Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, August 28, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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Same day, continuation of yesterday’s plots. No Body & Soul, day 5!

Hospital Establishing shot. Tate is still reacting to Holly’s words. She repeats the bit about Xander and Sarah going to Horton Cabin for their honeymoon. Tate is all oh my god they would have busted us. Holly explains that because of the missing key they never made it, and Sarah was run down on her way to help find it.

Sarah tells Xander it is time to get out of bed and live her life. There is no reason for her to stay in the hospital. Xander goes to facilitate her release. He is also anxious to check in with Jada. Sarah begs him to leave it to the police. Xander repeats his mantra that when he finds out who the driver was, there will be hell to pay.

Fiona is in the town square chatting to Victoria. Her ice tea is not doing it for her. Victoria is the only one she can confide in. She goes over all her guilt about hurting Sarah, depriving Victoria of her mum, and how she has destroyed Sarah’s future. Justin pops up and shouts her name, startling her.

John is still fretting about Brady. He believes the only reason Brady would lie about his car is if he hit Sarah when drunk.

Jada hangs up the phone and faces Brady. He says “I’m here to make a confession. I was driving the car that hit Sarah Kiriakis”.

Jada asks if he was lying earlier? Brady concedes that he was panicking and needs to come clean. Jada thinks Kristen tipped him off. Brady says that he needs to set an good example for his son, and that the guilt about Sarah not being able to walk again because of him is eating him up. Jada tells him to stop talking and call a lawyer.

Fiona doesn’t remember Justin. He reminds her who he is. She recalls him from the non wedding. She tells him she was chatting to Victoria who is her confidante. Justin says she must be a wonderful listener. They were never properly introduced as things went rather sideways at the wedding. She is now on excellent terms with Xander though and is able to care for his baby while Sarah recovers. Justin says they have a partial plate and the culprit should be arrested soon. Fiona agrees that is a great thing, but looks guilty.

Xander has set up Sarah’s discharge. Maggie goes to check on Fiona and Victoria. Big hugs to both and she departs. Xander sits down and advises Sarah that she is not allowed to push herself too fast too soon. Sarah says her plan is to hang out with Xander and Victoria and sleep in her own bed. Xander has thoughts on that. He has a proposition for her.

Holly is still wailing that it is all their fault. Tate says it was many factors that put Sarah in the wrong place at the wrong time. Holly says Sarah said the same thing and that she came clean to her family about their summer of deception. Tate says it is horrible what happened, but the only person to blame is the person who hit her and sped off.

Marlena says even a drunk Brady wouldn’t abandon Sarah on the road. John says if Brady was drunk he wouldn’t be thinking clearly. Marlena says then why when he sobered up did he cover up the car and not come clean. That is not their Brady. John wants to know if Paul might know more about Brady’s state of mind. He gives him a call.

Xander points out that their apartment is tiny and not wheelchair friendly, while the K-Mansion is kitted out with an elevator and other perks Victor put in as he got older and less mobile, plus Maggie lives there and there is staff to help out. Sarah agrees that it makes sense. Xander will give 100 year old Henderson the heads up. Xander wants to know if Sarah is cool with Fiona moving in as well? Sarah is thrilled. Inviting Fiona to their wedding was the best decision she ever made!

Justin is glad he ran into Fiona. He wanted to thank her for giving him his son back. Fiona says he is giving her too much credit, she was just setting the record straight after that Theresa woman lied to everybody. Justin says that her coming to town has changed so many people’s lives for the better. His phone rings; it is Brady, he needs a lawyer. He tells Justin he turned himself in for Sarah’s hit and run. Justin says he will be right there. Fiona wants to know what happened? Justin immediately violates Brady’s privacy by telling her that Brady turned himself in.

Holly is still having her pity party. She remembers Tate and his dad. Tate says Brady was strangely distracted, got a text and took off. Holly says maybe he has other things going on and won’t have time to be mad at Tate. Tate just hopes everything is ok with him. He doesn’t want to lose his dad too. He thinks it is time to head home. Holly will take him. Now the secret is out they don’t know how much time they might get together. Quick kiss.

John hangs up from the Paul call. As far as Paul knows Brady isn’t drinking, but he told John about walking in on Brady pouring a drink. Paul told him he dumped the drink. Marlena says one misstep does not mean he fell off the wagon. John says he knows that, but he has a sinking feeling.

Sarah is dressed and ready to go. Xander wheels in a chair and asks if she is ready to go? Sarah tries to work her way into the chair. Xander offers help. Sarah says she needs to learn how to do this on her own. Xander says but she is not on her own, he is there, and always will be, so on day one, just this day, can they do it together? Sarah nods and Xander picks her up and puts her in the chair. Not so bad, he asks? She kisses him. They gaze at each other.

Fiona tells Victoria she definitely needs something stronger. Maggie pops by just in time. She asks why Fiona looks so freaked? Fiona tells her that Justin got a call from the culprit. Maggie asks why Justin would take the call? Fiona informs her that Brady was the caller.

Brady thanks Justin for coming. Jada excuses herself. Justin doesn’t understand how Brady could do this. Brady says he understands if he doesn’t want this case, since Xander and Sarah are family. Brady is his family too. Brady says what he did to Sarah was evil. Justin says he needs to tell him everything that happened that night. Brady tells him that the truth is, he doesn’t know.

John still can’t find Brady. He is going out to look for him and is going to start at the local bars. As he goes, Holly and Tate come in. They also assume he got injured playing Lacrosse. He tells them he never went to camp. Shocked Pikachu stares.

Brady tells Justin he was drunk and had been on benders. Justin looks disappointed. He was at the bar drinking, and assumed he hit Sarah on the way home. He woke up in his car, splitting headache, and no memory of how he got there. When he heard about the gray car, he realized he might be responsible. He says his car was damaged on the front fender. He is ashamed it took him this long, but he had to do the right thing. Justin listens, then points out that he doesn’t actually know for sure that he is guilty.
Xander wheels Sarah into the living room, below the Victor portrait. He asks if she needs anything? She heard Maggie made lemon bars. Sarah thanks him. Xander says he is just the delivery service. Sarah says that is not what she is talking about. He has been so loving, understanding and supportive, and she could not have got through this without him. Xander tells her she doesn’t need to thank him.

She is his wife, who he worships and adores, he will gladly bring her lemon bars and everything her heart desires for the rest of their lives. He loves her and will be by her side forever, or until she gets sick to death of him, and maybe even for a while after that. Sarah tells him she could never get sick of him. They kiss. She wants her lemon bar. He goes to get it. Her smile vanishes as he leaves.

Maggie is horrified. If Brady hit somebody he wouldn’t flee the scene unless he was drinking. Fiona recalls that Maggie was Brady’s sponsor. Xander texts. Maggie says he doesn’t know yet, he is at the mansion where he is moving Sarah in. They want them to bring Victoria there, and he wants Fiona to pack up her things and move in as well.

Fiona is shocked and honored that he wants her so close by. Maggie tells her that she has been a huge help, and she will take Victoria home. Fiona asks if she wants her there when she breaks the news to Xander about Brady. Maggie says she can do it, but she worries about Xander’s reaction. There has always been bad blood between Brady and Xander.

Xander brings lemon bars. He is arranging transport of their stuff from their apartment, Fiona is packing, Maggie is en route. Sarah offers him a bite of lemon bar. Xander ate three on the way from the kitchen, but he is happy to take a bite out of Sarah. He leans in, but his phone rings. It is Jada. She lets him know they have the suspect in custody and he has confessed. Xander says "Great. Now tell me his name."

Marlena recaps that they spent the summer at the cabin. John wants to know what Brady had to say about the lies? Tate says Brady was distracted by something else and took off. John and Marlena exchange worried looks. John’s phone rings again. It’s Larry at the cop shop. John is in the middle of something but whatever Larry has to say stops him cold.

Fiona is packing. She has a flashback to her awkward make out session with Brady and them falling into bed. She monologues "Forgive me Brady. You don’t deserve this. Maybe it is time I tell the truth."

Justin reiterates that Brady has no memories of the incident. Brady says it had to have been him. Damaged car, partial plate, he hit her, he did it. He remembers the screeching tires. It plays non stop in his head. Justin tells him to reconsider making a full confession. He is to tell the police only what he has told him, and nothing more. He is not to admit guilt. That is for a jury to decide. Brady knows he is doing his job, but what he did to Sarah is inexcusable and he has to make things right.

Sarah is alone and looking worried sick. Maggie comes in and is thrilled she has moved in. Victoria is asleep of course. Maggie wants to break the news to her. Sarah tells her she already knows. She can’t believe it. Maggie says it appears to be true, since Justin is already there. Maggie wants to know how Xander took it? Sarah says, exactly how you expect. Maggie wants to talk him down, but it is too late, Sarah says he took off to the police station.

Xander strides in demanding to know where Brady is? Jada needs him to calm down. She wants him to go home to Sarah. Xander wants to know how Brady could just hit Sarah and drive off? Jada says all his questions will be answered in time. Xander says "Wait, is that addict off the wagon again?" Jada confirms that Brady had been drinking. She tries to get Xander to go into her office, but he has already heading into the interrogation room and has his hands around Brady’s throat. Justin utters a few weak “Xanders”.

John hangs up. Larry gave him the inside scoop on the driver who hit Sarah. John has to tell Tate that it was his dad.

Fiona continues to talk to herself. You can’t tell the truth. You are finally on good terms with your son. Sorry Brady, you don’t deserve this, I hate to see you go down for this but I have too much too lose. She takes her suitcase and leaves.

Sarah has never seen Xander like this. He looked angry enough to kill. She and Maggie look fretful.

Justin is trying to pull Xander off Brady who is choking. Jada comes in and tries to help. Neither of them is a match for Xander’s might. Justin appeals to him to think about Sarah and Victoria, who need him. That gets through to him and he lets go. Brady coughs and turns red. Xander wants to know how Justin can defend Brady? He left Sarah to die in the street. Brady says he didn’t mean to hurt her. He’s sorry. Tell Sarah he’s sorry. Xander will not be passing on that message. He swears to God, Brady will pay for this. He is going to make sure he spends the rest of his life rotting in prison. Brady reacts. Xander’s face is full of fury. End of show!
I'm really happy with the Tate/Holly stuff. If the show wants us to invest in them, they need to show concern for other characters. I like how Tate processed the information (and again I don't actually think he's morally or otherwise culpable at all). Now I'll start griping about how a family cabin shared by many people has exactly two keys in the universe.

Xander reacted correctly given that he is a soap character with a checkered past. Bo, Steve, and Austin would have done exactly the same thing.
I love Sarah & Xander. Can't they just be happy? They didn't get 2 hours of wedded bliss.

I still say if Jada would watch the whole video of the accident she would see Fiona go check on Sarah. Fiona needs to confess. What Brady has nothing to lose? You think Xander finding out the truth later isn't going to muck up things even more? People had to have seen Brady & Fiona drinking in the bar. The waiter for sure. Justin should go to bar and ask questions. And I didn't need to see replay of Brady & Fiona getting busy.
I'm really happy with the Tate/Holly stuff. If the show wants us to invest in them, they need to show concern for other characters. I like how Tate processed the information (and again I don't actually think he's morally or otherwise culpable at all). Now I'll start griping about how a family cabin shared by many people has exactly two keys in the universe.
It's actually only one key. Holly mentioned yesterday that she had returned the key, but then she took it again when Tate locked himself out of the cabin.
Thanks, brisbydog.

Another good show.

A lot of emotions with Xander today. Loving Sarah and then blowing his top with Brady.

It's nice to see Sarah out of the hospital. It's been mentioned her accident was the 14th.

Will they take Rafe out of the storage closet and put him Sarah's bed? :)

Did Maggie walk home with Victoria since she pushed the baby buggy inside the K-Mansion?

In the police station, the blinds were open and we saw an outside view.

Good for Holly and Tate telling John and Marlena what's been going on all summer.

Will Justin be smart and go to the Small Bar to find a witness that Brady was with Fiona? Will Small Bar
have video showing who was driving the car?

Poor John. He was afraid Brady did something while drinking.

Maybe John and Steve find prove Brady wasn't driving the car.

Poor Brady. He thinks he hit Sarah. Maybe Marlena can hypnotize him so he can remember.
Once again, Doll-in-Blanket was snubbed by the writers as Xander and Fiona were talking to an empty stroller. To add insult to injury, Maggie’s lemon bars were given an in-person appearance. There’s just something that’s not right about this.

Justin was in fine form today, noting that Brady doesn’t know that he was driving when Sarah was struck and strongly advising him not to confess to anything. Unfortunately, he has a fool for a client.

Fiona really needs to go down. It’s too bad that the search for witnesses doesn’t find somebody who’d report: “I saw something strange that night. Some older woman pulled a big drunk guy out of the passsenger seat of a car, dumped him behind the wheel, and then took off.”

Finally, Xander needs to get a grip. The last thing Sarah needs is to get a phone call saying that her husband is sitting in a cell, charged with assaulting the pathetic Brady. The only one who’d benefit from this is Leo who’d get to write and article entitled: “Titan CEO Busted in Police Station Attack!”
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