Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 1, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Petersen-Brady Apartment - Sloan is giving everything over to Eric, statements, etc. He wants the truth from her. He scowls and she lies. She thinks nobody's good enough for him, leaves the apartment.

Spectator Offices (same establishing shot) - Leo brings in a basket from the mayor for Chad. Chad shares it with the group. Leo wants to be a reporter. Chad tells him he's hired someone else. Leo understands, Chad will keep him in mind if something else (the "Metro Desk") opens up. Leo asks for a raise, they can talk about it at his quarterly review. Leo is anxious for Dimitri's return. He takes some snacks and Chad seems bemused.

DiMansion - EJ and Nicole talk about how she's starting her job today. EJ takes calls about his jobs.

Hospital (same shot), examining room - Chanel is in a gown. Johnny is with her, Paulina brings a smoothie. Kayla arrives. Chanel is fatigued. Kayla says the symptoms could be anything; Paulina wants radiation poisoning ruled out right away. Kayla shoos the patient's husband and mother.

Hospital Waiting Area - Paulina frets, Johnny waits. Chad calls for a quote from the mayor, she tells him to call her assistant. Paulina retracts her request for Johnny to talk to Chad about her, she feels guilty about possibly poisoning Chanel. Later, Kayla comes out and says they have to wait for the bloodwork. Johnny goes in to Chanel's room. Paulina recaps the situation at top volume, Kayla hugs her.

Spectator/Petersen-Brady Apartment - Eric gets a call from Chad about an interview. Eric will bring Jude to his interview.

DiMera Offices (Establishing Shot) - EJ is working. His assistant comes in with coffee for herself. She's managing both his jobs using some software. The assistant has worked for every CEO starting with Stefano. They blather about business. Rita is her name. EJ wants her to pick up two case files at his DA office. She asks for a raise. Later, Rita brings his coffee and he is upset about the mayor story not being out yet. EJ recaps his problems with the mayor. Rita suggests he try being nicer to entrap the mayor.

Salem Inn, Leo's Room - Leo is counting the days (3 and some change) until Dimitri returns. Sloan shows up to strongarm Leo and she tries to sob story him. Leo is not buying it, Sloan makes a case that she and Eric are better parents than Nicole and EJ, Leo seems to bite but points out Eric is suspicious. She points out that Leo helps nobody by revealing the truth and suggests he and Dimitri start a new life away from Salem. Leo considers it. She leaves and Leo brainstorms ways to get rich. After running through some ideas for jobs, he settles on selling information to the DA. He weighs the pros and cons of tangling with a DiMera. He goes for a walk.

Spectator Offices - Nicole enters for her first day. Chad's working on the radioactive mayor story thanks to Nicole's tip. He wonders how she got the story idea, insinuates it was EJ. Flashback because we can't remember last Friday. She tells him she heard it in passing, lives with Johnny, etc.

Hospital Room - Chanel is worrying as Johnny enters. He promises her a long life with him.

Spectator Offices - Eric arrives with Jude, Chad said security alerted him. He hires Eric (could this not have been done over the phone?). Chad leaves, Nicole enters (now we know why he had to rush in).

DiMera Offices - EJ likes Rita's idea and plans to call Paulina right now to start building bridges.

Hospital Room - Paulina and Chanel and Johnny are waiting. She's texted Abe. EJ calls Paulina. She puts him off. Chanel is normal but pregnant.

Square - Sloan is bragging to Melinda via telephone about winning over Leo.

Salem Inn - Leo returns from his walk with mail. It includes a letter from Dimitri dumping him.

DiMera Offices - EJ fumes that Paulina hung up on him.

Spectator Offices - Eric and Nicole talk about how they are both new hires. Chad brings Eric's HR paperwork and needs them to meet with IT so they can start on a hot story together.

Hospital Room - Chanel is shocked because they use birth control. They are happy but Kayla looks worried. She explains that Chanel is 4-5 weeks along, thus her fetus was exposed to the radiation. The pregnancy is high-risk. They may not know anything for sure until the baby is born. Chanel cries. END
Oh, the new character Rita is just her........

thanks for the summary, Jason.......good job

was not expecting Dimitri to dump Leo, especially via a Dear John letter. Egads. And now, who will Leo hook up with next? We must be getting another new character, male, of course. Well, they did a good job with Rita, so.......fingers crossed.
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  1. Rita. Absolutely loved this character and her rapport with EJ. He always responds well to a tough mother figure keeping him in line, and this one worked soooo much better than awful Mayor Price. I also really loved him with Nicole. Why on earth do they keep forcing Eric and Nicole on us? It is just so tired at this point.

  2. Chad. Still the calm voice at the Spectator. Keeps Leo under control, gives Nicole boundaries, shortest interview ever with Eric, and not into that obvious bribe from (awful) Mayor Price.

  3. Johnny and Chanel. This whole story is offensive and irritating, but honestly the most egregious to me was that Johnny and Chanel did not even get that moment alone as a couple to find out they were going to have a baby without MOMMA hovering nearby. If I were a fan of this couple I would be so upset

  4. Sloan giving it back to Eric. You want to treat me like a child, then here is all my financial stuff. Have at it. I know she is a terrible-ish person but Eric is infantilizing her the way he does all his women and I love that she won't take it.

  5. Leo dumped by mail, ouch. Guess that means no more lovely Peter Porte (Dimitri) for me. That makes me sad. Leo's tears were genuine and the actor sold it but I don't really care as he is happy to sell what he knows about Jude for cash.
I knew it! When Chanel felt nauseous yesterday and ran to get sick, my first thought was "she might be pregnant".

Sami has been a grandmother, but EJ getting to be a grandpa is going to be just weird. Jude is going to be his stepson. So his grandchild and stepson will just be about a year apart, haha.
Awesome job, Jason!

I had enjoyed Leo and Dimitri and was looking forward to more escapades. Poor Leo, I really felt bad for him. But if that is Dimitri's true nature, the heck with him. Will Leo finish all those treats now?

Is it my imagination, or are Eric's scowls more intense now?

Blanket Baby is getting around.

I guess Chad is oblivious to Nicole and Eric's history, no hint at all he thought it would be a bad idea to hire them both.

Paulina SHOULD blame herself. If anything goes wrong with the pregnancy, it is all on her.

Love Rita! She needs to be on often.
So his grandchild and stepson will just be about a year apart, haha.
No different than Claire being born in 2005 and Ciara being born in 2006. Bo and Hope's granddaughter is a year older than their daughter.
Jude is going to be his [EJ] stepson.
Technically Jude is already EJ's stepson, except Sloan is the only one who knows this.
Rita was fantastic. I am thrilled at the idea that she's worked at DiMera through its rotating CEOs. I'd love to hear what she thought of the time Kate and Sami were co-CEOs.

I can't believe they ended Leo and Dimitri for a dumb plot point. Or was Peter Porte (Dimitri) too expensive?

Eric, take Nicole and your demon baby away. Good riddance if they can't tell another story.

Lastly - and I'm not being callous - but Chanel has a high risk unplanned pregnancy and she's super young. This is not a dramatic situation unless they force it to be.
I think we all loved Rita!. We sure have different opinions about other things.

Wait till Eric finds out the truth about the baby. He and Nicole ought to take Sloan and beat her to death. It's a sickening storyline and done before. Sloan and her cohorts being led off to jail will be my happy day. (I'm not in a very good mood today! Can you tell??)

Oh, by the way, Channel had a very heavy coat on when she was close to dear Momma.
I really like Nicole & EJ together but am not liking EJ that much.

Yes Sloan, you are not good enough for Eric, just like Nicole because Eric is a jerk.

Paulina! Can that woman ever shut up and not make everything about her? How does Abe love her? I knew Chanel was pregnant. I really don't think they need to worry. Her numbers were good so she may not have had any radiation. But yeah gotta play keep the baby or abort. Don't like that.

Does Leo not know that Eric is biologically Jude's father? Poor Leo got his heart broken by Dimitri. Lord knows what a Leo scorned is going to do.

Well, Sloan said I think everything is going to be okay so we know things will not be ok. Yay! Finally.
Since she changed the DNA results, yep, she would be (as would the lab tech who did the test....but we never hear anything from them, they must work down in the tunnels, and are held prisoner there, lol. just kidding!)

But this all means we are gonna run into a "needs blood, or DNA or something on that order...situation down the road a bit
Ejerk is seeking revenge and I sincerely hope it will come back to bite his keister.

Days is probably going to promote abortion with Chanel with Roe vs Wade being stuck down. Shows need to stay out of politics

Refresh my sleepy memory, where has Dimitri been?

Leo better be careful selling information to Ejerk.
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Dimitri has been in prison, and is supposed to be released in 3 days, so said Leo on the show.

Does anyone know the name of the actress who played Rita in today's episode? She is not listed anywhere, and the cast list for today only has a few contract actors named. I have tried to find info for over an hour. Rita is EJ's assistant, she really was terrific....and just curious. Wonder if we will see her again, or is it just a one time appearance. The credits list all the producers & directors, but only about 8 regular cast members.
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