EJ says that is not his jurisdiction anymore, and besides, they all have to live together. He notes that divorces can get messy. Stefan says they talked, and he would not be surprised if Gabi never showed up in this house (Gabi enters) again. Soap stares.

Eric is now at the pub boring Roman. He is upset about the ten year sentence Brady is eager to accept. Roman says that Brady is ok with it. Eric knows there is more to the story. He is convinced.

Sarah is still wiping tears as Xander comes home. He wants to know what is wrong? Sarah recounts Victoria tossing her toy and Fiona rescuing her. Xander is so sorry. Sarah hates it. She hates how helpless she felt, and how she couldn’t be a mother. Xander starts on about her being the best mum ever, but Sarah is not in the mood for a pep talk. She says plenty of people with disabilities raise children, it is a fact of life now, she is disabled and there is nothing she can do about it. Xander tells her that is not necessarily true.

Fiona comes to visit Brady. He is surprised. He thought that the last time they saw each other was a definitive goodbye. By the way, he is still in his salmon shirt and white jacket from the night of his arrest. He seems to live in this room. Has he been washed or fed in the many days that have passed? Xander is on his second suit. Gabi has had a million visitors and fled the hospital. Even Rafe was discharged. Has Brady even had a bathroom break? Anyhow, Fiona says that things are different. Last time she saw him she thought he was going free, but now he is going to prison. Brady wants to know how that changes anything? Fiona tells him she has a confession to make.
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EJ is beaming. Once again Stefan is colossally wrong. EJ asks how she got home? She took a cab. EJ said she should have called, he would have sent Harold or got her himself. Stefan is glowering during this. Gabi says she knows he is busy. EJ is indeed, in fact, he is late for a meeting. He is still chucking at Stefan’s misery as he leaves.

Stefan looks at Gabi and asks how she is? Gabi mentions her last visitor was Melinda, who Stefan had hired. He needed a lawyer. Gabi says unusual to hire a corporate attorney as family counsel, but it doesn’t hurt that Melinda has schoolgirl crush on him. She says Melinda will go to bat for him and make sure she doesn’t take him for everything he’s worth. Stefan asks if that is still her plan?

Sarah is scoffing at the idea of a Dr Rolf serum. Kristen gave Xander the data. Sarah asks if it is written in crayon? He tells her she can over the data herself. Sarah wants to know why? Why would Kristen help them? Xander points out that there is one catch. Sarah asks, besides me injecting myself with a potion cooked up by a ponytailed madman? She says she is being negative. What’s the catch? She asks, perky faced.

Xander says she won’t give them the serum unless Sarah disavows her identifying of Brady. He feels awful because he is the reason she lied to the police in the first place. He hates to put her through all these contortions but if the serum works, wouldn’t it be worth it? To walk again? Run again? Play with Victoria again? Sarah’s eyes go to Victoria. She needs to think about it. Xander says it is a limited time offer. Brady’s hearing is tomorrow. He can call EJ now to take her statement. Just say the word. He has his phone out.

Roman says Eric wants to believe that Brady was innocent but… Eric says it is more than that. Like Sarah suddenly remembering Brady at the wheel, when hypnosis didn’t help. Roman says it could be possible. Marlena told Eric that would be rare without a triggering incident. And when Jada came to arrest Brady, Xander was there in his room. Roman is interested. How was Xander there? Was the door unlocked? Tate swore to Eric that he locked it. So Xander broke in?

Brady is adamant that he wasn’t drinking. Eric is certain Brady was drugged. Yesterday he saw Sarah talking to Fiona, and overheard them speaking about a secret they were keeping, and since he knows Brady and Fiona were in a relationship. Roman is whoa, back up, what? Eric says it was brief but over. Is it possible that somehow Fiona is connected to the accident? Roman thinks it’s possible that Fiona was with Brady that night. Eric can’t ask Brady as he doesn’t remember a lot, but he has another idea.

Brady wants to know more about this confession. Fiona starts. When she came to town she sold Xander a bill of goods, telling him he was sober when she wasn’t, as she knew he would never accept her back into his life if she were not. It is the only reason she got to know her granddaughter, and Sarah, both of whom have brought her so much joy. She takes Brady’s hand. Watching Sarah suffer first hand has made her realize that she can’t… but of course Kristen busts in, assesses the body contact and demands to know who the heck Fiona is? And what is she doing here? With Kristen’s property, I mean, Brady.

Back to the Glums, who are Gabi and Stefan. She is in her rights to take as much of Stefan’s fortune as she can get, but she just wants this to be over with. There is nothing left to fight for. Stefan wants to know why she is here? Gabi didn’t know he was here. She has come to collect her things. She is moving out. For good. He can tell Melinda that she will be out of his hair. Stefan shakes his head as she departs.

EJ is now at the K-Mansion. He is annoyed as he is now late for his meeting. Xander wanted to discuss the Brady Black case. EJ is happy to talk about that one. He has brilliant news; he and Brady worked out a ten year plea deal. Xander and Sarah do not react. Brady will at least be locked up in prison. Xander intones, I wouldn’t be so sure about that. EJ isn’t pleased to hear that.

Brady introduces Kristen to “Xander’s mother, Fiona Cook”. Kristen is being territorial pacing next to Brady. He introduces her as “Kristen DiMera, Rachel’s mother”. Fiona looks unimpressed. Kristen saw her in the paper a while ago. Why is she here? Fiona says she was here to tell Brady that she hates seeing Sarah suffer and that she is glad he is going to pay. She leaves fast. Kristen is affronted at the nerve of Fiona. How dare she say those horrid things to Brady?? Brady says Kristen should not be here either. Kristen has good news, Brady is getting out of here, and soon.

Eric is at Small Bar. He has found the waiter from the night of the accident. He asks if he knows Brady? The waiter remembers Brady getting hammered and acting like a jerk, looking for a fight. It was the night he ran over that poor doctor. Eric says so he was working that night? Why did he not stop Brady from leaving if he was so intoxicated? The waiter says the lady had it under control. Eric says "Wait, what lady?"

Gabi has all her worldly belongings in one tiny case. Harold will send whatever else is left. Stefan wants to know where she is going? With Rafe? Gabi says if his lawyer needs to get in touch, she sees her at the espresso machine every morning at work. Stefan thought they said their last goodbye yesterday. Gabi gets teary. This will be the last time. She says something in Spanish, then touches his face and now they are both crying. She rolls her stuff out.

Brady warns Kristen that whatever she is thinking about doing, not to do it. He is pleading guilty tomorrow. Kristen says it won’t come to that. Brady warns her if she is thinking about hurting Sarah. Kristen has moved on from that. Truth is, Sarah is going to be on her knees thanking her when this is all done. She sashays out. Brady has a headache.

EJ wants to know what Xander means? Xander says they, of course, want to see Brady punished, but unfortunately... EJ demands to know unfortunately what? Xander has his hand on Sarah’s shoulder. He tells EJ that Sarah is no longer confident about the statement she gave to the police. EJ addresses her. Is she sure? Sarah says she is no longer sure it was Brady driving that night. EJ says she was pretty sure when she called Jada.

Sarah says she was sure then but now she has had time to think about it, the image isn’t that clear. Maybe she dreamed it. She looks to Xander for back up. She says maybe she just wanted to believe it. Xander tells EJ that Sarah is on a lot of pain meds and her thinking is a bit muddled. EJ says muddled thinking aside, what are they saying? Sarah is saying she wants to recant her statement. EJ shakes his head. He will not let her do that.

Eric shows the waiter a Spectator article about Fiona exposing Theresa at the double wedding. Good times. Eric wants to know if that was the woman with Brady that night? The waiter confirms it sure was. And they left together. He goes off and Eric turns to see Fiona entering the bar. He looks reflective, determined, something. End of show.
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Yep, all that Titan money and they can't even purchase a playpen for the poor, almost always sleeping child.

I have grabby sticks in my living room for when the dog pushes the ball under the couch. You'd think that occupational therapy people would have shown Sarah how to use one for picking stuff off the floor while in a wheelchair. They come in handy, I know from broken ankle experience. But da plot.

Bar staff, I'd like more of him please. Also more of silly EJ thinking he has the upper hand in ANYTHING. His smirking with Stefan was great. He's such a dumb bunny.

Thanks brisbydog for the summary.
Annoyed me no end, when no grabby stick near for someone in a wheelchair. .......I have one....use it a lot. getting something off shelf, picking something off floor. Try to keep things on lower shelves.....but friends or family who are helping........don't always think about that. but it does help when trying to retrieve something from the back of a very low cabinet, even if just to push it forward. Oh, we all have our own way of dealing with a problem, don't we?
I was thinking Gabi should be out and then she was. I've really gotten use to new Gabi. But Gabi & Stefan need to reconcile. They obviously still love each other.

Wow, they actually mentioned Brady has Daniel's heart. Was Fiona actually going to confess? But she sure did a 180 after Kristen came. Kristen, ruining things again.

Finally someone got a brain and went to talk to bartender. Surprised it was Eric, but yay. Everyone needs to find out Fiona was driving. Like I've said before, if Jada would watch full video she would have known eons ago. But Brady's suffering needs to end.
Surprised it was Eric, but yay.
I'm starting to think this would have been John if Drake Hogestyn had been able. I'd prefer it be a cop or detective rather than the glowerer.
So tomorrow Salem time.
In our time, sometime between tomorrow and August Sweeps 2027.
he was undertall
"undertall" I have only seen used for short/overweight ("vertically challenged" is just short). I used to have a Garfield garbage can where he "said", "I'm not overweight, I'm undertall." Haven't heard that in years (but oddly was just talking about that garbage can for some reason on Monday).
John started this story when Brady was first arrested, saying he would prove Brady was innocent. There is no doubt in my mind that these scenes were written for him but given to Eric when Drake Hogestyn (John) got ill.

I love Fiona too. I feel like she is going to crack and tell the truth right around the same time Eric figures it out.
Thank you, brisbydog!

Agree about Eric doing the John storyline. I hope he does it justice. Fiona has confessed to just about everything already. This has to be coming to an end.

Sarah definitely needs a grabber tool. I felt bad for her.

Why the heck can't Stefan and Gabi go to couples therapy instead of just throwing in the towel? As mentioned before, many couples deal with infidelity and work it out. After all they have been through, including resurrection, why divorce instead of working on their issues?

Maybe Stefan should have said that they might have a chance if they moved out and away from EJ.
Eric is doing a fine job of connecting the dots relating to Sarah’s accident. Could it be that the Bad Twin is the real family detective, not Bo, Roman, or young Shawn?

Why are Rolf’s magic cures always derived from rare exotic flowers? If he was a real scientific genius, he could develop magic potions from daisies and dandelions.

Finally, if Xander (like Victor before him) is a true Greek, why is there a picture of the Roman Colosseum in his office. You’d think he’d have a picture of the Parthenon or some other famous Greek landmark?