Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 25, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Hospital (Night Establishing Shot), Waiting Area/Nurse Station - EJ is speaking on the phone to Harold about Gabi. Holly rushes in. She was worried about EJ after hearing about the explosion. She hasn't forgiven him for the Jude situation, and he hasn't forgiven himself either. She doesn't want to see him hurt, though. She's still mad about the lack of evidence in the Brady case. EJ asks if she is really angry at Brady, or Eric? She's mad that Eric hardly paid, and Brady won't pay. EJ will not stop pursuing justice in Brady's case, Holly wants to help but has to leave.

Townhouse - Shirtless Tate leaves a message for Holly. Sophia knocks on the door. Later, he has eaten the food she brought him (barbecue sliders from the Bistro, his alleged favorite). (He is wearing a shirt by the way.) She caresses his hand. He gives her the last burger and they recap the horrible murder of St. Daniel by Eric, and how Holly doesn't understand why he supports his dad. Sophia recaps that Holly never knew Daniel. Her heart breaks for Holly and Tate, and her hand caresses his shoulder. Sophia feels bad that Holly doesn't understand Tate's position. She tells him how handsome cool and amazing he is. There's a knock on the door. It's Holly. Soap stares.

Brady Pub - Brady and Eric hug and recap the incident with Ava almost being knifed to death. Brady recaps his drinking with Fiona and driving. Brady's guilt over paralyzing Sarah flows freely, Eric tries to support him by pointing out that Sarah is resilient. Brady recaps Xander at the bat. Eric wants him to call the police. Brady is a saint who is battling a disease, Xander is a bad man, per St. Eric. Brady reveals that he knows Fiona carnally and they didn't stop when they knew about their common relative. Brady asks how Holly took the news? Eric tells him Tate told her before he could because Tate thought Holly already knew. Brady absolves Eric of wrongdoing in keeping this information from Holly.

K-Mansion, Xander and Sarah's Bedroom - Xander carries Sarah to the bed. She's mad because her physical therapist said she's ready to do her own bed transfers from the chair. Xander would do anything for Sarah. She wants him to stop going after Brady. Xander's quest for justice is giving Sarah anxiety, detracting from her focus on healing and living with her situation. She wants him to forgive Brady for their sake and Victoria's. He will never forgive it even if he doesn't pursue vengeance. She wants him to promise. He gets beeped about Titan business (it's morning in the Asian markets). He promises her he's not leaving for vengeance on Brady right now. She asks for some weights while he's gone. He kisses her and leaves.

Bistro - Fiona and Maggie are having dinner. Maggie hasn't gotten out of the house much. Fiona has been supporting Xander even though he is not happy with her. Fiona expects Maggie to be appalled by some news. She tells Maggie about sleeping with Brady, the man who crippled Maggie's daughter. Maggie is surprised since Fiona previously claimed not to know Brady. Fiona talks about the humiliation of realizing the family connection and how unconscionable and unforgivable Brady's actions have been. They do a long slow recap of Brady/Fiona from wedding meeting to baseball bat. They are grateful for each other, Maggie is going to get Sarah's favorite dessert. Fiona is staying behind for a dessert of her own.

Hospital Waiting Area - EJ is on the phone demanding an underling call Commissioner Hunter about the Brady case. EJ thinks the cops aren't good at their jobs and he should take up Holly on helping with the case.

Pub - Casual dress EJ saunters in and insults the pub food to Eric and lays it on thick about how Holly hates Eric for killing her father. EJ tells him Holly will never trust him or Nicole again.

Townhouse - Holly and Sophia exchange barbs. Sophia is working at the Bistro because the blackmail is over. Holly pushes her out the door. She wants to forget the situation with their families and hang out with him. They hug and she and the music change sharply. She asks to use the restroom but goes to Brady's room instead, and uses a nail file to pop the lock on Xander's briefcase. Tate catches her.

Bistro - Sophia is ready to close out Fiona's tab but Fiona needs one more thing. She brings her a martini. Fiona gives it a long look and takes a miniscule sip. Her expression shows relief.

Private Area - Xander meets with a thug who's a former associate. The thug has a gun in a bag that's untraceable. Xander fondles it. The thug is clear on his mission.

Square - The thug stops Brady by asking if he's Brady Black.

K-Mansion, Sarah's Bedroom - Maggie brings in the dessert. Sarah is gone.

Private Area - Xander looks at his new shiny untraceable gun. He pockets it. Sarah is behind him. She used a tracker to follow him. What is he really up to? END
Later, he [Tate] has eaten the food she [Sophia] brought him (barbecue sliders from the Bistro, his alleged favorite).
GASP! That is Brady family blasphemy right there. Uncle Roman better not hear Tate's favorite burger is from the Bistro and not a juicy Brady Burger from the pub.
EJ saunters in and insults the pub food to Eric
Wow, even though he has a dish named after him (EJ Chow)??? LOL (kidding, of course, EJ Chow is just something we made up and joke about; actually DrBakerFan came up with it, and we've had fun with it ever since)
Good show today. Line of the day was EJ asking Eric if he is sponging off of "Daddy's free wifi"?

I appreciate Xander fulfilling his wedding vows by being honest with Sarah, and I love that she knows him well enough to track him down to save him from himself (I hope). I also liked that she was cranky. She should be.

Enjoyed the EJ/Holly and Fiona/Maggie pairings. The non BS days feel like they are written by a different team of writers, don't they?
Thank you, Jason!

Any show without Connie or Body & Soul is a good show!

Guessing that the thug will somehow force Brady to another place where Xander will shoot him? I did not get the impression that the thug would do it. I think Xander wants the satisfaction. But won't he come under scrutiny due to his open hatred and talks of revenge? I did not like seeing old Xander rear his ugly head.

What excuse will he give Sarah? That he had to clear his head from Titan business?

If Sarah does find out the truth, that will be it, she will never trust him again after all his promises. Why can't he let it go?

I am glad Holly was caught. What will she tell Tate? She picked Brady's briefcase lock, but what could she possibly find to incriminate him for the hit and run?

I hope Fiona is caught drunk by Maggie.

EJ was especially snarky today. Even thinking about enlisting Holly to help take down Brady is despicable.

The truth about the car accident needs to come out now.
When EJ gets sanctimonious, I just scream, “Aren’t you a rapist?” He annoyed me today talking about Eric and calling Nicole a liar. But at least there was no Body & Soul today.

I hope Xander keeps his head on straight. I have a feeling something is going to happen to Brady and he’ll get blamed, but it will be Fiona’s fault.
How long was Eric in jail for killing Daniel?

I keep going back to the video of Sarah getting hit. Keep watching it and you will see Fiona checking on her. It has to be there.

Poor Maggie, if she only knew she was hugging the person that ran down Sarah.

I knew Holly was up to no good when she went to Tate. Glad she got caught.
Wow, even though he has a dish named after him (EJ Chow)??? LOL (kidding, of course, EJ Chow is just something we made up and joke about; actually DrBakerFan came up with it, and we've had fun with it ever since)
EJ Chow is an idea that has had staying power. Yesterday, I imagined cardboard Li promoting EJ Chow with chocolate sauce. If only the writers would deign to read this board. EJ Chow might just get official status just like Wanchai Ferry.
When EJ gets sanctimonious, I just scream, “Aren’t you a rapist?” He annoyed me today talking about Eric and calling Nicole a liar. But at least there was no Body & Soul today.
This wouldn’t make a dent in Elvis’s attitude. He’d probably say it was ancient history or that Samanther forgave him ages ago.
How long was Eric in jail for killing Daniel?
If memory serves, sad sack Eric got a standard sentence for plowing down the lecherous Love Doctor, but some prison heroics resulted in the commutation of the rest of his sentence. The same thing happened when Lucas got a prison sentence for shooting EJ off the altar. (Will really did it.) Fortunately, Lucas was soon free, also for carrying out some prison heroics.

Finally, Xander is a complete idiot for planning to shoot Brady. If Salem’s latest granny sex artiste so much as gets a hangnail, everyone would "know” Xander caused it. And has he thought how Sarah will feel about having to bring little Victoria to prison to see daddy?? The whole thing is dumb, dumb, dumb — almost as dumb as B&S dumb.
EJ Chow is an idea that has had staying power. Yesterday, I imagined cardboard Li promoting EJ Chow with chocolate sauce. If only the writers would deign to read this board. EJ Chow might just get official status just like Wanchai Ferry.
It should be noted that EJ Chow in no way resembles Purina Dog Chow.
Thanks, Jason.

I thought it was odd Tate was in his grandparents' living room not wearing a shirt. I'm glad he put on one
when Sophia arrived.

Salem has strange liquor laws. Sophia gave Fiona her drink. You have to be 21 to serve drinks to customers
or check out someone at a store. In my state, you have to be 21 to serve drinks.

Did EJ go to the mansion to change clothes? At the hospital he a had on a suit. When he went to the pub
he was wearing casual clothes.

I'm glad Tate caught Holly going through Brady's room.

What is Xander's plan with the gun?

Good for Sarah for following Xander.
When EJ gets sanctimonious, I just scream, “Aren’t you a rapist?”
So few on this show have a high horse, but somehow I forget James Scott's actions as EJ since that's what the show seems to want. I do wish this would be addressed though.

I was thinking about how differently they're writing EJ now - he is a smart, funny character who's at times charming instead of the way they wrote for James Scott (ex-EJ), who was written as a smooth-talking Casanova who occasionally had a brain or plan not from his daddy.
(let me say here, as an aside, since I live in Wisconsin. When I moved here (from Chicago) I was shocked that 18 was the age limit. Having a bar, it was disconcerting to me that it was legal. Not only that, but there were parents, who came in with underage teens and bought them drinks. !!! Yes, 15, 16, and that was legal. Eventually, it changed mostly to (carry out). bugged me no end, when youngest son reached 18, and older brother took him to nearby bar for his first legal drink.

Want to one time, in Illinois, for some dumb reason, the age for legal liquor was 18 for females, and 21 for males. LOL. And no, refused requests to "do a favor" for a few male friends at times.

However, over all, since here we were a remote resort on a lake, better to have the alcohol where you can just walk home, rather than get in a car. And, fortunately, never had to cut anyone off. Mostly, guys came in for a drink or two at dinner time, as wife was making dinner. The thing was, was I. LOL. This was when we were living here, brand new, not much $$, hubby would go work in Illinois for a few months to keep us afloat. LOL, my kids think they know my life......and, I don't think they do.