Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sep. 4, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Junior Johnson Apartment - Kayla arrives. Steve was fixing Stephanie's sink and got wet. Kayla thinks it's sweet. Steve wishes Stephanie still lived with them, or next door perhaps. He wants to keep his family close given what he experienced as a youth and what’s gone on with Jack, Jennifer, and Abigail. Jennifer still doesn't believe "Abby" is Abigail. Kayla talks about the DNA test and how much she trusts Dr. Greene, and "Abby" and her memory issues. Steve recalls when he was afraid to remember who he was when he couldn't remember who he was.

Square - Leo is working on dialogue for that-which-won't-be-named when Chad walks by. Neither has been in the office much. Leo thinks someone whose wife just returned from the dead would be happier. Chad says it's fine and Leo calls this out. They talk about "Abby" getting her memory back and Leo hopes she never remembers some of his bad deeds. Chad wants revenge on Clyde. Leo and Chad discuss Everett. Chad didn't know that Stephanie has received his ashes or any memorial. They talk about Connie and how Leo found out when he dropped off a press release for his new job at you-know-what.

Square - Chad is an investor but didn't know as Kate and Abe make the decisions. Leo needs to talk about the job situation. Leo thought he could handle his new job and his column, but he has to write "six episodes a week" with only one week off a year. Chad will find a replacement for his column. They discuss the potential for an Abby-based story, which Chad opposes. He says they have a DNA test. Leo points out DNA tests aren't worth much on soaps.

Hospital Establishing Shot - Nurse Area - Mark is talking to "Abby". Later, Aaron arrives and Mark chastises him for his lie. Mark is worried about how they will repay Brady when he asks for his money back. Aaron doesn't think Brady will care since he's rich, Mark doesn't take kindly to this idea. He tells Aaron about Brady's arrest for running over his colleague Dr. Sarah Kiriakis. Their talk about the car accident makes them both think of how their parents died.

DiMansion Living Room - "Abby" is relieved Chad is gone, wants to figure out the next steps of the plan. She turns around and Stephanie is there. Stephanie introduces herself, "Abigail" covers for the plan (she claims it's about getting her memory back). They cover their relationship through their dads and through their mutual lover. Chad was never happy without Abigail despite living with Stephanie. Stephanie talks about how close they were when they were young, she knows all of Abigail's deep dark secrets. They talk about Max and race car driving. Stephanie is willing to start from scratch as "Abby's" friend. They hug, "Abby's" one-shot indicates great distress.

DiMansion, EJ's bedroom - Replay of EJ saying he'll keep this night a secret because of his deep pain over his recent loss. Stefan barges in and assumes that EJ is trying to seduce Gabi. EJ denies this, and eventually it occurs to Stefan that Gabi is not fully dressed. He asks if they slept together? Gabi admits it. Stefan trots about the room and punches EJ. Gabi keeps them from further fisticuffs. She seduced EJ to get back at him for Ava. EJ goes to get ice. Stefan agrees she's inflicted maximum damage to their marriage.

Hospital Nurse Area - Mark has been thinking a lot of their parents recently. He thinks they'd be proud of Aaron in his senior year, but Aaron feels he would have disappointed them. He's glad he has had his older brother to look up to. Mark isn't sure he was a good role model; Aaron doubts this as he was an exemplary student and an Eagle scout. Aaron needs a physical but Mark insists he have one with a colleague. Aaron understands he can't forge a medical record. Mark has a one-shot at this line. Aaron leaves.

DiMansion Living Room - Stephanie asks if she can have dinner with "Abby" when EJ comes in to get ice. After he leaves, she tells "Abby" about the time EJ stuffed her (Stephanie) in a drawer. Stephanie invites Abby to live with her, but "Abby" will remain at the mansion. She gets a text from Mark and scoots away.

DiMansion EJ's Bedroom - Stefan is upset because he had a drunken one-off but Gabi made a calculated decision to hurt him. He goes on about the betrayal and Gabi asks if he's given up? He has. Gabi had regrets at first. Those are gone now. She tells Stefan that EJ was better than him in bed as EJ enters. Stefan says they deserve each other, leaves. Gabi cries but doesn't want consolation from EJ.

Junior Johnson Apartment - Steve and Kayla are making out as Stephanie arrives. They cease making out and talk about doing a family dinner. Stephanie wants to invite "Abby". She talks about trying to jog "Abby's" memory, Stephanie is glad she's working with Kayla. Kayla denies there is a plan or that she talked to "Abby". Steve has a considerate one-shot.

Private Area - "Abby" meets Mark for a recap. "Abby" says Stephanie is sweet and this is becoming a lot. They hug, both seem pained.

Square - Leo and Chad talk about how far they've come. Leo hopes if he can't be lucky in love, he wants Chad to be. He talks about Dr. Mark Greene, the only person he has been remotely attracted to since Dimitri.

Private Area - "Abby" is overwhelmed by all the people badgering her about her past. It's such a big family. Mark reminds her that her real family is there for her if she needs them. She says "thanks bro". He says "You're welcome sis." END
Thank you for the summary, Jason.

I know I've missed a lot in the last several weeks of not being here, but one little thing in today's summary has me confused.
Aaron understands he can't forge a medical record. Mark has a one-shot at this line. Aaron leaves.
Is there something about Aaron that would show up in a physical? His name is fake? Or is he just saying his brother couldn't write up a report without actually doing a physical?
Thanks Jason. I really like this toned down Leo. I wish I could care about Stefan and his problems. I do really like the new Gabi, that was a difficult role to walk into, but she's doing good.

Nice use of history, EJ stuffing Stephanie into a morgue drawer, race car driver.

Terrible use of vets, plumbing issue at the apartment. Why not call the landlord? Oh well, da plot. Still great to have Steve talk about one of the times he was missing without a memory.
plumbing issue at the apartment. Why not call the landlord?
In real life, sometimes it's easier to have a friend or family member fix the immediate problem, then follow up with the landlord, especially if you have a crappy landlord who drags their feet about repairs. Years ago, I had my dad fix a burst water pipe way before my landlord ever returned the call.
Is there something about Aaron that would show up in a physical? His name is fake? Or is he just saying his brother couldn't write up a report without actually doing a physical?
Aaron is currently attending a lacrosse camp, pretending to be Tate Black. If they are requiring a physical, it would be Tate's that they need, that's my guess as to why he needs a forged report.
Nice job, Jason!

We all saw Mark flinch when Aaron mentioned forging a medical report.

Why didn't we see this sister posing as "Abby" before? Is this a retread of the revenge Sloan wanted against Chanel? If so, how is Clyde involved?

I think Steve is going to look into "Abby" now that the lie came out about her talking to Kayla.

Liked the remark about DNA tests in Salem.

How long can Chad keep "Abby" from Thomas and Charlotte?

Gabi's dig about EJ being better in bed than Stefan cut too deep. Will this really be the end of Stefan and Gabi?
Aaron is currently attending a lacrosse camp, pretending to be Tate Black. If they are requiring a physical, it would be Tate's that they need, that's my guess as to why he needs a forged report.
The cat's already out of the bag about Aaron taking Tate's place at lacrosse camp. They wouldn't be asking for a physical after camp.

I think Aaron just needs a physical for school, but Mark can't do it because they are related, so he said Aaron could go to another doctor at the hospital. Aaron understands that Mark just can't fill out the physical forms with another doctor's name. Of course Mark got uncomfortable, knowing he forged "Abby's" DNA test results.
LOL, JS.........I had just finished watching, came here, read the post.....and was about to say.........wait a sec. he is home from camp, the cat's out of the bag, etc. And yes, I agree, seems the physical is for school. There was a question about Tate's dad paying for camp his son did not attend, they figured since Tate's dad is "rolling in dough" he won't mind at all.
I like Gabi & Stefan. I hope they reconcile. Yes, he was drunk and she knew what she was doing, but it was tit for tat. I liked EJ laughing at that.

Yay, Stephanie had good hearing. And glad she asked her mom about it. I saw the wheels turning in Steve's head. People should question who she is texting.

Doesn't Chad question that the one "memory" Abigail had was being murdered? Seems weird, don't ya think?

Finally we know Mark and "Abby" are brother & sister. So, were their parents killed in wreck involving a DiMera? I don't remember any accidents but that doesn't mean anything. If they keep meeting in the park someone is going to see them.
Sorry I wasn't clear. It was this.
Or is he just saying his brother couldn't write up a report without actually doing a physical?
I'm not sure the reasoning but it could be beyond playing sports in school? I didn't have a physical until I was in my 20s.
Aaron is currently attending a lacrosse camp, pretending to be Tate Black.
It can't be this because Aaron is making an appointment for his own physical. He asked for Mark to write him one but Mark refused.
We all saw Mark flinch when Aaron mentioned forging a medical report.
Yes, because he has a conscience and has done this at least twice already.
Aaron understands that Mark just can't fill out the physical forms with another doctor's name.
I think he wanted him to sign his own name and not have a physical at all - I'm not sure the rules of the real world apply to Salem U hospital. See also: Kayla treating Abigail (the real one, in the past), Bo, Caroline; Sarah treating anybody; etc.

As others mentioned, it begs the question of if there's something wrong with Aaron that will be revealed by a physical.
The cat's already out of the bag about Aaron taking Tate's place at lacrosse camp. They wouldn't be asking for a physical after camp.

I think Aaron just needs a physical for school, but Mark can't do it because they are related, so he said Aaron could go to another doctor at the hospital. Aaron understands that Mark just can't fill out the physical forms with another doctor's name. Of course Mark got uncomfortable, knowing he forged "Abby's" DNA test results.
I think Aaron was originally asking Mark to forge the physical paperwork. Then when Mark said no, Aaron said he understood.

Aaron was also complaining about having to turn his head and cough. I'm not sure if they do that for physicals anymore. At my physical this year, they just checked blood pressure and did labwork.