Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, August 28, 2024

It's been such a good week. I'm loving the way all these stories mess together. I dread when focus returns to the unmentionable plot.

I am very happy Xander and Sarah finally have a front burner story, I just wish they'd slowed things down. Ron is all plot, no substance. For instance, we literally got 9 months of Alex whining about his life being a lie, then spending his ill gotten billions, and treating Justin like crap. Xander finds out that he is in fact Victor's son, a truth far more important for him due to his tortured relationship with Victor, and he barely gets a reaction shot and zero follow up conversations other than one chat with Maggie.

One or two conversations with his mum and decades of neglect are forgotten and forgiven so we can go full tilt into this plot where he will find out she is even worse than he thought. I appreciate the story, and I'm enjoying it, but we needed time to breathe between the reveal and the introduction of Fiona. They could have at least had a wedding night and honeymoon off screen before Fiona mowed her down. And Maggie has yet to voice the miracle that she and Victor now share a grandchild.
ALERT! I watched almost this entire episode without fast forwarding. This wasn't planned but we had a power outage so by the time I got to watch I had other things to do at the same time and I have to say they hooked me in on this one. Good writing, things were moving a little and lots of people had the Salem brain.

I think Xander is the one character they've been really good at rehabbing over the years. Even when he falls off the decency wagon they manage to fix him. I like Sarah and it's because of Xander. I actually liked the teens today. I think my point is things were fairly normal but still interesting. Everything is normally so over the top.

I will say I'm a bit skeeved out seeing any flashbacks of Brady and Fiona. Just come on. Although she does look super good for what I think is supposed to be a lifelong addict. The actress really is great looking.
It is two keys. Tate locked his key in the cabin cause he is a doofus. Holly had to bring the spare to get back in.
Perhaps, but Holly's lines yesterday did not indicate that. She made it seem like there was one key which she put back so Maggie wouldn't notice it was missing, but then she had to take it again because Tate was a doofus who locked himself out of the cabin.

Locking oneself out doesn't require one to have locked a key inside. Getting into a locked building requires a key (or breaking in), but locking yourself out doesn't require a key.
And Maggie has yet to voice the miracle that she and Victor now share a grandchild.
Would he care? He loved Parker more after he was hers, not his.
I dread when focus returns to the unmentionable plot.
You mean fake Abby? Just kidding (although I count that one there).

Brisby's right about two keys, but it's still an incredibly small number. I have 3 keys for my house (mine, hubby's, spare). If my house was a cabin I shared with my 27 co-grandkids, there would certainly be an additional key or 7. (Or at least a lockbox or something.)